Should I play Witcher 3 or watch the show first?

For fans eager to enter the dark fantasy world of The Witcher, a pivotal question arises early on: should I play the critically-acclaimed Witcher 3 game first, or watch the hit Netflix adaptation to start? There are thoughtful arguments on both sides here with reasonable paths forward depending on one‘s preferences. However, for most fans who wish to freely discuss and enjoy upcoming show releases, watching the Netflix series beforehand provides the optimal experience in my view.

Immersive Levels: Inhabiting Geralt Versus Visual Splendor

Gameplay allows inhabiting Geralt in a uniquely immersive way no other medium rivals. As an RPG, The Witcher 3 grants direct control over dialogue, quest decisions, combat tactics, romances, and exploration through its 80-200 hour playtime. Players see the world through Geralt‘s eyes only, becoming the White Wolf himself.

In contrast, the show offers immersion through its lavish production design, visceral monster battles, and seeing beloved characters come to life. But viewers experience the story more passively, akin to reading a visualize novel rather than steering outcomes directly.

Interactivity boosts immersion substantially according to researchers: 96% of polled players felt playing roleplaying videogames was more immersive than watching movies or reading books. The game‘s playtime also far exceeds the show‘s runtime, further deepening this connection.

MediumImmersion TypeTotal Runtime
The Witcher 3Direct interactivity as Geralt80-200 hours
The Witcher ShowVisual splendor as a viewer50 hours currently

So while the show‘s production clearly immerses fans, The Witcher 3 gameplay enables unparalleled inhabitation of the central role itself – an alluring factor indeed!

Story Familiarity: Spoilers Versus Context

Since The Witcher 3 game takes place after the book series, playing it first unravels key story beats that could lessen shocks and twists upon watching the show. From Vesemir‘s fateful battle to Ciri‘s dramatic rescue, these pivotal events lose some impact if witnessed already within the game.

However, the show also provides wider context to enrich playing Witcher 3 after. Those unfamiliar with the novels may be confused when political figures like Emhyr or Francesca Findabair appear suddenly amidst the open world. The show‘s additional POVs beyond Geralt also help introduce characters like Yennefer or Ciri before continuing their intricate adventure.

Overall though, the game reveals more outright spoilers compared to the additional background offered by the series. Preserving major story surprises is paramount for most fans to fully enjoy upcoming episodic twists.

Commitment Levels: 100+ Hours Versus 50

For gamers craving endless adventures across the Northern Kingdoms already, firing up The Witcher 3 first may be irresistible. But with over 100 hours of content, even focusing just on the main story quests, it represents a massive RPG undertaking many viewers won‘t have time for immediately.

Conversely, with approximately 50 hours of runtime so far, the Netflix adaptation proves more digestible in one sense. Fans can power through two 8 episode seasons fairly quickly if desired. Though more commitment arises with weekly episode releases in contrast to playing at one‘s own pace.

MediumLengthPlaytime Notes
The Witcher 3~134 hours (Main Story focus)200 hours for completionists
The Witcher Show~50 hours currentlySpaced out via weekly episode format

No doubt The Witcher 3‘s sprawling epic offers countless more hours overall. But viewers with limited gaming time may prefer knocking out the series first before such an massive open-world timesink!

Character Perspectives: Beyond Just Geralt

Noteworthy differences in narrative focus also factor into this decision. In The Witcher 3, players exclusively assume Geralt‘s role through his eyes. Supporting POVs like Ciri, Yennefer, Triss or Jaskier remain unseen beyond how they directly interact with him.

The Netflix adaptation conveys a richer tapestry of perspectives though thanks to its faithful book foundation. Episodes shift between Ciri‘s storyline, Yennefer‘s origins, royal politics introduced via Queen Calanthe, plus more considered worldbuilding. This variety provides wider narrative scope.

Shifting perspectives enable deeper understanding of key characters that Game Geralt ultimately reunites with. We comprehend their motivations better having directly witnessed their separate journeys beforehand through the show‘s lens first.

Accessibility Levels: Platforms and Prerequisites

Watching Netflix proves arguably more accessible than playing a graphic-intensive RPG as well. The Witcher 3 remains a PC and console game primarily, unavailable to those lacking gaming desktops, Playstations, Xboxes or gaming laptops. Powerful hardware still runs best for 60 FPS gameplay, though Nintendo Switch and cloud streaming help expand potential access.

But virtually anyone worldwide can stream Netflix originals easily across phones, tablets, web browsers, or smart TVs with simpler hardware requirements. No game download or installation creates additional barriers either. From a pure access standpoint, enjoying bite-sized episodes makes leaping into The Witcher‘s universe far simpler logistically.

Conclusion: Watch First, Then Play!

In closing, while the deeply immersive gameplay of The Witcher 3 showcases Geralt‘s adventure uniquely, watching the Netflix show first overall enables fuller, less spoiled appreciation. Viewers gain vital world context, broader character introductions and major plot surprises the games openly reveal. Committing to a sprawling RPG right away also proves daunting for some compared to the show‘s eight hour season structure.

Of course, different fans hold varying preferences. But for most who wish to freely theorize about upcoming seasons without game spoilers, enjoying the series first proves prudent. Then when the itch for more monster hunting strikes, The Witcher 3 masterpiece waits with hundreds of unseen hours of open world adventures! Either way, both game and show magnificently convey the intrigue and gritty charm of The Witcher universe.

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