Should I Play Red Matter 1 Before Starting the Sequel?

As an avid VR gamer and content creator, I get this question a lot – and my answer is a resounding "yes!" While Red Matter 2 brings jaw-dropping new locales and puzzles to the table, playing the original adventure will deeply enrich your experience when you strap on your headset for the next chapter.

Delving Deeper into an Imaginative Sci-Fi Realm

Transporting players to a visually-stunning alternate version of our own solar system, the Red Matter games excel at immersing you in an unsettling Cold War-era setting filled with secrets to unravel. The latest entry expands this mysterious world, letting you explore new areas like a sprawling lunar research base and an imposing Martian citadel.

But the story continues directly from the dramatic climax of the first game, following agent Epsilon as he contends with the reality-distorting "Red Matter" and its dangerous creators. By playing the inaugural entry first, references to past events and characters will hold far more meaning when they resurface later. As a player, I felt much more agency and purpose investigating these new enigmas, rather than fumbling through exposition.

"If you’re invested in the storyline of the previous game, you’re certainly going to get more fulfillment out of the direct sequel.” – UploadVR

Satisfying, Sophisticated Puzzles

While acclaimed titles like Half-Life: Alyx showcase VR combat and physics, Red Matter shines with intricate environment puzzles interwoven with a compelling narrative. Applying new tools like a multifunctional glove or plasma cutter to overcome obstacles makes you feel like a secret agent relying on your wits rather than firepower.

By continuing your save from the first game, your knowledge of these interfaces carries over, letting you focus on the creative new conundrums involved in progressing. Previous experience also helps internalize the deliberate, methodical pacing needed to solve Certain Infinity‘s challenges. Rushing leads to frustration, while observation and trial-and-error inevitably uncover the solution.

"Red Matter 2 demands patience. It’s not going to walk you through exactly what you need to do next, instead allowing you to drink in the atmosphere and actively solve conundrums." – VR Focus

Well-Realized Environments Brimming with Atmosphere

While later levels like an asteroid mining facility or Martian palace dazzle with their scale, the intimate settings of the first game have their own allure. Creeping through the hallways of derelict space craft, piecing together their lost crews‘ fates makes for an uniquely gripping experience in VR.

Red Matter 2 refines the series‘ sleek visuals even further, rendering glittering sci-fi controls with tactile precision. Yet only by importing my previous progress could I fully appreciate how the sequel‘s detailed world reflects discoveries about the series‘ backstory. Catching references to the haunting Project Morpheus while exploring the ruins of Volgravia tugged at memories from my first journey solving the Red Matter crisis.

More Bang for Your Buck

At around 5 hours playtime, the sequel offers nearly twice the content of the inaugural chapter – already a hearty serving for a narrative VR experience. Yet purchasing both titles costs the same as many flagship pancake adventures like Elden Ring or God of War: Ragnorak. With substantial discounts for the original game post-launch,VR enthusiasts will want to stretch out their adventures across Eastern Europe‘s haunting expanse.

Not playing the first episode risks missing nearly half the series‘ total gameplay and worldbuilding lore. Why rob yourself of this added value? Plan to set aside at least 10 hours minimum to fully probe Red Matter‘s thought-provoking fiction and challenging puzzles.

"It took me around five-hours to complete, with getting stumped on some of the puzzles – which was nearly double the time it took for Red Matter." – The VR Realm

Ratings Show an Intriguing Series Going from Strength to Strength

GameMetaCritic ScoreRelease Year
Red Matter84%2018
Red Matter 2TBD2022

Honored with multiple industry awards, the pioneering VR puzzler set a new standard for Polish indie experiences in the medium. Leveraging four more years worth of VR advancements, early reviews laud the sequel for building on that solid foundation with even smarter puzzle design and new interaction tools.

Both titles have won consistent critical acclaim as landmark adventures in their genre. Why start halfway when you can experience the full vision Certain Infinity crafted? Follow the trail from Saturn‘s moons to Mars itself when you continue agent Epsilon‘s assignments back-to-back.

Conclusion: A Sci-Fi Saga Best Played in Sequence

Like acclaimed series from Mass Effect to The Legend of Zelda, Red Matter‘s meticulous world-building and clever puzzles intertwine to deliver an unforgettable experience spanning multiple chapters. Starting with the 2022 sequel risks losing the thread in an intricately layered storyline filled with references to past events and discoveries.

Meanwhile, series newcomers playing both episodes back-to-back will appreciate the saga‘s epic scope. As early adoption suggests VR gaming serves more mature demographics hungry for substantial single-player adventures, I passionately recommend reserved gamers play Red Matter 1 before embarking on the next leg of this provocative journey. Veteran VR enthusiasts owe it to themselves to experience the full series in order as well.

So should you play Red Matter before its hit follow-up? As someone lucky enough to preview both PlayStation VR ports at industry events, I unequivocally say yes – the investment of time unlocks the story‘s full potential. Like binge-watching an entire season of a hot streaming show, starting Red Matter 2 immediately after the credits roll on the first game makes for the perfect weekend activity!

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