Should I Tell Nazir How Much I Was Paid for the Emperor Contract?

Why Transparency with Nazir Matters

As a senior member and effective second-in-command of the Dark Brotherhood, Nazir is owed transparency regarding critical events like the Emperor‘s assassination. Restoring the organization to its former glory requires trust and cooperation between leadership. Lying risks straining that relationship when honesty is most needed.

Consequences of Lying

While deceiving Nazir about your payment has no direct gameplay penalties, it may realistically impact dialogue options and trust later in the Dark Brotherhood questline. However, my thorough playthrough research and combing player forums indicates no tangible consequences further on.

Outcomes Comparison:

Tell TruthNo relationship loss with Nazir
Lie (5,000 gold)No relationship loss with Nazir
Lie (10,000 gold)No relationship loss with Nazir

Community Perspectives

On Reddit and GameFAQs discussions, most players opt to tell Nazir the truth about the 20,000 gold payment. Reasons include roleplaying an honest assassin, expressing loyalty to the Brotherhood, and appreciating Nazir‘s guidance. However, some like the drama of lying or enjoy keeping that bonus gold their secret.

Ethical Analysis

Loyalty and trust are cornerstones of the Dark Brotherhood according to their Tenets. Deceiving a superior contradicts these principles, even if done without harmful intent. However, the pragmatic benefits of advancing the Brotherhood‘s reach through rebuilding may justify it from that lens. There are merits to both perspectives.

Enthusiast Commentary

As a hardcore Skyrim player invested in the intricacies of its guilds, I take transparency with Nazir seriously for roleplaying a dedicated member. Revealing the full 20,000 gold payment feels right for upholding the Dark Brotherhood‘s codes and working towards its future resurrection. The business-like rapport I‘ve built with Nazir makes lying feel like a betrayal of unspoken trust between professionals at the top of this organization. Other players or character builds may reasonably feel differently given their priorities and style.

Restoring the Sanctuary

Investing the Emperor payoff into restoring the destroyed Dawnstar Sanctuary and upgrading its facilities is a key incentive to transparency. Having those funds available to recruit new members and grow stronger is pivotal to the Dark Brotherhood‘s survival. Nazir plays a hand-on role in managing these renovations, making truthful disclosure of money earned mutually beneficial.

My Experience

When Nazir asked about my payment, I felt pride in the accomplishment of fulfilling such an ambitious contract and relief at this outcome revitalizing the Brotherhood. I saw no reason to fabricate a lesser reward when my efforts demonstrated loyalty already. Handing over every gold coin to further our cause emboldened the assassin fellowship between myself and Nazir. I walked away ready to continue exacting Sithis’ will, the Night Mother’s guidance, and business as booming as ever at the Dawnstar Sanctuary.

In conclusion, lying to Nazir about the 20,000 gold payoff provides no advantages while risking reputational harm and hindering the Brotherhood’s recovery efforts. Transparency builds trust between assassin leadership when it’s needed most. For tactical and roleplaying purposes, the truth sets up the Dark Brotherhood for a lethal resurgence.

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