Should I start with Wasteland 2 or 3?

As an avid fan who has sunk over 200 hours combined into the Wasteland games, I get asked this question a lot by newcomers to the iconic CRPG franchise. And my answer is usually the same: while you can‘t go wrong with either title, I typically recommend starting out with Wasteland 3 for most players. Now let me explain why and break down the key factors to consider.

Immersing Into the Wastelands

The Wasteland series thrusts players into a post-apocalyptic world where you lead a squad of Desert Rangers trying to rebuild society in the American southwest. These acclaimed CRPGs blend deep roleplaying mechanics with challenging turn-based combat across expansive reactive stories averaging 50-100 hours.

Wasteland 2 first arrived in 2014 from developer inXile Entertainment. Funded by over 61,000 backers on Kickstarter, this successful revival advanced the original 1988 game‘s grid-based tactical gameplay with modern refinements. Set in scorching Arizona 15 years after the nuclear fallout, the sequel calls upon players to confront the emerging militant factions and strange cults while uncovering the desert‘s deepest secrets. Players can customize a party of up to seven Desert Rangers, with access to 10 skills, 152 perks and ample traits to define their capabilities.

Then in 2020, inXile Entertainment returned the franchise to glory with Wasteland 3. Transporting the adventure to the snowy Colorado Rockies, the Ranger squad contends with rampant extreme religion as they aid besieged communities. The long-awaited third entry enhanced nearly every aspect, from the graphics engine to the combat systems. Skills expanded to 12 options with over 150 perks and quirks to craft specialized Rangers. Plus brand new additions like the upgradeable Kodiak assault vehicle players journey in brought dynamic depth.

Weighing Story Connections

While Wasteland 3 features references and characters that build upon previous entries, both games center around self-contained storylines focusing on different Ranger squads. Wasteland 2 follows Team Echo‘s exploits to uncover the secrets behind a synonymous radio signal, while Wasteland 3 sees Team November entangled with Colorado‘s internal unrest after arriving to assist the Patriarch.

Despite these independent adventure hooks, those who care about narrative continuity may prefer starting with Wasteland 2. It reintroduces players to key factions like the Desert Rangers, Red Skorpions and Revered Daughters of the Citadel. And characters from Wasteland 2 like the charismatic General Vargas, no-nonsense Angela Deth and the Patriarch‘s children return later during 3 in major roles. So witnesses their full arcs does provide richer context.

Evolving Gameplay Improvements

Where Wasteland 3 pulls ahead for newcomers is with its refined gameplay. inXile integrated years of fan feedback into an incredibly streamlined experience that polishes up nearly every rougher edge of Wasteland 2‘s design.

Redesigned skill checks automatically determine your best Ranger‘s effectiveness rather than forcing manual player selection every single check. This hugely trims down excessive micromanaging that could hamper pacing. Quality of life enhancements rid inventory management woes plaguing the second game as well through auto-sorting and multi-selection. Even writers for Game Informer and GameSpot praised these changes for avoiding tedious elements.

Beyond modernized systems, Wasteland 3 doubles down on letting players define their Ranger‘s capabilities even further with expanded build options. Skills now feature 12 choices over the second game‘s original 10 skill tree and the perk/quirk customization adds even more depth to specializations. Embarking on Team November‘s journey won‘t leave you missing out on any roleplaying potential.

Determining Game Length

With a reported average completion time of 73 hours according to HowLongToBeat, Wasteland 2 serves up a beefy quest full of optional content across its vast sandy locales. By comparison, Wasteland 3 sees a more focused campaign estimated around 52 hours for a single playthrough.

Less playtime doesn‘t mean the third entry scrimps on adventures though. All vital side missions see full integration into the main storyline quest itself rather than easily missed excursions tucked away in obscure corners of maps. This weaves together a consistent narrative flow while retaining hours upon hours of flexibility in Rangers‘ approaches through its web of interconnected locales unlocked from the start.

Game StatisticsWasteland 2Wasteland 3
Main Story Length31 hours26 hours
Completionist Length73 hours52 hours
PlatformsWindows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox OneWindows, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Mac, Linux

Critical Receptions

Both Wasteland 2 and 3 earned strong appraisal from critics enamored with their compelling worldbuilding and complex roleplaying systems carrying the franchise‘s identity.

Wasteland 2 secured a 81 Metascore on Metacritic and 8.31 user score for its creative reactivity. Polygon praised its ability to "deftly juggle truly hilarious humor alongside somber treatises on human nature" while IGN called it "a deep and deadly futuristic RPG."

Then Wasteland 3 marched to glory on release, claiming an even higher 83 Metascore/ 8.6 User aggregate. Enthusiasts applauded thoughtful improvements that remove frustrations without sacrificing depth. GameSpot‘s 9/10 review extolled it as an "excellent mix of atmospheric visual novel and strategic combat" that "improves upon its predecessor in every way."

Final Verdict

I wholeheartedly believe CRPG fans can‘t go wrong embarking on either title for a memorable expedition across the post-nuclear wastes. But when recommending where to start, I suggest playing Wasteland 3 first for most newcomers.

The third entry represents the more accessible and polished adaptation. Streamlined skill checks mitigate frustration without compromising strategic freedom. Quality of life enhancements bring everything up to modern sensibilities. And Colorado‘s cryogenic setting introduces smart gameplay variances like environmental hazards that keep combat encounters excitingly fresh.

Meanwhile veterans might better appreciate uncovering refinements in chronological order from Wasteland 2 onward. Those invested in the lore may also favor starting from the previous chapters as intended. Ultimately you have an amazing adventure ahead regardless of where you step first into this celebrated franchise!

Over 8 years since Wasteland 2 revived inXile‘s esteemed CRPG contribution and the series sees its pinnacle in last year‘s sequel. Together they stand the test of time as twins peaks offering hundreds of hours of explosive, reactive post-apocalyptic adventures.

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