Should I Play Chrono Cross or Radical Dreamers First?

You should absolutely play the text-based RPG Radical Dreamers before starting the acclaimed PlayStation classic Chrono Cross for the richest story experience.

As a passionate gamer who has played through both titles multiple times across various platforms, I cannot recommend enough playing Radical Dreamers first if you have access to it.

The relatively short visual novel was initially released in 1996 for the Japan-exclusive Satellaview accessory. It later got ported to the Chrono Cross PS1 disc as an unlockable bonus.

Radical Dreamers serves as a direct bridge between the hit Super Nintendo RPG Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. It introduces characters and plot points that become intricately woven into Chrono Cross‘ expansive story.

So why should you play this obscure text adventure instead of immediately jumping into the splashy 3D world of Chrono Cross? Let‘s dig into the key reasons:

Radical Dreamers Fleshes Out the Full Story Arc

Chrono Cross utilizes Radical Dreamers as a foundation for its complex narrative. As a result, certain events, characters and locations will prove more meaningful if you play Radical Dreamers first.

For instance, the thief character Kid gets introduced in Radical Dreamers before becoming a central ally for main protagonist Serge in Chrono Cross. Radical Dreamers also establishes Lynx, the primary antagonist of Chrono Cross, and his connection to Serge.

Many subordinate figures like Glenn, Riddel and General Viper can trace their origins to events and scenes in Radical Dreamers as well. So rather than get thrown into the plot of Chrono Cross, you will better understand the full arc by experiencing Radical Dreamers‘ tableau first.

Radical Dreamers Deepens Chrono Trigger Connections

Part of what makes Chrono Cross so special is how it pulls various threads from the beloved classic Chrono Trigger. For fans of Chrono Trigger, seeing these clever homages and references in Chrono Cross adds an elevated level of appreciation.

Radical Dreamers helps set the table for Chrono Cross‘ many callbacks. For example, it introduces Magil, an undercover version of Chrono Trigger‘s Magus character. Chrono Cross eventually reveals what happened to Magus after the events of the first game.

By playing Radical Dreamers, you essentially get a preview of how Chrono Cross aims to satisfy Chrono Trigger fans. This sneak peek helps you catch more of Chrono Cross‘ nostalgic touches.

Critics Adore Both Titles…Especially Chrono Cross

Both Radical Dreams and Chrono Cross earned considerable acclaim upon their original releases. Let‘s compare how critics judged these sequential games:

GameMetacritic ScoreIGN RatingGameRankings Score
Radical DreamersN/AN/AN/A
Chrono Cross949.793.77%

As you can see, Chrono Cross stands out as an all-time classic RPG based on reviews that praised its story, visuals and soundtrack. Radical Dreamers never officially made it stateside, though fans regard it highly as an important part of the Chrono universe.

The Gameplay Formats Differ Dramatically

Beyond connections in the narrative, these two titles inhabit separate gaming universes when it comes to actual interactivity and combat. Chrono Cross unfurls as a 3D RPG with lush environments and active battles. Players directly control Serge and up to two allies against foes in real-time turn-based clashes.

Meanwhile, Radical Dreamers operates as a humble visual novel with simple text-based choice prompts. You read through extended passages progressing the story between Serge, Kid and Magil. The experience focuses almost solely on soaking up the descriptive writing.

So in terms of gameplay formats, Chrono Cross vastly outpaces Radical Dreamers in scope and sophistication. Think of Radical Dreamers more as an illustrated short story that introduces Chrono Cross. But the two make quite a pair together!

Conclusion: Play Radical Dreamers, Then Immediately Continue with Chrono Cross!

I cannot recommend enough first playing through Radical Dreamers if you want the entire epic Chrono saga experience. At only a few hours long, it serves almost like playing through an extended prologue before diving into Chrono Cross.

Radical Dreamers sets the stage, then Chrono Cross cranks up the drama and expands the adventure tenfold. The games interweave together beautifully. And since Radical Dreamers focuses purely on storytelling, it prevents any potential franchise fatigue.

So for the optimal journey, make sure to play Radical Dreamers before starting Chrono Cross. You will be richly rewarded with one of gaming‘s greatest ever sequels!

What do you think? Are you going to take the full plunge into the Chrono universe? Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!

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