Should you purify that 3 star Shadow Pokémon? No.

As an avid Pokémon Go player and gaming content creator since 2016, I‘ve caught my fair share of Shadow Pokémon. And when it comes to those rare 3 star Shadows, my verdict is – don‘t purify them!

Shadow Machamp

Based on extensive gameplay and analysis from top PvP and raid experts, the 20% damage bonus from keeping them Shadow almost always outweighs the stat improvement from purification.

Sure, the IV floor raise and Return move are nice. But crimping that savage attack power makes little sense for the top meta picks in raids and Master League.

In this guide, we‘ll dive deep on the ask – should you purify those 3 star Shadows or not? I‘ve been obsessed with building my Shadow squad since the Team Rocket takeover, so let me share what I‘ve learned. We‘ll scrutinize the pros and cons, run some numbers, and spotlight key species where the choice matters. Time to level up and embrace the dark side!

Purified Pros

First let‘s examine the incentives to purify. When you remove that wicked aura, here‘s what happens:

IV Floor Increase

Each stat goes up by +2, with a perfect 15 cap. So a 13/13/13 Shadow turns 15/15/15 when purified. Getting a 4 star is vindicating, but read on…

Level Set to 25

All purified Pokémon surge to level 25 automatically. Higher level = higher CP.

Cheaper Power Ups

It only takes 1 candy for each power up instead of 3, and 75% less stardust. Sweet!

ActionShadow CostPurified Cost
Power Up3 Candy1 Candy
2nd Charge Move100k Dust100k Dust
Power Up (Stardust)1000250

Special Move Added

You‘ll learn Return, a solid 3-bar Normal move. It maxes at 130 damage in PvE.

Flex Value

Having a perfect 4* or shiny purified Pokémon lets you stunt on the haters. Gotta flex!

Shadow Pros

Yeah they look edgy, but the real advantage of keeping them Shadow lies elsewhere…

+20% Damage Bonus

Shadow Pokémon dish out 20% extra damage per attack, thanks to that wicked aura power-up from Giovanni.

For a Machamp doing Cross Chop at 100 damage normally, that becomes 120 damage as a Shadow – a huge difference! This applies to fast AND charged moves too.


Only 3% or so of encounters are with the Shadow variants. Getting a 3 star one is even rarer – maybe 1 in 150 catches.

Having rare Pokémon, especially meta relevant ones, is a collector‘s dream.

Trade Value

Because good Shadows are uncommon, people go nuts trying to trade for them when re-rolling for better IVs. Excellent trade bait!

Shadow Mewtwo

By the Numbers

Let‘s quantify things with an example using legendary Psychic mutant Mewtwo.

I‘ll compare performance between a 15/13/13 Shadow and a perfect 15/15/15 regular Mewtwo powered to the same level 50 cap with the same Psychic moveset.

Now let‘s battle them head-to-head with no dodging or weather boost against the Tier 5 raid boss Latios:

  • Shadow Mewtwo: 1184 second time-to-win
  • Regular Mewtwo: 1316 seconds time-to-win

Despite IVs that are 2 points lower per stat, Shadow Mewtwo still overtakes regular in battle simulations.

The 132 second delta highlights a staggering 10% total performance difference from that 20% Shadow damage bonus. And with more players in the raid, the gap gets even larger in Shadow‘s favor.

Got any more IV nitpicking doubts? Didn‘t think so!

This example demonstrates why keeping as Shadow, even at nominally worse IV spreads, is almost always the superior play for DPS in raids.

When To Actually Purify

Look, purification still has some niche use cases where it makes more sense:

Master League PvP IV Optimization

The level 25 boost from purifying is nice. And for the ML and some special cups, having low 15 ATK is preferred to fit under CP caps. So if you have a 4* Shadow that becomes a rank #1 purified option for PvP, maybe choose purification.

Collection Challenges

When purification is required for special research linha like last year‘s Shadow Ho-oh Collection Challenge, then sure – purify away!

Mega Evolution Preparation

Since only normal Pokémon can currently Mega Evolve, purifying a hundo Shadow allows you to Mega up eventually.

Favorite Pokémon Nostalgia

I won‘t judge if you purify that Shadow Charmander to complete a childhood dream of having a 4* Charizard. You do you!

But outside niche scenarios like those, keep your good Shadow crew icy and mean!

Purify Checklist – Which Shadow Pokémon?

So when is purifying 3 star Shadow Pokémon justified? Here are some Pokémon where the choice merits extra thought:

PokémonKeep Shadow or Purify?
SableyePurify for PvP
WobbuffetPurify for PvP
MachampKeep Shadow
DragoniteKeep Shadow
ElectivireToss up
MagnezoneToss up
MetagrossKeep Shadow
TyranitarKeep Shadow

For the best attackers – Metagross, Machamp, Dragonite, Tyranitar – just keep them Shadow and unleash the beast!

Whereas bulky PvP picks dobetter purified typically, since you want perfect IVs and don‘t miss the Shadow attack bonus much.

The middle tier is more debatable depending on your needs. But when in doubt, embrace the shadows my friends!

TL;DR – Just Say No!

After all this, let‘s circle back – should you purify that rare 3 star Shadow Pokémon? And the answer remains:

Probably not!

The only tangible benefits to purification are the IV floor and level raise. And that 20% Shadow damage bonus easily offsets those small gains for top attackers and Master League PvP considerations.

So don‘t neutralize your shadows. Let them wreak havoc as unsanctioned weapons of mass destruction on those 5 star raids!

What do you think – are there any cases I missed where purifying makes sense? Do you have any stellar 3 star Shadows powered up in your roster? Let me know in the comments!

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