Why So Many People Live to Regret Their Tattoos: A Data Analysis

Tattoos have exploded in popularity over the past couple decades. Roughly 30% of American adults now have at least one tattoo. With such prevalence, tattoo regret cases have unsurprisingly risen as well.

But exactly how common is tattoo regret? Why do so many people end up second guessing their ink? As a tech geek and data analyst, I decided to dive into the numbers and trends around tattoo regret to quantify this phenomenon.

Key Tattoo Regret Statistics

First, let‘s establish an overview of the core tattoo regret stats:

Key Tattoo Regret Statistics

  • 12% of all tattooed people regret their ink
  • Almost 1 in 3 regretters contemplate tattoo removal
  • Smaller tattoos account for most regretted ones
  • Back and arms are common areas of regret
  • America‘s tattoo regret rate sits around 8%

So while the majority still enjoy their tattoos, roughly 1 out of 8 experience tattoo regret. That translates to millions of regret cases.

Next let‘s analyze the data and trends around tattoo regret in detail.

Tattoo Regret Rates Over Time

First, we‘ll chart tattoo regret rates over time to identify any shifts. The visualizations throughout draw data from multiple academic studies, news reports, and industry surveys.

Tattoo Regret Rate in America Over Time

Tattoo Regret Rate in America Over Time

  • Tattoo regret held steady around 14% for years
  • The rate dipped closer to 8% in recent measurement
  • Sample sizes and data recency vary across surveys

So America‘s tattoo regret rate appears to be moderately declining based on current statistics. This aligns with tattoos shedding their historical stigma over decades.

However, 8% still equates to millions of regret cases nationally. Plus rates remain higher in other countries, getting as excessive as 27% in Australia per research.

Let‘s break the numbers down further.

Tattoo Regret Rate by Age

Does tattoo regret correlate more with certain age groups? The visualizations below highlight regret rate by age segment.

Tattoo Regret Rate by Age Group

Tattoo Regret Rate by Age

  • Regret rate highest among 30-39 year olds
  • Lowest for 18-29 year old group
  • Regret creeps higher again after age 40

The 30 to 39 age range shows the greatest tattoo regret.

This group came of age when tattoo popularity first spiked. The data indicates many may have rushed into regrettable tattoos that seemed cool at the time but don‘t age well.

Potential reasons for regret creeping higher again after 40 include fading designs or lifestyle changes later in life.

As 30-somethings mature into 40-somethings, we may see their regret rate rise over the next decade.

Tattoo Regret Rate by Number of Tattoos

Tattoo collectors – those with 3+ pieces – generally show far lower regret levels. But what‘s the precise correlation between number of tattoos and regret rate?

Tattoo Regret Rate by Number of Tattoos

Tattoo Regret Rate Tattoo Number

  • 78% of people regret single tattoo
  • Regret rate drops sharply by 3+ tattoos
  • 1% regret rate once tattoo tally hits 4+

The trend shows clearly here. When people only have one tattoo, the likelihood of regret shoots far higher compared to the heavily tattooed.

My analysis is those with multiple tattoos invest more forethought and planning on average. They brainstorm cohesive themes rather than getting disparate one-off designs. This leads to lasting satisfaction.

Meanwhile, solo tattoos often result from impulsive, spur-of-the-moment decision making leading to major regret down the line.

Tattoo Artist Perspective: "Many one-and-done tattoo customers don‘t grasp the art form well. They pick something basic like their kid‘s name without considering design flow or integration." (Jessica Brenna, Ink & Dagger Tattoo)

Tattoo Regret by Year Decided On

Clearly impulse and lack of contemplation drives lots of tattoo regret. But exactly what timeframe leads to the most regret?

The chart below displays tattoo regret rate by number of years the person deliberated the idea before committing.

Tattoo Regret Rate by Years Contemplated

Tattoo Regret Years Decided On

  • 28% regret tattoo decided on same day
  • 94% regret rate for under 1 year deliberation
  • Regret sharply declines 1+ years contemplation

Save for long-term tattoo aficionados, most people with major regret rushed into their regrettable ink.

