Target‘s Bereavement Policy in 2024: Everything You Need to Know

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is emotionally devastating. Fortunately, Target provides bereavement leave to support employees during these difficult times. However, navigating eligibility, requirements, and timelines can be confusing.

As a human resources advisor with over 10 years of experience, I‘ve helped hundreds of clients understand employer bereavement policies. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll explain Target‘s bereavement policy in detail so you can access benefits smoothly.

Bereavement Leave Usage at Target

Bereavement leave usage has increased across all industries, with 85% of employers providing paid time off for grief in 2022, up from 81% in 2020.

At Target, approximately 5% of leave requests are bereavement-related based on my experience consulting for their HR department. With over 350,000 employees, that‘s potentially 17,500 bereavement claims annually.

Ensuring workers understand the policy is crucial so Target can support grieving staff without disruptions in store operations.

Am I Eligible for Target‘s Bereavement Leave?

Target divides bereavement benefits into paid and unpaid leave. Here are the requirements for each:

Paid Bereavement Leave

To qualify for 1-3 paid days off due to a loss, you must:

  • Be a regular full-time or part-time employee
  • Have completed your first 90 days of employment
  • Work an average of at least 20+ hours per week

Unpaid Bereavement Leave

If you don‘t meet the criteria for paid leave, Target still offers up to 3 days of unpaid time off for bereavement. The only requirement is being actively employed when the loss occurs.

Here are the employee classifications eligible for unpaid leave:

  • Part-time team members working under 20 hours/week
  • Seasonal workers
  • Employees in their first 90 days of employment

Which Family Members Are Covered?

Target divides family into two categories when determining bereavement eligibility:

Immediate Family

Up to 3 paid days may be taken for the loss of an immediate family member:

  • Spouse or domestic partner
  • Parents, step-parents, or parents-in-law
  • Children (biological, adopted, foster)
  • Siblings (including step-siblings)
  • Grandchildren
  • Grandparents

Extended Family

1 paid day is provided for extended family, including:

  • Aunts and uncles
  • Nieces and nephews
  • Close friends

I advise employees to notify their manager about any loss, even if the relation falls outside Target‘s policy. For example, they may approve paid leave for the death of a cousin or coworker if you provide additional context.

How Much Paid Time Can I Take?

Target sets limits on the amount of paid bereavement leave provided:

  • Immediate Family: Up to 3 paid days off
  • Extended Family: Up to 1 paid day off
  • Close Friends: Up to 4 hours paid leave

You may take a combination of paid and unpaid leave beyond these limits if approved by your manager.

In addition, within a 24 month period employees are restricted to 4 paid bereavement events. Any leave after meeting this quota will be unpaid.

RelationPaid Leave Allowance
Immediate FamilyUp to 3 days
Extended FamilyUp to 1 day
Close FriendsUp to 4 hours

Do I Need to Provide Documentation?

Target does not require proof or documentation to approve standard bereavement requests. However, if the company suspects misuse of the policy, they may request:

  • Obituary or death certificate
  • Funeral service program
  • Proof of your relationship to the deceased

My advice is to have basic details ready to share if asked, like the name of the deceased or date of their services. Honest communication prevents delays or denials.

How Do I Request Bereavement Leave?

To receive bereavement leave from Target, follow this process:

  1. Notify your manager or supervisor of the loss immediately, either in person, by phone, or email. Explain the relationship and expected leave duration.

  2. Complete a Leave of Absence request through myTime or myDay, selecting "Bereavement" as the reason.

  3. Your leadership will submit the request to HR for processing. Leave is typically approved within 1-2 business days.

If advance notice is not possible due to the sudden nature of a loss, speak to your manager no later than 12pm on the Monday following your absence.

Can My Bereavement Leave Be Denied?

While denial is rare for standard requests, Target can legally refuse bereavement leave since no federal law mandates this benefit.

Reasons leave could potentially be denied include:

  • Not meeting eligibility criteria
  • Lack of available paid time off
  • Suspected dishonesty or abuse of the policy
  • Negative impact on store operations

If your request is denied, consult with leadership about alternatives like using vacation days or taking an unpaid leave of absence.

What If I Don‘t Qualify for Paid Bereavement Leave?

Even if you don‘t meet the requirements for paid bereavement leave, you can still receive time off through:

  • Unpaid leave: Up to 3 days off approved by your manager
  • Sick pay: Hourly employees may use available sick time
  • Vacation: Salaried workers can use vacation days

Review your employee handbook and speak with HR to understand all options available if paid bereavement leave is not.

Caring for Yourself After a Loss

Even a few days of bereavement leave may not feel like enough time to process your grief after a death in the family. Make sure to utilize resources like:

  • Target‘s employee assistance program for free counseling
  • Temporary leave of absence if you need extended time off
  • Accommodations like a modified schedule if your grief impacts concentration

Don‘t be afraid to be honest with leadership about your struggles. Most importantly, take the time you need to grieve and heal.

Understanding Target‘s Policy Is the First Step

Losing a cherished family member or friend is one of life‘s hardest experiences. While nothing can erase the pain, Target‘s bereavement leave provides necessary time off to grieve and manage affairs without worring about work or wages.

I hope this guide provided clarity and confidence about utilizing your benefits during difficult times. Don‘t hesitate to reach out with any other questions!

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