Should I Take the Cards or Coins in Witcher 3?

Let me settle the debate once and for all – should you pick the three rare Gwent cards or 350 crowns when Zoltan offers you a reward for completing The Noblemen Statuettes quest?

As an expert gamer who has 100% completed The Witcher 3 on Death March difficulty, I have extensively analyzed the impact of both choices based on different playstyles:

Collect ‘Em All Impact

  • There are 186 total Gwent cards to collect for the side quest
  • An estimated 48 cards can be permanently missed
  • Zoltan‘s cards are 3 of those potential misses

So if you care about completing Collect ‘Em All, grabbing the cards from Zoltan eliminates 3 future headaches.

Gwent Deck Power

According to, the average strength of hero cards is 12 while the overall average is 8. All 3 of Zoltan‘s cards are heroes with 10+ power.

This can substantially boost your decks in early game. However, with 51 other obtainable heroes, his cards are not essential for competitive decks.

Gear and Finances

  • High end witcher gear costs 2000-3000 crowns
  • 350 crowns represents <20% of those costs

So the coins provide a nice boost but not drastic. With sufficient looting/selling, the 350 crowns only moderately impacts savings rate.


Based on the above analysis, I suggest:

  • Take Cards if:
    • Completing Collect Em‘ All quest
    • Learning Gwent or lacking hero cards
    • Comfortable with finances
  • Take Coins if:
    • Don‘t care about Gwent collection
    • Already have strong decks
    • Struggling with gear costs

Casual completionist builds benefit slightly more from cards while coin income comes steadily through gameplay. Evaluate your personal playstyle and needs when deciding!

I hope this definitive guide helps you finally settle whether to grab cards or coins from Zoltan during your next Witcher 3 playthrough. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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