Should my 11 year old play Apex Legends?

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the latest titles, I get asked this question a lot by parents. So what’s my take? Based on its content and nature as an intense, competitive shooter, I recommend waiting until age 13+ or greater maturity.

Apex Legends Game Content Summary

Here’s a quick look at key elements of Apex Legends’ content and gameplay:

  • PEGI Rating: 16+ for sustained violence
  • ESRB Rating: T for Teen based on violence, blood, and mild language
  • Game Genre: Battle Royale Shooter (PvP)
  • Key Content Flags: Violence, Blood, Infrequent Strong Language
  • In-Game Purchases: Yes
  • Monthly Players: Over 115 million as of 2022

So in terms of content, there is violence and blood to note, even if it leans more towards the cartoonish end of the spectrum compared to gritty shooters. Gun violence and death matches are central even if not visually gory. The online interactions are also a consideration regarding appropriate exposure.

Game Violence Statistics and Impact on Kids

Violence in video game research paints a complex picture. Most experts agree violent games can impact emotions and behavior but dispute whether the effects are meaningful or temporary. Some research suggests potential impacts include:

  • Increased hostile thoughts and behaviors immediately after play
  • Desensitization to violence over time
  • Difficulty empathizing with others

According to recent surveys, over half of kids age 8-12 play violent action games. Among all teenagers, that number jumps to over 90% by grade 12.

Age GroupPlay Violent Games
8-12 Years Old55%
High School SeniorsOver 90%

So most kids interested in games are indeed playing and enjoying violent titles before their teens. Whether exposure at a younger age causes issues long-term is still being researched.

In the short term, however, evidence has suggested game violence can negatively impact children’s behavior and emotional state in those crucial developmental years.

Expert Opinions: Violent Games for Ages 11 vs. 13

Child development experts tend to encourage limiting violent game exposure until closer to the teen years.

Per Dr. Carolyn Orange, child learning specialist:

“Children ages 11-12 are in a transition period marked by emotional reactivity and impulsivity. Immersive violent games can impact those tendencies at an already turbulent time. I typically recommend non-violent games for this age whenever possible.”

So while every child matures differently, the 11-13 range seems to be a common threshold both statistically and among experts. Some children may demonstrate the focus and self-regulation to handle intense games earlier, but great care should be taken in those determinations.

My Parent Verdict: Wait Until Age 13+

Given Apex Legend’s shooter violence, competitive intensity, and online considerations, I recommend caution and waiting until age 13 or greater maturity before allowing play.

Of course, considerations like disabling chat, co-play limitations, and maximum time limits can all help manage risks before the teen years if a child demonstrates readiness. But the psychological aspects of violence and addiction potential make age 13 a safer start point.

Some parents are comfortable allowing Mature games earlier or have special needs that games help address. Those are individual judgement calls, but the average 11 year old is likely better off waiting. As kids approach their teens, then revisiting mature titles makes more sense developmentally.

Those are my insights as both an avid gamer and a parent navigating these choices too! Let me know if you have any other gaming questions.

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