Should I Start The Witcher 3 on Death March Difficulty?

As an experienced gamer and content creator focused on RPGs, I receive this question a lot – and there‘s no consensus answer. For hardcore fans thirsty for a challenge, Death March can provide one of the most rewarding and epic playthroughs in gaming. However, its brutal punishment is not for the faint of heart. This definitive guide will analyze if you should take on The Witcher 3‘s infamous top difficulty or not.

What Actually Is Death March Difficulty?

Unlocked after completing the game once, Death March amps everything up to nightmarish levels:

  • Enemies have over 150% more health than the second hardest setting "Blood and Broken Bones"
  • Attacks deal nearly double damage, making just a few hits lethal
  • Experience rewards reduced by 20%, slowing level progression

Additionally, creature resistances are increased, potion toxicity climbs faster, food regenerates less health, and fall damage height is lowered. These combined factors transform The Witcher‘s combat into a pulse-pounding struggle for survival where a single misstep could mean Geralt‘s head on a spike.

Should YOU Attempt Death March?

According to achievement tracking sites, only 15-20% of players have unlocked the coveted "Walked the Path" achievement. Most either lack the skill or patience for such tribulations.

I‘d only recommend Death March for:

  • Veteran Fans: On second or third playthrough, over 200 hours played
  • Masochists: Desire ultimate challenge beyond extreme
  • Completionists: Want that brutal brag-worthy achievement

If you fall into those categories, strap your silver sword tight. Make ample preparations across upgraded abilities, stockpiled items, high-level weapons, and learned enemy tactics. Set aside organs you can live without. Then pray to your choice of deity, as this promises to test the limits of your RPG prowess over ~200 hours for full completion.

However for Witcher novices drawn by the Netflix hype, flee far away lest ye be fooled. Attempt an easier setting first to avoid unutterable agony and heartbreak! Then consider ascending the peak after gaining experience.

Surviving The Death March Ordeal

Think Bloodborne meets Dark Souls on bath salts. Encounters expected to be easy can rapidly turn lethal if you don‘t use every trick and tool available:

  • Pick skills granting health regen bonuses – sustained damage outpaces food recovery in most battles
  • Maximize sign intensity with glyphs and ability points – crowd control becomes critical
  • Apply oils before each fight based on enemy weaknesses for multiplied damage
  • Use potions, decoctions, and bombs – buff attack and resistances to tilt odds in your favor
  • Repair weapons constantly – damaged ones inflict reduced deathblows
  • Save every 2 minutes like a paranoid manic just to be safe

Also don‘t worry about "cheesing" fights – exploit every environmental advantage possible rather than relying on sheer skill. Lure foolish foes into villages of angry peasants and watch with glee as the level 80 bandits become pin cushions.

Achieving Absurd Levels Before Endgame

A recommended character level chart:

QuestExpected Level
In Ciri‘s Footsteps16
The Battle of Kaer Morhen26
Final Preparations32
On Death March50+

To hit such heights, complete literally every side quest imaginable across all question marks in Velen, Novigrad, and Skellige. Seriously, witcher contracts and treasure hunts you‘d normally skip become worthwhile just for their precious experience. If able to finish the main game around level 60, you‘ll be nigh unstoppable.

The Mutated New Game Plus (NG+) Death March Dream

Think Death March seems insane already? Hunkering down for NG+ cranks the madness to unprecedented heights. But you can leverage certain changes to turn Geralt into the grim reaping god of vengeance he was meant to be:

  • Carryover levels letting you begin ludicrously overpowered
  • Enemies scale up providing even bigger challenge
  • New mutation mechanic grants mighty abilities – but at a great cost
  • Mastercrafted gear redesigned for NG+ lethal challenges
  • Keep all acquired skills, recipes, currency, alchemy items etc.

If able to claim the Walked the Path achievement on regular NG Death March, brace yourself for the glorious mutated brutality waiting in NG+!

Of course if struggling to solo the base difficulty, grab allies for NG+ – up to four player co-op enables sharing the pain. Or drop down from Death March once the achievement pops to preserve sanity.


While Death March tests the essence of your soul under its merciless weight, being among the scarce few survivors grants membership to an elite order. Etch your name into witcher legend (then take a nice long nap)!

Yet for most players, easier difficulty settings still provide an epic 100+ hour experience without repeated rage blackouts. Only gird your loins for Geralt‘s greatest challenge once fully prepared to not weep in fetal position.

Now draw your silver sword, brew some Tawny Owl, turn up the metal soundtrack, and delve forth on the march towards inevitable death!

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