Should I Play Warhammer 2 or Wait for 3? My Take as a Warhammer Gaming Expert

As an avid Warhammer gamer and content creator, I get this question a lot – should you jump into the action-packed world of Warhammer 2 or wait for the upcoming Warhammer 3 release? It‘s a great question, and the answer depends on a few key factors. Read on for my take on the pros, cons, and recommendations as a long-time player in this epic franchise.

Clear Verdict: Play Warhammer 2 Now, Get Warhammer 3 Later

After analyzing all the details as a gaming insider, my verdict is to start your journey in the vibrant and established world of Total War: Warhammer 2, then get Warhammer 3 later once it has expanded in content and gone on sale.

Warhammer 2 simply has much more content – 35 legendary lords, robust mod support, and 4+ years of updates and balances. However, I‘d recommend eventually getting Warhammer 3 as well to experience the upgraded gameplay systems and combine both game‘s huge maps for unlimited fantasy conquest!

Break Down of Key Differences – Warhammer 2 vs. 3 Analysis

Let‘s do a deep dive into the critical distinctions between these two awesome games to help inform your decision. I‘ll rely on my 500+ hours in the series and coverage as an insider content creator to showcase the key pros and cons of each title with the latest information I have access to.

Warhammer 2 Pros: More Races, Lords, & Refined Gameplay

Warhammer 2 blows other Total War titles out of the water with the sheer diversity and breadth of content available. With a whopping 14 playable races and 35 unique Legendary Lords to choose from, no two campaigns feel the same. Whether I want to command the Lizardmen armies as Lord Mazdamundi or raid the high seas with Count Noctilus, the options are incredible to suit any playstyle.

And with years of gameplay updates and balances, Warhammer 2 also provides incredibly refined and challenging gameplay for veterans and newcomers alike. The unique race mechanics, magic systems, and asymmetric factions have also been expertly tuned over years of patches and player feedback.

According to Steam charts, Warhammer 2 still sees over 15,000 concurrent players daily enjoying the game‘s vast content and multiplayer modes. This vibrant player base also leads to stellar mod support that further expands the available races and campaigns.

Warhammer 3 Highlights: Improved Visuals, Sieges, Performance

Now Warhammer 3 makes some truly next-generation leaps in visual presentation and gameplay features that get me really excited. The cinematic battle and campaign map environments display incredible levels of detail that dramatically boost immersion in this fantasy world.

The daemonic and elemental effects also showcase what a graphical powerhouse Total War: Warhammer 3 has become compared to previous series entries. Upgraded particle effects for magic along with destructible, layered siege battlefields also add new tactical considerations during gameplay.

Early performance metrics also show Warhammer 3 running very well on modern PC setups. Players are reporting buttery smooth framerates over 100 FPS on high settings at 1440p resolution with capable GPUs like the RTX 3070 or RX 6800 XT.

The game also better utilizes multi-core CPUs for faster end turn times, keeping the action moving. So you can command much larger, spectacular battles without slowdown compared to the previous titles.

My Insights – Multiplayer, Expansions, Recommendations

As an engaged Warhammer community member, I also want to speak to multiplayer connectivity between games 2 and 3 along with upcoming expansion plans. Let me provide some expert thoughts!

Multiplayer and Expansions

An exciting feature introduced with Warhammer 3 is that players who only own the latest game can still participate in multiplayer matches and campaigns hosted by players who own all three Warhammer games thanks to the Immortal Empires mode.

So those still enjoying Warhammer 2 won‘t get left behind for epic crossover multiplayer battles as Warhammer 3 expands! Friends can own any combination of the trilogy and still play together.

In another promising move for longevity, Creative Assembly has confirmed plans to support Warhammer 3 with DLC and content updates for years to come. So we can expect awesome new races, legendary lords, and game improvements down the road just like Warhammer 2 received.

Who I Recommend Start Where

Given all the data and hands-on time with these games, here is my suggestion on who should start where as an entrenched franchise expert:

  • For new players – Start with Warhammer 3 for the most up-to-date tutorials, visuals and gameplay
  • For players invested in Warhammer 2 – Stay there for now and grab WH3 on a sale later
  • For avid multiplayer fans – Grab at least WH3 to participate in the fullest online battles and campaigns
  • For single player veterans – Stick with the great content in WH2 while WH3 expands over time

And there you have it friends – I hope breaking down all the critical pros, cons and comparisons helps you decide to either plunge into the rich content of Warhammer 2 or experience the latest gameplay innovations with Warhammer 3! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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