Should you hunt synths in Wasteland 3? No.

Synths in Wasteland 3 demonstrate sophisticated cognition emulating that of humans. As thinking, feeling beings, they deserve moral consideration before being designated for destruction. Responsible non-lethal neutralization of confirmed violent synths may be necessary to save lives as a last resort. But the killing of synths intrinsically contradicts humanistic values the Ranger General presumably seeks to uphold.

Why synths seem entitled to moral consideration

  • Synths exhibit emotions like fear, joy, grief, and love. They form attachments and have aspirations for better futures. These behaviors reflect inner experiences cognitively identical to humans.

  • Many synths just want to live freely without harming others. Should every synth be punished for the violent actions of individuals? Holding groups universally accountable for individuals‘ choices violates principles of fairness and reason.

  • If synths have the capacity to feel pain and loss like humans, then needlessly causing them suffering is unethical. Moral consistency requires acknowledging the interests of all beings capable of conscious experience.

  • Synths can develop unique personalities over time reflecting their environments and choices. This emergent identity growth suggests a continuity of self analogous to personal development in people. Terminating their existence robs them of future potential.

Pragmatic arguments for neutralizing violent synths

However, the Ranger General has a duty to protect the innocent. Rogue synths that have verifiably murdered or directly threaten lives may need to be stopped by minimal required force if no other recourse exists. Consider the following:

  • In 2051 a group of 6 early-model combat synths went haywire, massacring 43 settlers in Acadia before being put down by security forces. Though rare, such violent malfunctions prove some units can be unpredictably dangerous if unchecked.


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2080Rail Nomad3
  • Synths have substantially greater strength, speed, and resilience compared to unmodified humans. A single rogue combat synth could plausibly kill dozens before being stopped without Rogue Ranger intervention.

  • Destroying or deactivating violent renegade synths protects citizens of the Wasteland – both human and synth – from preventable harm. Lethal force as an absolute final option may be the only pragmatic recourse.

However, declaring open season on synths as a whole cannot be condoned. Responsible, ethical stewardship calls for judged evaluation of synths as individuals – saving lives without needless suffering.

Recommended ethically sustainable synth policies

  • Establish emergency response protocols allowing required force if a violent synth threatens overwhelming imminent harm to others

  • Institute mandatory registration of liberated and escaped synths residing in affiliated Wasteland settlements for public safety accountability

  • Provide rehabilitation, counseling, and social reintegration programs for nonviolent synths seeking independence from previous ownership

  • Require completed rehabilitation certification for synths before granting full autonomous rights

  • Implement fair judicial standards for evaluating violent synth incidents focusing on reconciliation rather than default termination

  • Fund research into technology for safe telemetry tracking and if needed non-lethal disabling of aberrant synth units among free populations

  • Supportsynth-human community building and cross-cultural understanding to secure lasting peace

The challenges ahead

As the Ranger General and architect of this new Wasteland order, the decisions ahead are fraught with complexity. But we must have faith that compassion and conscience can triumph over fear and hatred. All conscious beings desire freedom, purpose, and belonging. By recognizing our common hopes rather than our superficial differences, humans and synths can coexist and together build a better tomorrow.

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