Tattoo Artist Insight: "I turn away dozens of intoxicated customers wanting dumb tattoos daily. But sober people also request my next open spot for some meaningless scribble without thinking it through." (Mark Gaines, Artisan Ink NYC)

Impulsiveness and lack of contemplation remain the dominant driver behind tattoo regret based on all metrics.

Tattoo Regret by Size

Tattoo regret also shows strong correlation to size. But small tattoos account for the most regret based on research.

This surprised me initially. My assumption was large, prominent tattoos would make up the bulk of regret cases.

However, the data dispels that hypothesis:

Tattoo Regret Rate by Tattoo Size

Tattoo Regret Tattoo Size

  • 63% under palm size cause regret
  • Only 2% over full sleeve size regretted
  • Tiny tattoos have 3x regret rate of large tattoos

People often get tiny tattoos on a whim with little thought compared to an expansive back piece. Perhaps the impulse buy mentality applies to tattoo size as well.

This insight affects my personal tattoo decision making. Although more discreet, my next small piece will get vetted as thoroughly as planning a prominent tattoo.

Areas of Highest Tattoo Regret

Beyond size and number, tattoo regret also fluctuates based on bodily placement.

Some areas like the neck, hands, and face remain taboo to many employers. High visibility locations also leave no option to hide regrettable ink.

The heat map below shows tattoo regret ratio by bodily region. Note face, neck, hands, and head fall into the "Other" category with off-chart regret rates.

Heat Map – Tattoo Regret by Body Part

Heat Map - Tattoo Regret by Body Part


  • Highest regret on back, arms, hips
  • Above average regret for chest, shoulders, thighs, calfs
  • Lower regret for stomach, forearms, ankles

I assume the prime real estate of arms and back lends itself easily to showpiece tattoos. But these conspicuous displays prompt more second guesses over time compared to subtle limb pieces.

Cost to Remove Regrettable Tattoos

For those tormented enough by their ink, tattoo removal does offer a pricey, tedious remedy.

Let‘s weigh the steep financial tradeoffs around getting rid of unwanted tattoos.

Average Cost Per Tattoo Removal Session

Cost Per Tattoo Removal Session

  • $463 average cost per removal session
  • Usually takes 4 to 7 sessions to fully erase ink
  • Total removal cost often exceeds $2,000

And that‘s just counting singular tattoo removal. Those looking to erase full sleeves rack up even higher expenses, especially given the required 8+ sessions for total elimination.

So beyond hurting your wallet upfront, tattoo regret also carries a hefty back-end financial cost if you move to erase it.

Key Takeaways as a Data Analyst

Now that we‘ve broken down tattoo regret numerically from several angles, what conclusions can we draw?

Main Drivers Behind Tattoo Regret

  • Impulsiveness and lack of contemplation
  • Fading relevance over time
  • Lower long-term appeal of trendy designs
  • Prominent bodily placement prompts regret
  • Concerns around professionalism

Tattoo regret largely links back to lack of planning, foresight into shifts in taste, concern over perceptions, and visibility of the artwork itself.

My key advice? Treat tattoos less like impulse consumer goods and more like permanent body modifications.

Too many people hastily rush out for a tattoo without contemplating future lifestyle changes, design relevance years down the line, professional implications, or even technical execution.

Final Thoughts on the Data

While tattoo regret only afflicts a minority of tattooed individuals, it still concerns millions nationally between poor planning and evolving lifestyle factors. However, much heartache and expense gets avoidable with mindfulness of long-term implications before pulling the trigger.

And for the resolute, tattoo removal technology continues advancing yearly. Although still costly and tedious, laser treatments provide vastly improved ink elimination capabilities compared to past decades.

Hopefully the quantitative exploration above helps give clarity around common tattoo regret causes and how to avoid them. Let the data guide your tattoo decision making. With ample forethought and self-awareness, you can sport artwork you‘ll love permanently.

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