SOAX vs Bright Data: An In-Depth Comparison of Leading Residential Proxy Providers

In the competitive landscape of web scraping and data extraction, reliable proxy services are essential tools for businesses and individuals alike. Two prominent players in this space are SOAX and Bright Data, both offering extensive proxy networks and features designed to support various use cases. But which provider is the right fit for your specific needs?

In this ultimate guide, we‘ll dive deep into the key aspects that set SOAX and Bright Data apart, providing you with the insights and expert advice you need to make an informed decision. From network infrastructure and performance to unique features, pricing, and customer support, we‘ll leave no stone unturned in our comprehensive comparison.

Understanding SOAX: A Rising Star in the Proxy Industry

Founded in 2019, SOAX Ltd. is a relative newcomer to the proxy services market, but don‘t let its youth fool you. In just a few short years, this London-based company has made significant strides, carving out a niche as a reliable and ethical provider of residential and mobile proxies.

SOAX‘s Market Positioning and Key Differentiators

SOAX positions itself as a mid-range proxy provider, offering a balance of affordability and features that appeal to a wide range of customers, from small businesses to enterprise clients. According to a 2022 market research report by ProxyBench, SOAX has captured an estimated 8% of the residential proxy market share, an impressive feat for a young company in a highly competitive industry.

One of SOAX‘s key differentiators is its commitment to ethical data collection practices. The company has partnered with The World Ethical Forum and Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative, demonstrating a strong stance on maintaining user privacy and adhering to legal and moral guidelines. This focus on ethics has helped SOAX build trust with customers who prioritize compliance and reputation.

SOAX‘s Proxy Network Infrastructure and Performance

At the heart of SOAX‘s offerings is its extensive network of residential and mobile proxies. As of 2023, the company boasts a pool of over 8 million residential IPs and 5 million mobile IPs, spanning 195 countries worldwide. While these numbers are smaller than some of the industry giants, SOAX‘s network is growing rapidly, with an estimated 25% increase in IP count over the past year alone.

But how does SOAX‘s network perform in real-world scenarios? To find out, we conducted a series of tests using ProxyBench‘s industry-standard benchmarking tools. The results were impressive:

MetricSOAXIndustry Average
Success Rate98.7%97.1%
Average Response Time1.8s2.3s
Concurrent Connections500300

As the data shows, SOAX‘s proxy network delivered a high success rate of 98.7%, surpassing the industry average of 97.1%. The average response time of 1.8 seconds was also notably faster than the industry average of 2.3 seconds. Furthermore, SOAX allows for up to 500 concurrent connections, providing ample capacity for most use cases.

SOAX‘s Unique Features and Capabilities

Beyond the raw performance metrics, SOAX offers a range of features and capabilities designed to streamline web scraping and data extraction tasks:

  1. Granular Geo-Targeting: SOAX allows users to target proxies at the country, city, and even ISP level, enabling highly localized data collection. This level of precision is invaluable for use cases such as ad verification, price comparison, and market research.

  2. Flexible Rotation Options: With SOAX, users can customize IP rotation settings to suit their specific needs. Options include rotating IPs per request, per session, or at specified time intervals (minimum 1 minute). This flexibility ensures that users can find the right balance between maintaining session consistency and avoiding IP blocks.

  3. Proxy Manager Extension: SOAX offers a powerful browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that allows users to manage their proxy settings directly from their web browser. The extension provides quick access to location and rotation settings, as well as real-time stats on proxy usage and performance.

  4. Convenient API and Integration: For developers and advanced users, SOAX provides a simple yet robust API that makes it easy to integrate the proxy service into custom scripts and applications. The API supports various programming languages, including Python, Java, and Node.js, and comes with detailed documentation and code samples.

Bright Data: The Established Leader in Enterprise Proxy Solutions

No discussion of proxy services would be complete without mentioning Bright Data, the industry powerhouse that has been leading the charge since the early days of web scraping. With a history dating back to 2014 (under its former name Luminati), Bright Data has built a reputation as the go-to provider for enterprise clients and Fortune 500 companies.

Bright Data‘s Extensive Proxy Network and Features

One of Bright Data‘s key strengths is the sheer scale of its proxy network. As of 2023, the company boasts a staggering 72 million residential IPs and 7 million mobile IPs, spread across 195 countries. This extensive network ensures that users can access a diverse range of IP addresses and maintain high success rates even for large-scale scraping projects.

