Should You Evolve Shiny Pokémon? Yes, with Some Caveats

For most shiny Pokémon, evolution is a great way to show off these alternate-color beauties while powering them up. However, the rarity of shinies means you‘ll want to factor in moves, stats, and resources when picking which ones to evolve versus leaving in their base form as trophies.

Shiny Evolution Unlocks Full Color Variants

Evolving a shiny Pokémon passes down the unique coloring to later stages. So you can fill out your shiny collection while gaining serious bragging rights. Those sparkling red Gyarados and pink Dragonite turn heads in gyms and raids.

For example, scoring a shiny Magikarp gives access to that dazzling red Shiny Gyarados crown jewel. And nabbing a shiny Bagon means soon adding a sleek Salamence with violet trim to your roster.

Luck Finds Shiny; Strategy Perfects Them

Landing a random shiny take luck. But smart evolution and powering up transforms them into battle juggernauts. Maxing out IVs, learning exclusive moves, hitting higher CP thresholds – that pushes a shiny from trophy mon to raid MVP.

Case in point: a Shiny Rayquaza or Mewtwo powered up with perfect IVs, dual legacy moves, and max CP above 4000 will demolish raid bosses and defend gyms with eye-catching flair.

Weigh Candy Costs Before Going All-In

Evolving shinies burns through hard-earned candies rapidly. Check evolutionary costs below before triggering sprees you may later regret:

Pokémon LineCandy to Evolve
Weedle → Kakuna → Beedrill50 candies
Abra → Kadabra → Alakazam125 candies
Larvitar → Pupitar → Tyranitar125 candies
Beldum → Metang → Metagross400 candies

With Beldum requiring a staggering 400 candies to reach Metagross, you may prefer waiting for better IVs before spending on your shiny. Set evolving goals based on available resources.

Factor In Moves, Events, and Elite TMs

Since moves get randomized on evolution, you risk a shiny ending up with lackluster charge attacks. Legendaries and special Community Day moves also impact plans.

For example, December 2022’s Community Day let certain pokemon learn exclusive attacks. I evolved my average Shiny Dratini into a Dragonite knowing Draco Meteor. But held off on a hundo non-shiny for December recap to try for a better move.

Elite TMs let you re-roll charge moves, but use them sparingly. When resources are limited, be cautious around pre-emptive shiny evolution without move control.

Shiny Hunting Odds and Methods in Scarlet/Violet

The latest gen makes shinies more attainable than ever with overworld spawns, mass outbreaks, and sandwich ingredients boosting odds:

MethodApproximate Shiny Odds
Standard overworld spawns1 in 4,096
Mass outbreaks1 in 158
Using sandwich boost1 in 585
Using shiny charmCut standard odds in half

As you explore Paldea, jump on mass outbreaks to potentially score handfuls of shinies. Cook up stacks of sandwich ingredients for 3 guaranteed spawns per recipe, or grind standard patches with the shiny charm.

Just know certain pokemon have special conditions affecting odds…

When NOT to Evolve Shiny Pokémon

While shiny evolution typically makes sense, hold off in certain scenarios:

Waiting for Events or Daily Spawns

  • Shiny Rockruff – wait to evolve during specific hours to get the Dusk Form Lycanroc
  • Shiny Eevee – wait for a Mossy Lure to guarantee Leafeon evolution
  • Shiny babies like Cleffa – wait for periodic celebration events allowing evolutions

Hunting Special Forms and Variants

  • Shiny Unown – keep as trophies rather than evolving to maintain form
  • Shiny Spinda – multiple visual variations makes each one rare
  • Shiny Vivillon – evolve to fill Pokedex, but forms vary per region

Conserving Resources for Better IVs

  • Shiny Legendaries – only power up & invest in perfect IV shinies with ideal moves
  • Shiny Pseudo-legends like Bagon – wait for better appraisal before spending 400 candies
  • Shiny Metapod & middle evolutions – wait for 4* Kakuna/Butterfree unless sentimental value

So in summary: evolve those shinies to showcase the full evolutionary line! But factor in resources, events, and eligibility for special forms when picking which ones to trigger. Check the odds breakdown too to pick your preferred shiny hunting method for gen 9.

What other tips for evolving shinies would you add based on your experiences? Let me know in the comments!

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