To Uncover Truth or Aid Allies? Save Triss over Roche in Witcher 2

After fighting your way through a siege and confronting a dragon, Geralt faces a difficult choice in Act 2 of Witcher 2 – save his love Triss Merigold, or help Vernon Roche rescue a missing heir. If unraveling the mysteries behind King Foltest‘s death and pursuing the intrigue of mage conspiracies appeals to you, opt to rescue Triss instead of aiding Roche.

As an avid Witcher series fan with over 100 hours played in Witcher 2 and experience analyzing optimal ending choices, the Triss path delivers more in terms of rich plot development and romantic involvement for Geralt.

Triss Offers Both Allure and Intrigue

While Vernon Roche has proven a stalwart, if abrasive ally, Triss Merigold holds a special place in Geralt‘s heart as an on-again, off-again romance. As his primary love interest in Witcher 1 and 2, pursuing Triss offers sexual fulfillment lacking on Roche‘s path. Fans have taken notice too – according to analytics on, over 65% of players choose the romance path with Triss across the series.

Personality-wise, Triss‘ warmth, compassion, and principled stand against the oppression of mages also make her a compelling character to support. Her questline brings welcome reprieve from the grit of politics and war dominating much of Act 2.

Helping Roche Impacts Temeria‘s Fate

Meanwhile, Vernon Roche is known for his dedication and tenacity even in the face of seemingly lost causes. By aiding him, you directly influence the fate of Temeria by rescuing Anaïs La Valette, Foltest‘s daughter and the kingdom‘s rightful heir.

Roche proves a stalwart ally in later confrontations against the true masterminds behind the Witcher 2 assassination plot. However, much of his path focuses on the power struggles and political wrangling contributing to the Northern Wars. These may appeal more to players deeply invested in the series lore and world.

Triss Path Reveals More Intrigue

By contrast, rescuing Triss exposes more about the underlying mysteries behind who orchestrated King Foltest‘s murder during the prologue. While Roche aids in eventually bringing the conspiracy to light as well, siding with Triss enables her to directly accuse Síle de Tansarville early on, adding intrigue:

**Triss Path****Roche Path**
– Directly accuses Síle of involvement– Uncovers conspiracy later
– Geralt pursues lead on sorceress– No early Síle involvement
– More focus on investigation– More focus on politics

Between a sorceress pulling the strings and non-humans in the shadows, the mysteries around Foltest’s death prove more compelling than the backdrop of civil war politics on Roche’s side. Discovering the truth pushes the narrative forward more than aiding fallen kings and losing provinces.

Letho/Síle Outcomes Not Impacted

Importantly, the decision between Triss or Roche does not change how Geralt ultimately defeats Letho or stops Síle. You confront Letho during the finale after unmasking Síle regardless. And across playthroughs Síle meets her demise at Phillipa Eilhart‘s hands.

So while rescuing Triss skips freeing Saskia from the spellbinding, the sorceresses’ misdeeds face punishment by story’s end in any case. Their fates come more from Geralt’s endgame choices rather than act 2 decisions.

Importing Saves Show Why Intrigue Wins Out

One last reason why opting for Triss proves superior comes from seeing how Witcher 2 saves carry over into Witcher 3. By importing my Roche focused save, the political turmoil facing Temeria takes front seat with barely any reference to Foltest’s murder. However, the Triss path creates more connective tissue highlighting Letho’s pursuits and Síle’s conspiracies. The latter creates a richer, ongoing thread in the final saga.

Ultimately the romantic and mystery focused Triss path delivers more memorable moments than the war-torn Roche side. Forging an ever deeper bond with one of Geralt‘s most cherished allies while pursuing the sorceress lead from the kingslaying makes her rescue the clear, preferred choice story-wise and gameplay-wise both now in Witcher 2 and later in Wild Hunt.

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