Should You Play RDR1 Before RDR2?

As someone who has played through both Red Dead Redemption games multiple times and discussed them extensively with fellow enthusiasts, I strongly advise playing the first Red Dead Redemption before jumping into the prequel.

Despite RDR2 taking place earlier chronologically, the story experience flows far better if you play RDR1 first. You‘ll appreciate character arcs more, understand connections between the games, and avoid spoilers that could dampen big moments in RDR1 after experiencing them in RDR2.

Deep Story Connections Enhance Both Games

RDR1 and RDR2 feature overlapping characters, locations, plot lines, and themes that intertwine the two stories together. Playing RDR1 shows where key characters like Dutch, John and Javier end up, making their backstories in RDR2 much more profound. Moments like John’s scars and Dutch’s descent into madness carry deeper meaning if you‘ve seen their endings.

As gaming site IGN notes on playing RDR2 first: “If you did play RDR2 first, you already know full well that most of the gang don’t make it out alive or free by the events of the original Red Dead Redemption. It’d be like watching the Star Wars prequels before the original trilogy.”

Seeing RDR1‘s Story First Has More Emotional Impact

Perhaps most importantly, I believe fans appreciate the story and characters so much more deeply by playing RDR1 first. When key moments happen like >!Arthur Morgan‘s death!<, they elicit far more emotion because you understand the full context leading up to RDR1.

As a gamer and fan myself, seeing the story unfold completely chronologically starting with RDR1 kept me fully immersed in this gripping Western tale. I laughed and cried along with John Marston, making Arthur Morgan’s arc more poignant. I cannot imagine experiencing RDR2 first would have made me feel more strongly about these characters’ fates.

Why Some Argue For RDR2 First

I realize some fans think playing RDR2 first has merits since it’s a prequel. The main reasons stated are:

  • It has better gameplay and graphics as a newer game
  • The story chronologically still makes sense
  • You avoid RDR2 spoilers by playing it first

While valid points, I believe they pale in comparison to the enhanced story depth gained by playing RDR1 first. And you can still appreciate RDR2’s advancement in most of those areas. Ultimately the story and characters should take precedence as the heart of these games.

Breaking Down RDR1 vs RDR2 Key Elements

To summarize and compare major aspects of each game:

Main CharacterJohn MarstonArthur Morgan
Timeline1911 (after RDR2)1899 (prequel to RDR1)
Map SizeAbout 29 sq kmAbout 75 sq km
Story LengthAbout 30 hoursAbout 48 hours

So while RDR2 does outperform RDR1 technically on some fronts like its vastly larger open world, I argue the storyline and characters of RDR1 make it an absolute must-play before jumping into the prequel.

Let This Epic Red Dead Story Unfold Properly

Ultimately, my strong stance as a passionate fan is to experience this gripping series in order rather than out of it. Witness Dutch’s gang unfold chronologically in RDR1 first. See John Marston’s full redemption arc to appreciate moments from his past with Arthur. Have key deaths and twists hit harder without knowing them beforehand from RDR2. Take the journey just as Rockstar intended when shaping this Western narrative masterpiece over two brilliant titles.

Trust me and many other devoted fans of Red Dead – playing RDR1 first makes RDR2 so much sweeter. Do yourself a favor and don’t rob yourself of the full emotional impact!

So in summary: Should you play RDR1 before RDR2? As a hardcore fan myself, that gives a resounding YES from me!

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