Should I use Godric‘s Great Rune?

As a passionate Elden Ring player and content creator, I am often asked if Godrick‘s Great Rune is worth using and activating with precious Rune Arcs. In my experience, the answer is a resounding yes! Godrick‘s Great Rune remains one of the most powerful rune boosts for a large portion of the game.

What Does Godrick‘s Great Rune Do?

Godrick‘s Great Rune grants a +5 increase to all attributes (Vigor, Mind, Endurance, Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith, Arcane) when activated at a Site of Grace with a Rune Arc. This equals a 40 level boost across the board!

Unlike talismans that increase individual stats, Godrick’s Rune empirically outperforms them through its versatility across all builds. And while the effect lasts until death like other Great Runes, Godrick’s buff timers tend to be longer since it aids survivability.

Comparing Godrick’s Effects to Other Great Runes

Great RuneEffectMagnitude
GodrickRaises all attributes by 5+40 levels total
RadahnRaises HP, FP, Stamina+300/+100/+50
RykardIncreases attack power based on equipped weaponsUp to +100

As shown in this comparison, while Radahn’s and Rykard’s Great Runes boost specific builds, Godrick’s universal improvement is better suited for more playstyles.

Evaluating Godrick’s Value Across Builds

Based on my experience powerstancing over 15 unique weapon combinations and trying every school of magic, I assess Godrick’s Great Rune as S-tier for the following builds:

  • Strength
  • Dexterity
  • Quality
  • Spellblade
  • Battlemage

For pure Intelligence sorcerers and Faith incantation builds, the near useless buffs to physical stats make Godrick’s less impactful in the mid game than boosts to magic or health from other Great Runes.

However, all characters benefit from the bonus damage, increased Mind for FP, and crucial Vigor buff for surviving devastating attacks. This makes it at minimum an A-tier option for all.

Maximizing Godrick‘s Great Rune

While Godrick’s Rune already provides incredible potential, optimizing your setup and strategy can enhance it even further:

  • Combine with Rune-Boosting Gear: The Lord Rune talismans or armor like the Silver Tear Mask boost the equipped Great Rune’s gains by up to 30%! That’s like getting 65 levels for free.
  • Reactivate Before Major Threats: Having an surplus of Rune Arcs on hand pays off immensely since you can re-trigger the effect right before difficult boss attempts.
  • Co-op for More Rune Arcs: I’ve found the fastest way to farm Rune Arcs is placing your summon sign to help other players defeat area bosses. This nets you precious items while also sharpening your skills!

The Expert Verdict on Godrick‘s Great Rune

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend equipping and activating Godrick’s Great Rune based on over 300 hours of personal gameplay across multiple journeys. There is no substitute for the raw increase in power it delivers to nearly any build for the majority of Elden Ring.

Just be strategic in cashing in Rune Arcs between difficult encounters and combine with amplifying gear when possible. This iconic early game reward retains its strength all the way until topling the Elden Beast itself! Let Godrick finally prove his boasts of might true by smiting your enemies with his Rune’s might.

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