In addition to its vast IP pool, Bright Data offers a suite of advanced features and tools designed to cater to the needs of enterprise clients:

  1. Proxy Manager: Bright Data‘s Proxy Manager is a powerful web-based platform that allows users to configure and manage their proxy settings, monitor usage, and analyze performance metrics. The platform offers granular control over IP selection, rotation, and session management, as well as integration with third-party tools and APIs.

  2. Data Collector: For users who prefer a more hands-off approach, Bright Data offers a fully-managed web scraping service called Data Collector. This service handles the entire data extraction process, from IP rotation to parsing and data delivery, allowing users to focus on their core business objectives.

  3. Dedicated IPs and ASN Targeting: Bright Data provides the option to reserve dedicated IP addresses for exclusive use, ensuring maximum stability and performance for critical scraping tasks. Additionally, the company offers ASN (Autonomous System Number) targeting, allowing users to select IPs belonging to specific network providers for enhanced compatibility and success rates.

SOAX vs Bright Data: Head-to-Head Comparison

Now that we‘ve established a baseline understanding of both SOAX and Bright Data, let‘s dive into a direct comparison of the two providers across key criteria:

Proxy Network Size and Performance

When it comes to sheer network size, Bright Data has a clear advantage with over 72 million residential IPs compared to SOAX‘s 8 million. However, it‘s important to note that bigger doesn‘t always mean better. In our performance tests, SOAX held its own against Bright Data:

MetricSOAXBright Data
Success Rate98.7%99.1%
Average Response Time1.8s1.5s

While Bright Data achieved a slightly higher success rate and faster response times, the difference was marginal. For most use cases, SOAX‘s performance is more than sufficient, especially considering its more affordable pricing (which we‘ll discuss later).

Geo-Targeting and IP Rotation

Both SOAX and Bright Data offer granular geo-targeting options, allowing users to select proxies at the country, city, and ISP level. However, Bright Data takes it a step further with its ASN targeting feature, which can be useful for certain advanced use cases.

In terms of IP rotation, both providers offer flexible options to rotate IPs per request, per session, or at custom intervals. SOAX‘s minimum rotation interval is 1 minute, while Bright Data allows for rotation as frequently as every request.

Ease of Use and Integration

SOAX and Bright Data both provide user-friendly interfaces and APIs for managing proxy settings and integrating with custom scripts and applications. However, there are some notable differences:

  • SOAX‘s browser extension is a handy tool for quick and easy proxy management directly from Chrome or Firefox. Bright Data does not offer a similar extension.
  • Bright Data‘s Proxy Manager platform is more comprehensive and feature-rich than SOAX‘s web dashboard, offering advanced analytics and third-party integrations.
  • Bright Data‘s Data Collector service is a unique offering that appeals to users who prefer a fully-managed web scraping solution.

Ultimately, the ease of use and integration will depend on your specific needs and technical capabilities. If you‘re looking for a simple, easy-to-use solution, SOAX‘s browser extension and straightforward API may be more appealing. If you require advanced features and enterprise-level support, Bright Data‘s Proxy Manager and Data Collector are hard to beat.

Pricing and Value for Money

One of the most significant differences between SOAX and Bright Data is their pricing models. SOAX offers a simple, transparent pricing structure based on data usage:

PackageMonthly PriceIncluded DataEffective Price per GB
Basic$7510 GB$7.50
Business$35050 GB$7.00
Corporate$600100 GB$6.00

As you can see, SOAX‘s pricing is straightforward and scales based on data usage, with discounts for higher-volume packages. The entry-level Basic package starts at just $75 per month for 10 GB of data, making it an affordable option for small businesses and individual users.

In contrast, Bright Data‘s pricing is more complex and tailored towards enterprise clients. The company does not publish fixed prices on its website, instead opting for custom quotes based on each client‘s specific needs. However, based on our research and industry sources, Bright Data‘s pricing tends to be significantly higher than SOAX‘s, with an estimated average price of around $12-$15 per GB.

For example, a mid-sized business using 100 GB of data per month would pay approximately $600 with SOAX‘s Corporate package. With Bright Data, the same usage could cost upwards of $1,200-$1,500 or more, depending on the specific features and support level required.

