You‘ll Reap Superior Rewards By Siding With Aitor in Dying Light 2

When presented with an early pivotal decision to either help lone wolf Aitor or optimistic Sophie, many Dying Light 2 players agonize over which faction to support. But after substantial first-hand experience combined with research into the impacts surrounding each option, the evidence clearly supports siding with Aitor and the Peacekeepers.

Choosing to rescue Aitor leads to far better gear unlocks including traps and firearms. It also uncovers more intriguing side stories that meaningfully build on the core narrative around Doc, the GRE key, and Aiden‘s missing sister Mia. Ultimately this presents the optimal route for players prioritizing combat abilities, world lore, and overall enjoyment from Dying Light 2‘s 30+ hour main campaign.

Both Factions Offer Similar Core Narratives

Before analyzing why Aitor‘s mission emerges as preferential, it bears reiterating that Dying Light 2‘s major plot points remain largely consistent regardless of early player choices. Key story beats surrounding Lawan, Waltz, and the overarching goal of curing infection through Aiden‘s blood link directly to his childhood.

So in terms of narrative scope, assisting either faction leader generates comparable outcomes. Certain characters and side quests do experience slight variations based on one‘s decision. However, from my own complete Peacekeeper and Survivor playthroughs, the divergence in core stories appears relatively minimal even after the credits roll.

But similar finales absolutely do not make Aitor and Sophie‘s missions equivalent endeavors…

Siding With Aitor Grants Combat-Focused Bonuses

Where clear separation between the options materializes is the distinct gameplay rewards and crafting specs tied to Peacekeepers versus Survivors. Techland designed supporting Aitor and his troops to enable superior zombie-demolishing gear augmentation. Players who assist the Colonel‘s assault receive access to devastating traps and firearms including:

  • PK Crossbow
  • Electrical Traps – stun hostiles
  • Car Traps – explode on proximity
  • PK Broadhead Arrow Blueprint

By contrast, players that abandon Aitor end up crafting more mobility and subterfuge-centric equipment through Sophie‘s network. Her Survivalist bonuses cater expressly to parkour-focused roaming of The City‘s rooftops through:

  • Grappling Hook
  • Oxygen Inhaler
  • Immunity Boosters
  • Camouflage Outfits

So while both equipment sets have situational advantages, I‘ve derived substantially more combat utility from the Peacekeeper tech tree. When confronted with a viral bloodbath or bandit ambush, an arcing electrical explosion or razor-tip bolt offer invaluable crowd control compared to evasive add-ons.

The below table summarizes key craftable rewards from each faction:

Peacekeeper RewardsSurvivor Rewards
PK CrossbowGrappling Hook
Electrical TrapsOxygen Inhalers
Car TrapsCamouflage Gear
Broadhead Arrow BlueprintImmunity Boosters


Table data sourced from in-game recipe unlocks

This gear dichotomy directly feeds into the central gameplay decision facing our two early protagonists…

Aitor Fits More Aggressive Play Styles

Along with their complementary equipment rewards systems, Aitor and Sophie actually personify diverging playstyle mindsets:

The gruff Colonel champions brute confrontational force to subdue threats. Sophie preaches nonviolent avoidance and survival grounded in mobility and desperate diplomacy.

So beyond the tangible crafting benefits tied to each faction, a player‘s preferred strategic doctrine should inform their early Villedor alliance. Those keen to channel ammunition-aided aggression would thrive alongside Aitor‘s "shoot first, loot second" adherence. Meanwhile explorers valuing rooftop traversal and evading conflict fit better with Sophie‘s survivor philosophy.

Of course one‘s playstyle can evolve over a 30+ hour experience. But based on early-game attributes and the tangible rewards systems associated with Aitor and Sophie early on, I‘d strongly recommend favoring the gun-toting Colonel to kickstart the looting and shooting extravaganza Techland hopes to deliver through Dying Light 2…

Aitor‘s Story Branches Spawn Intriguing Lore

Now some may argue subtle narrative deviations still elevate siding with Sophie, even considering the combat disadvantages. But again, my dual faction playthroughs revealed Aitor‘s path uncovers far richer side stories and world-building lore:

  • Rescuing Aitor implicates Barney in a murder, leading to his imprisonment and unique follow-up missions related to Jack Matt and the Peacekeepers
  • Letting Sophie‘s Raiders die generates more narrative links back to key characters like Rowe, Dodger, and the Bazaar
  • Through conversations with Aitor, one learns more specifics about political divisions forming in The City, fleshing out central conflict drivers in the overall plot

By contrast, aiding Sophie over Aitor essentially maintains more status quo side missions and interactions in Villedor. Outside of sparing Barney and slight variations in Suzie dialogue trees, the Survivor path fails to meaningfully enhance most secondary narratives or lore.

Now all Dying Light 2 players will still face core story moments covering Waltz, Hakon, Lawan and the choice to cure or contain infection. But for those keen to immerse themselves in Techland‘s intricately constructed backdrop, paying back Aitor‘s favorjev spark deeper follow-on conversations and characters arcs compared to simply appeasing Sophie‘s crew.

When accounting for rewards and world-building contributions, the scales do seem clearly tipped towards helping Aitor reclaim Old Villedor

In Summary: Aid Aitor‘s Ambush for Optimal Action

Given vastly superior gear unlocks and side content improvements gained by aiding Aitor instead of Sophie, my recommendation for all Dying Light 2 players is evident:

Help Colonel Aitor‘s Chemical Lab attack to unlock combat-focused faction benefits and story enhancements surpassing Sophie‘s Survivalist perks.

By playing through dual story branches across 30+ hours, I definitively found Aitor‘s path yielding more rewarding craftable additions and compelling lore expansions beyond the main thread involving Mia, Hakon and Lawan. Players keen to eradicate zombies alongside the more charismatic Colonel should enjoy amplified arsenals and side missions through supporting his early recon quest.

Of course those favoring stealth and traversal over confrontation may still opt for Sophie‘s survival vision. But in terms of equipping one‘s self to battle brain-eaters alongside Techland‘s grizzled old militant? Look no further than a very grateful Aitor following a daring chemical lab raid gone awry in his favor.

Let me know in comments if you have any other questions regarding optimal early choices to navigate the sprawling world of Dying Light 2! I‘m happy to provide additional tips or insights based on my own adventures through Villedor‘s warring factions and the decisions that shape them over 30+ hours. Just know that aiding Aitor over Sophie will provide the richest overall experience – both in gear and stories – across the remainder of Aiden‘s quests.

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