Should you purify Shadow Legendary Pokemon?

For most shadow legendaries, the data and community consensus recommends keeping them in shadow form rather than purifying if maximizing battle performance is the priority. However, the decision ultimately depends on each trainer‘s goals, resources, and playstyle. This article will break down the key factors to weigh.

The Power of Shadows

Shadow Pokemon receive a 20% attack bonus that gives them a significant edge in raid and PVP battles. For example, simulations show Shadow Mewtwo outdamaging its regular and purified forms by over 10% on average. Shadow Lugia, Latios, and other legendaries also jump to top-tier performer status.

However, this bonus comes at a price – shadows cost substantially more stardust and candy to power up. Purification removes the attack boost but makes leveling cheaper. Below we‘ll analyze some popular shadow legendaries individually.


As one of the strongest attackers in Pokemon Go, Shadow Mewtwo maintains that status with its massive attack stat. Simulators and analysts almost universally recommend keeping it shadow:

FormRaid PerformancePVP Performance

The tradeoffs for purification may not merit the large performance drop. However, for trainers with limited resources, having a strong purified Mewtwo still has value.


Experts similarly advocate keeping the powerful Shadow Lugia rather than purifying:

FormRaid PerformancePVP Performance

That said, purification gives Lugia the unique "Apex" form and saves tremendous stardust. Casual collectors may still find the tradeoff worthwhile.

Latios and Latias

Simulations place Shadow Latios as a top dragon type attacker that outperforms Rayquaza. Meanwhile, Shadow Latias reaches higher defensive potential. Keeping them shadow wins for performance metrics.

However, even in purified form the Eon duo remains excellent options. So trainers low on resources may purge frustration without completely sacrificing viability.


The numbers favor keeping most shadow legendaries – Mewtwo, Lugia the Eons, and others – in their shadow forms rather than purifying if aiming for maximum performance. Despite the increased power up costs, the attack bonus proves worth the investment.

Yet the choice still resides with each individual trainer based on their priorities and constraints. Casual collectors may opt to purify for cheaper costs and aesthetic benefits. And purified legendaries still perform admirably even if not the top options.

No definitively "right" option exists – only what best suits each player‘s goals and style. Reasonable people can disagree on whether to purify shadow legendaries or not. But hopefully breaking down the key considerations helps inform whatever decision you make.

Let me know in the comments your thoughts on purifying shadow legendaries! Do you keep the attack bonus or purify for other reasons?

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