Should I Play Sekiro Before Elden Ring? An In-Depth Analysis

As a hardcore fan who has put over 200 hours into both Sekiro and Elden Ring, I‘m often asked which FromSoftware masterpiece is better to play first. While there‘s no objectively right answer, analyzing how combat, difficulty and accessibility differ between the two reveals useful insights on where to start.

Let‘s dive deep on how each game uniquely prepares (or overwhelms) players for tackling the other!

Sekiro‘s Combat Emphasis Makes It a Primer for Elden Ring

While not a prerequisite, Sekiro introduces combat and traversal concepts that build crucial skills for surviving Elden Ring’s ruthless encounters:

Deflection Drives Sekiro’s Unique Posture System

Sekiro abandons standard hit point bars. Instead foes have a posture meter—when depleted fully with attacks, they’re left vulnerable to brutal one-hit finishers. This puts a razor-sharp focus on perfectly-timed parries and deflection. Mastering the extremely precise rhythm of Sekiro’s tight combat loops trains player reactions for Elden Ring’s emphasis on guard counters and riposting.

Sekiro Posture System

Sekiro‘s unique posture system (Source:

Stealth and Verticality Expand Approach Options

Sekiro also features robust stealth systems. While limited use against mainline bosses, stealth killing/running to avoids mobs trains an attention to terrain and environment interaction that pays off in Elden Ring. Grappling mobility further enhances this, teaching you to take 3D advantage of level geometry.

Relentless Enemies and Bosses Demand Constant Engagement

Sekiro pits solo players against endless waves of aggressive, churning foes forcing a nearly rhythmic tempo of deflect, counter and kill. Staying engaged is everything. Elden Ring requires similar unrelenting focus (despite co-op options) so Sekiro prepares that muscle memory.

Elden Ring’s Epic Scale Overshadows Sekiro

Now let’s examine Elden Ring’s equally exceptional (but more approachable) qualities:

An Ocean of Options Replace Handholding

While equally cryptic, Elden Ring’s sprawling open world eschews Sekiro’s linearity. With infinite paths to progress, overleveling and gear hunting replace skill gates. This alleviates (not eliminates) difficulty allowing players to tune the experience.

Summons and Magic Reduce Raw Reflex Dependence

Spirit summons and hundreds of weapon/magic builds divert focus away from twitch reflex challenges Sekiro revolves around. Support builds, in particular magic focused ones, teach newcomers to stay back, manage distance and capitalize on openings—great for less reactionary players.

Elden Ring Customization Options

Elden Ring‘s myriad customization options ease difficulty (Source: GameSpot)

Difficulty and Progression Comparison

Sekiro‘s linear, combat-focused design and Elden Ring‘s open ended RPG heritage deeply impact challenge and pacing:

SekiroElden Ring
Learning CurveExtremely steep, expect many early deathsSmoother early game, eases players in
CheckpointsFrequent checkpoints keep you in the actionLong runs after deaths test patience
Progression ControlSkill-gated with some grind optionsPlayer-directed growth via levels, gear
Overall DifficultyConsidered harder than any other From gameEasier optional content than past games

Sekiro‘s combat gating versus Elden Ring‘s open ended character growth

Let‘s analyze how these differences play out when deciding where to start your journey.

Which Game Should You Play First?

With deep dives on combat, difficulty and progression done, I‘ll share my personal recommendations on playing order based on your experience level.

Haven‘t Played Any Soulsborne Games Before? Go With Elden Ring

Despite the challenge, Elden Ring‘s flexibility makes it the most accessible entry point for series newcomers. Expansive options to flee, stealth or overlevel early help you find your feet without wholly skill-gating progress.

Magic and summons also act as safe introductions to punishing boss patterns—newcomers can contribute damage from afar while spectating veteran summons modeling winning play.

Lastly co-op summoning lets you pull in knowledgeable friends to guide learning without wholly carrying you through challenges. Their tips and tanking hits as you observe is great low-pressure practice.

Sekiro Veteran? Elden Ring Crank Up the Heat!

If you’ve face-tanked Genichiro, Sword Saint Isshin and their cruel ilk then Elden Ring awaits. Expect a similar tempo of relentless aggression backed by new layers of RPG complexity. Rally, stagger and posture concepts from Sekiro still broadly apply letting your skills transfer while still retaining fresh novelty.

And for those truly masochistic, try level 1 wretch runs refusing all summons and magic to fully recreate Sekiro‘s pure combat thrill.

Got Plenty of Soulsborne Experience? Coin Flip ‘Em!

If you‘ve already braved From‘s likes of Bloodborne, Demon Souls or Dark Souls then I‘d say comes down to personal preference.

Perhaps you crave more intricate combat rhythms – then dive straight to deflecting dance of Sekiro. Or maybe RPG customization and a vibrant open world holds more intrigue in which case welcome to the Lands Between! Both paths lead to fantastic games that will click quickly given your background.

While not mandatory, playing Sekiro first will hone your combat reactions and focus readiness for the countless dangers lurking in The Lands Between. But thanks to its openness Elden Ring also stands alone as the most friendly starting point for those new to FromSoftware‘s signature style of dark fantasy action.

Choose your own adventure based on what calls to you most. Just rest assured neither requires prerequisites to immerse yourself completely in two of the strongest Game of the Year contenders in years!

Let me know in the comments which adventure you chose first and how it prepared you for tackling the other FromSoftware masterpiece!

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