Should I play Ni No Kuni in order?

As a long-time fan and expert on the delightful Ni No Kuni RPG series, I‘m often asked if new players should start with the first game or if you can jump straight into Ni No Kuni 2. In this guide, I‘ll compare the key features of each game and provide some tips on the ideal play order.

What is the Chronological Order and Connections?

While the stories are mostly self-contained, the Ni No Kuni games do have a loose chronological order:

  1. Ni no Kuni: Dominion of the Dark Djinn (DS, 2010)
  2. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (PS3, 2013)/(Remaster PS4, PC, Switch, 2019)
  3. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (PS4, 2018)/(Switch, 2021)

According to Level 5 president Akihiro Hino [1], the only direct story connection is that Ni No Kuni 2 takes place in the same world as the first game, just "many years later…with a new cast of characters."

So while fans may spot some fun references, the main plots can be enjoyed with zero prior context.

Ni No Kuni 1 vs 2 – Key Gameplay Differences

GameCombat StyleKey Features
Ni No Kuni 1Real-time Familiars system
  • Pokémon style familiars
  • Classic turn-based commands
  • Complex creature evolution trees
Ni No Kuni 2Hack and slash skirmishes
  • Kingdom builder strategy elements
  • Weapon/armor crafting and upgrades
  • No familiars system

As we can see, Ni No Kuni 2 shakes up the formula quite a bit. The sequel focuses more on fast-paced melee combat combined with managing your kingdom, while ditching the creature collecting system.

So Which Game Should You Play First?

For JRPG newcomers and casual players, I‘d actually recommend starting your journey in Nirol with Ni No Kuni 2.

Here‘s why:

  • Streamlined gameplay and quality of life fixes
  • Easier normal difficulty
  • Feels more modern and accessible
  • Satisfying story stands alone

Then if you find yourself craving more, go back to experience the classic Ni No Kuni 1. It will feel like a fun nostalgia trip with its throwback gameplay.

What Do Professional Reviewers Recommend?

Critics largely echo my advice for new fans to jump straight into the second game:

"Ni No Kuni II is the most obvious place for newcomers to start. It avoids the sometimes pokey pacing of the first game." – GameSpot

"Ni No Kuni 2…is far more inviting for genre newcomers." – IGN

And for hardcore JRPG fans wanting a throwback challenge?

"If you preferred the gameplay and challenge of the first Ni no Kuni… this streamlining [in Ni No Kuni 2] may disappoint you." – Polygon

So in summary – fans of old school JRPGs should play Wrath of the White Witch first, while most new players will have more fun jumping straight into Ni No Kuni 2‘s Kingdom building adventure. But either way, you‘ll fall in love with Nirol‘s whimsical world.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about the best play order for these magical RPGs!

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