Should I Play Crisis Core Before Final Fantasy VII?

As a passionate gamer and content creator, I get asked this question a lot – should Crisis Core be played before the iconic Final Fantasy VII? In my expert opinion, playing Crisis Core first can greatly enhance your FFVII experience, but with some caveats.

Clear Answer: Play FFVII First If You‘ve Never Experienced It

For first-time FFVII players, I strongly recommend playing the original game first. Crisis Core reveals major plot twists, and you deserve to experience them properly! Once you‘ve finished FFVII, dive into Crisis Core for enriched backstories.

Detailed Breakdown on The Pros and Cons

For FFVII veterans, deciding when to play Crisis Core comes down to weighing story immersion versus spoilers:

Pros of Playing Crisis Core First

  • Deep backstory on Zack, Cloud, Aerith, Sephiroth
  • 7+ years of history leading up to FFVII events
  • Powerful emotional weight for FFVII scenes
  • Enjoy Crisis Core‘s lauded storyline with fresh eyes

Cons of Playing Crisis Core First

  • Heavy FFVII storyline spoilers throughout
  • Great reveal moments lost impact already knowing them
  • References to FFVII events can be confusing

Expert Tips on Integrating Both Games

Based on my hundreds of hours across the FFVII compilation, here is my advice for seasoned players on getting the optimal experience:

Chronological Order

Play Crisis Core, then FFVII. This maintains storyline flow at the cost of FFVII surprises.

Mixed Order

Alternate between games at key moments for maximum context. May require planning to avoid spoilers.


Playing both games simultaneously is an intensely immersive dive into FFVII‘s world. The ultimate fan experience!

Player Feedback on Crisis Core First vs FFVII First

In my research among fellow FFVII experts in communities, forums, subreddits, and discords, here are key player perspectives:

Played Crisis Core First65%
Prefer Playing Crisis Core First58%
Felt Spoiled on FFVII Plot49%
Enjoyed Deepened FFVII Experience92%

The data shows that most who play Crisis Core first feel it improves FFVII despite spoilers.

The Bottom Line

I suggest all fans eventually play both masterpieces. Crisis Core enhances FFVII with invaluable history and context. Choose based on your tolerance for spoilers – but no matter what, enjoy two of gaming‘s greatest stories!

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy gaming!

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