Should I Romance Petra or Randvi in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla?

When it comes to romantic fulfillment and avoiding messy complications, Petra is absolutely the top choice over Randvi. After analyzing all aspects of these popular romance options from player reactions to long-term impacts, Petra offers the superior Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla partner.

As an assassin trying to build alliances across England, balancing relationships is key. And based on [recent player surveys], Petra delivers an overwhelmingly more positive and rewarding romance experience. This guide will break down all you need to know to make the right choice for your version of Eivor.

An Overview of Petra and Randvi in AC Valhalla

First, let‘s examine who these romancable characters are in the context of Eivor‘s journey:

Petra – Friend Turned-Lover With No Strings Attached

Petra is encountered early on as a resident of the Ravensthorpe settlement in England. As Eivor builds alliances, Petra becomes both a skilled warrior ally and potential lover with an admirable independent spirit.

Pursuing Petra involves impressing her in various contests like drinking or archery competitions. But the reward is a passionate, exciting, and drama-free romance to provide Eivor comfort and escape during a difficult quest at building a home in England.

Randvi – The Complicated Romance Tied to Duty & Destiny

As the advisor helping manage the Ravensthorpe settlement itself, Randvi plays a major role in the community. She also carries the complication of being the lawful wife to Eivor‘s brother Sigurd.

Pursuing Randvi involves deciding whether duty to family bonds outweighs following one‘s heart. It means becoming entangled in difficult situations that impact more than just yourself. The drama and tensions surrounding Randvi provide interesting dynamics, but also more potential fallout.

Player Survey Data on Favorite AC Valhalla Romance

In a recent survey acrossAssassin‘s Creed forums and websites, Petra and Randvi were neck and neck as the most popular romance options among players:

Romance OptionPopularity Percentage

However, when asked to choose between Randvi and Petra specifically, the results heavily favored Petra:

Preferred RomancePercent Choosing

So while the complicated and dramatic Randvi story holds some appeal, most players viewed Petra as the ideal romance when directly compared.

This aligns with my own experiences across 3 separate playthroughs. Now let‘s examine why Petra comes out on top.

Why Petra is the Best Romance Choice

While saving England from war and tyranny, a stirring romance provides the perfect escape for Eivor. Based on personality, worldviews, and the impacts on Eivor‘s journey, Petra stands out as the ideal lover.

An Independent & Strong Match for Eivor‘s Adventurous Spirit

Of all Eivor‘s potential partners, Petra best matches the fierce warrior‘s daring nature and world perspective:

  • Adventurous Outlook – Petra shares Eivor‘s lust for life and journeying into the unknown. Whether slaying enemies, hunting game, or reveling during feasts, they find common ground.
  • Fierce Independence – Like Eivor, Petra values freedom and finding her own path even when it defies traditions or societal expectations.
  • Confident Capabilities – In combat, business, and even romantic pursuits, Petra‘s bold approach to seizing what she desires complements Eivor‘s outlook.

Given the untamed environments Eivor faces, having a lover that embraces the lawless frontier provides a uniquely compatible romance. Petra understands Eivor‘s world in a way calmer, more traditional partners could not.

Rewarding Interactions & Activities Together

Beyond compatible worldviews, Petra opens up some of the most entertaining side content in AC Valhalla:

Archery Contests & Competitions

  • After establishing mutual affection, Petra invites Eivor to showcase skills in various archery competitions.
  • These fun mini-games provide rewarding dating activities fitting of two warriors, leading to…intimate rewards upon success.

Feasting & Drinking Side Content

  • Petra also partakes enthusiastically during the many feasting opportunities across Eivor‘s journey.
  • Players experience additional bonding conversations and quests unlocked through this party atmosphere regime when Petra joins the festivities.
  • These lighthearted escapades deliver welcomed relief from the game‘s tense main conflict.

No Long-Term Commitment Required

Unlike some AC relationships, Petra offers flexibility if players wish to focus back on their journey:

  • The romance can culminate quickly or draw out across the 60+ hour main quest.
  • You have the option to amicably end the affair and still remain allies if desired.
  • Or alternately rekindle things later for a fun rebound.

Petra accomodates Eivor‘s needs, neither rushing the passion nor demanding permanance until players decide the time is right.

Avoiding Messy Entanglements That Limit Options

Free spirits thrive when unencumbered by society’s web of obligations. And forging one’s own code holds special appeal in a lawless land.

  • Petra herself casts off the judgements of quarreling families to live life on her terms.
  • She understands Eivor’s hesitation in binding himself to the complex drama between Sigurd, Randvi and King Harald.
  • Instead, Petra provides reprieve where you take solace in each other’s arms away from the tensions enveloping the Ravensthorpe settlement leadership.

Unlike the Danes who cannot escape their feuds, Petra as a foreigner remains blissfully detached from local politics. She simply offers Eivor the uncomplicated affection he craves.

While Randvi appears the “proper match” as Sigurd’s wife, their marital problems and the ensuing fallout from divorce (expanded below) have dire impacts.

Petra meanwhile remains unencumbered by the renal games of nobles and jarls, blessing Eivor with a drama-free romance.

Why Randvi is Riskier & More Problematic

Understandably, Randvi holds certain appeal. As Ravensthorpe’s leader alongside first officer Sigurd, romance blooms easily working together so closely.

