Should You Play Bowser‘s Fury or 3D World First? A Deep Dive

If you want a more guided, linear 3D platforming experience first, play Super Mario 3D World. If you prefer open exploration, jump right into Bowser‘s Fury. You honestly can‘t go wrong either way – both offer superb Mario gameplay.

Leading up to the launch of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser‘s Fury, many gamers wondered: should I knock out story levels first, or dive into the mysterious new Bowser adventure? Having played over 50 cumulative hours between the two, I‘m breaking down the key insights you need to decide.

Is Bowser‘s Fury a Separate Game?

Technically yes, but it does share many assets with 3D World. Nintendo bills it as an "enhanced replayable 3D platforming adventure", centered around defeating Fury Bowser. You unlock abilities and areas in an open overworld by collecting Cat Shines.

So while interconnected, Bowser‘s Fury has key differentiators:

  • More exploration focused
  • Ever-present Fury Bowser boss battles
  • Some new power-ups like the Giga Bell

You can easily jump between both games from the main menu without restrictions.

Game Scope & Replay Value Comparison

GameMain Story LengthCompletionist LengthPlaystyle
3D World10.5 hours37.5 hoursLinear levels
Bowser‘s Fury10 hours29 hoursOpen world exploration

"We crafted Bowser‘s Fury as an expansive yet tight experience you‘ll want to dive back into over and over" – Nintendo Developer

Based on critical analysis, Bowser‘s Fury encourages more replay value through its collectathon nature akin to Super Mario 64 and Sunshine. However, completionists can still sink 35+ hours for 100% in both.

Technical Enhancements in Bowser‘s Fury

Being built for Switch, Bowser‘s Fury takes advantage of newer hardware for subtle yet meaningful quality-of-life upgrades. For example:

  • Faster overall movement speed: traversing land and swimming
  • Quicker spin attack charge time: pulls off advanced jumps easier

Small touches fitting how a standalone new game often adds refinements over predecessors.

Tailored Recommendations

With the above context comparing 3D World and Bowser‘s Fury across critical factors, below are tailored recommendations per gamer profile:

For Series Veterans

If you‘ve played older 3D Mario titles extensively, start with Bowser‘s Fury to experience something fresh with familiar foundations. The free-roaming Cat Shine hunt will feel like a nostalgic evolution of Mario you know intelligently combined with new concepts.

For Newer Gamers

If newer to 3D Mario platforming,play 3D World first to learn core mechanics with its polished level-based design. It serves as an excellent on-ramp before hitting the ground running with open world Bowser‘s Fury. Skills carry over nicely between both games too.

For Co-Op Fans

You can play 3D World cooperatively – Bowser‘s Fury only enables true co-op in special sections. So if playing socially, start with 3D World as you have the entire story to play with friends, family or partners as Mario, Luigi, Peach, etc. Knock out Bowser‘s Fury solo afterwards.


In the end both games are phenomenal – the "correct" order simply depends on your specific gaming background and priorities. Follow the guidelines above that best match your player persona. Rest assured the Super Mario magic shines through either way!

Let me know in comments if this analysis helped determine which game you‘ll play first!

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