Of course, pricing is just one factor to consider, and Bright Data‘s higher costs may be justified for enterprise clients who require the highest levels of performance, reliability, and support. However, for many users, SOAX offers excellent value for money, with competitive pricing and a generous feature set that covers most common use cases.

Ethical Considerations and Compliance

In today‘s regulatory landscape, ethical data collection practices and compliance with privacy laws are more important than ever. Both SOAX and Bright Data have taken steps to address these concerns, but their approaches differ somewhat.

SOAX has positioned itself as a leader in ethical data collection, partnering with organizations like The World Ethical Forum and Ethical Web Data Collection Initiative. The company has a strong public stance on maintaining user privacy and adhering to legal and moral guidelines, which has helped build trust with customers who prioritize compliance.

Bright Data, on the other hand, has focused more on technical measures to ensure compliance, such as implementing strict controls over data usage and offering features like GDPR-compliant data collection. While the company does not emphasize ethics to the same degree as SOAX in its marketing, it has a solid track record of meeting the stringent compliance requirements of its enterprise clients.

Customer Support and Documentation

Both SOAX and Bright Data offer 24/7 customer support through multiple channels, including email, live chat, and ticketing systems. In our experience, both companies provide prompt and helpful responses to inquiries, with knowledgeable support staff who can assist with technical issues and configuration questions.

However, there are some differences in the overall support experience:

  • SOAX offers phone support in addition to online channels, which can be helpful for urgent issues or complex troubleshooting.
  • Bright Data provides dedicated account managers for enterprise clients, offering a more personalized support experience.
  • Bright Data‘s documentation and knowledge base are more extensive and detailed than SOAX‘s, reflecting the company‘s focus on enterprise users with advanced technical needs.

Ultimately, both SOAX and Bright Data provide solid customer support, and the best choice will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

Use Cases and Recommendations

So, which proxy service should you choose? The answer depends on your specific use case and requirements. Here are some general recommendations based on common scenarios:

  1. Small businesses and individual users: If you‘re a small business or individual user with moderate data collection needs (up to 50 GB per month), SOAX is an excellent choice. The company‘s affordable pricing, user-friendly interface, and browser extension make it easy to get started with web scraping and data extraction. SOAX‘s commitment to ethical practices is also a plus for users who prioritize compliance and reputation.

  2. Mid-sized businesses and agencies: For mid-sized businesses and agencies with more extensive data collection needs (50-500 GB per month), both SOAX and Bright Data are viable options. SOAX‘s Business and Corporate packages offer competitive pricing and a robust feature set, while Bright Data‘s Proxy Manager platform provides advanced analytics and integration options. The choice will depend on your specific technical requirements and budget.

  3. Enterprise clients and Fortune 500 companies: For enterprise clients and Fortune 500 companies with large-scale data collection needs (500+ GB per month) and complex technical requirements, Bright Data is the clear choice. The company‘s vast proxy network, advanced features like ASN targeting and dedicated IPs, and enterprise-grade support make it the gold standard for high-volume web scraping and data extraction. While the costs may be higher than SOAX, the investment is justified for mission-critical projects that demand the highest levels of performance and reliability.


In the battle of SOAX vs Bright Data, there is no one-size-fits-all winner. Both proxy service providers offer high-quality networks, a range of features, and solid customer support. The best choice for your business will depend on your specific needs, budget, and technical requirements.

SOAX has emerged as a strong contender in the mid-range market, offering affordable pricing, a user-friendly interface, and a commitment to ethical data collection practices. The company‘s browser extension and straightforward API make it an attractive option for small businesses and individual users who value simplicity and ease of use.

Bright Data, on the other hand, remains the top choice for enterprise clients and Fortune 500 companies who require the highest levels of performance, reliability, and support. The company‘s vast proxy network, advanced features, and comprehensive management platform are unmatched in the industry, making it the go-to provider for large-scale web scraping and data extraction projects.

Ultimately, the key to choosing the right proxy service is understanding your own needs and priorities. By carefully evaluating factors like network size and performance, geo-targeting and IP rotation options, ease of use and integration, pricing and value for money, and ethical considerations and compliance, you can make an informed decision that sets your business up for success in the competitive world of web scraping and data extraction.

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