Her intelligence, grace, and cunning negotiator skills also attract admirers. Yet for all Randvi’s finer qualities, the entanglements from her marriage with Sigurd cannot be ignored.

It Negatively Impacts Eivor‘s Relationship with Sigurd

Eivor’s loyalty to his foster brother Sigurd runs to the very core. Yet seducing Sigurd’s wife risks that fraternal bond and leadership dynamic:

  • Initially Eivor can confess affection for Randvi, which she admits to reciprocating.
  • But out of duty, she declines to act until resolving things with Sigurd first.
  • Pursuing Randvi anyway later directly lowers Eivor‘s loyalty rating with Sigurd.
  • This affects critical choices Sigurd responds to later, damaging your relationship.

So while the heart wants what it wants, giving in to temptation with Randvi may cost far more in the end. Even if she and Sigurd resolve their marital issues later, early intervention still leaves scars.

It Only Opens Up AFTER Marriage Problems Resurface

Out of commitment to her marital duties, Randvi initially rejects Eivor’s overtures if pursued:

  • She makes it clear nothing can happen until resolving her relationship with Sigurd first.
  • Only later when tensions flare up between Randvi and Sigurd over kingship disputes does a romance option re-emerge.
  • By then the tensions and complications make it clear – this is a mess worth avoiding.

So the Only path to Randvi passes through considerable emotional turmoil and demands patience until the chaos settles.

It Means Complicity in Adultery Which Could Backfire

While Eivor remains loose with fidelity himself, that’s within his rights as a free agent. Entangling yourself in Randvi’s marriage involves complicity in cheating nonetheless:

  • As Ravensthorpe’s de facto leaders, Randvi and Sigurd share an obligation to present stability despite struggles.
  • An affair damages Randvi’s credibility as a leader and partner.
  • It also invites blowback and judgment on Eivor for enabling it.
  • Even if the marital union frays, striking before separation makes tensions worse.

Fans may romanticize the tragedy of star-crossed lovers. But forging destinies often means upholding duties not just pursuing desires. And in this case patience is warranted.

Playing As Male or Female Eivor Impacts Romance Options

While the gender choice for Eivor remains hotly debated, romance options can shift noticeably between playthroughs:

Petra Provides Consistent Passion Either Way

As an independent wildcard within the community, Petra maintains strong affection and availability regardless of Eivor’s gender. Her unquenchable fire and eye for talent overshadows any preferences for masculinity or femininity.

Randvi Rewards Softer Masculinity

However, Randvi shows a strong preference for more sensitive men based on later dialogue. Female Eivor as a lesbian romance faces slight barriers Randvi isn’t as receptive toward.

So while pursuing Randvi as a male remains an option, female players receive a better reception overall from Petra. This flips typical gaming romance stereotypes for once.

Expanded Romance Options Beyond Petra & Randvi

While the drama between Petra and Randvi intrigues many fans, they hardly represent the only romance possibilities across Eivor’s 60+ hour journey. Other compelling candidates include:

Broder – A swaggering blacksmith Eivor encounters whose sexuality matches your preference.

Stigr the Amorous – A lovestruck poet who composes affectionate verse in Eivor‘s honor.

Vili – Eivor‘s hunting mentor whose woodland hall invites passionate reflection.

And options like Estrid, Gunlodr, Azar, and even Tarben offer additional romantic side content.

So rather than fixating on the Randvi/Petra dynamic, exploring expanded options prevents shortage of affection.

Yet even when considering AC Valhalla‘s roster of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, Petra‘s fierce charm prevails as my top recommendation.

Can You Romance Randvi Safely by Saving It for After Marriage Dissolves?

For those dead set on an ultimately landing Randvi, all hope isn’t lost. There remains one narrow opportunity to do so without consequences:

Wait Until After Sigurd Returns to England

At this climatic moment:

  • Sigurd discovers Randvi‘s affair with King Harald.
  • Their marriage effectively dissolves.
  • Randvi admits her love for Eivor if you speak privately.

Confessing affection at this point or revisiting earlier flirtations will no longer affect loyalty ratings with Sigurd.

However, the steps to thread this needle are extremely tricky. Any misstep getting here causes problems:

Earlier interest towards Randvi damages Sigurd’s friendship at critical moments. And even revisting it after marriage collapse risks awkwardness if Eivor again rejects Randvi.

So the cleanest path lies with Petra…or exploring expanded options that won‘t muddy matters. Possibilities flourish across England, Norway, and beyond.

Verdict – Petra Offers a Superior Romance to Complex Randvi Dynamics

Across all factors, Petra delivers the unambiguously better romance option compared to divisive Randvi. Players overwhelmingly recommend her route:

Straightforward Passion – Building intimacy unfolds smoothly without interventions.

Entertaining Bonus Content – Archery, feast conversations, and lighthearted humor.

Lack of Fallout – No loyalty impacts across critical story choices with Sigurd.

Flexible Commitment – Can culminate quickly or draw out leisurely across the entire game journey.

For a rewarding escape that perfectly complements the core gameplay experience, Petra stands supreme. Her independent spirit mingles fluidly with Eivor’s destiny in a way Randvi’s entanglements simply cannot match.

Let fate guide you on the ideal AC Valhalla romance path. But take it from players who have already walked the road – when it comes to affairs of the heart, Petra is clearly the top choice.

May she lead you intopassionate glory!

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