The Cat‘s Out Of The Bag: How Real-Time E-Commerce Data Became Essential For Retail

The world of retail has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years, and the pace of change only seems to be accelerating. At the center of this retail revolution is e-commerce, which has grown from a niche channel to a dominant force. In 2021, e-commerce sales reached $4.9 trillion worldwide, making up over 20% of total retail sales. This growth shows no signs of slowing down, with e-commerce projected to account for nearly a quarter of retail sales by 2025.

As more and more consumer dollars flow online, competition between e-commerce retailers has reached a fever pitch. In this hyper-competitive environment, retailers are turning to data and analytics to gain an edge. Real-time e-commerce data, in particular, has emerged as an indispensable tool, enabling retailers to monitor products, gauge customer sentiment, and understand the overall market landscape as it evolves minute-by-minute.

The E-Commerce Data Revolution

The COVID-19 pandemic poured gasoline on the already blazing e-commerce fire. With brick-and-mortar stores closed and consumers stuck at home, online shopping became a necessity for many. In 2020 alone, as the pandemic raged, e-commerce sales jumped by over 30% year-over-year.

This explosive growth brought new challenges for retailers. Consumer behaviors and preferences were shifting rapidly, supply chains were strained, and digital competition was fiercer than ever. In this environment, slow-moving, backward-looking data was no longer sufficient. Retailers needed real-time insights to keep pace.

Fortunately, the digital nature of e-commerce means that it generates vast quantities of data – data on what products consumers are searching for, what they‘re clicking on, what they‘re buying, and what they‘re saying in reviews and ratings. By collecting and analyzing this data in real-time, retailers can spot emerging trends, identify opportunities and risks, optimize pricing and promotions, improve product content, and ultimately make faster, better-informed business decisions.

Holistic Omnichannel Retail Powered By Real-Time Data

While e-commerce has grown enormously, it‘s important to recognize that it hasn‘t entirely replaced physical retail. Instead, the line between online and offline shopping has blurred. Consumers now expect a seamless omnichannel experience, with the ability to research online, purchase in-store, pick up curbside, and so on.

Meeting these expectations requires a holistic approach to retail, one that unifies all channels into a single, cohesive system. Crucially, this holistic omnichannel retail must be powered by real-time data. Only by continuously collecting and analyzing data from every customer touchpoint can retailers provide the responsive, personalized experiences that today‘s consumers demand.

Real-time e-commerce data plays several key roles in enabling holistic retail:

  • Monitoring the digital shelf: Retailers can track how their products are performing across various e-commerce sites, monitoring prices, promotions, availability, search ranking, content, reviews, and more. This allows them to optimize their digital presence and ensure a consistent brand experience.

  • Gauging customer sentiment: By analyzing product reviews, social media mentions, and other forms of user-generated content in real-time, retailers can understand how consumers feel about their products and respond quickly to any issues or opportunities.

  • Assessing market dynamics: Real-time data on competitor pricing, assortment, promotions, and performance allows retailers to benchmark their own performance and adapt their strategies as needed to stay ahead.

At the core of collecting real-time e-commerce data is web scraping – using automated tools to extract information from websites. However, scraping e-commerce sites at scale is no easy task. Retailers need robust systems to gather data from millions of pages per day, handle CAPTCHAs and IP blocking, and structure the resulting data for analysis. This is where a data collection platform like Bright Data comes in.

How Advantage Solutions Leverages Data

To see how real-time e-commerce data powers holistic retail in practice, let‘s look at the story of Advantage Solutions. Advantage is a leading provider of omnichannel solutions for consumer goods manufacturers and retailers. Their Canopy platform aggregates data across multiple retail portals to provide brands with a one-stop shop for e-commerce insights.

As National Technology Director Tim Lam explains, when Advantage first launched Canopy, they quickly ran into challenges trying to gather data at scale. Most of the retail sites they were scraping would block their IP addresses. Partnering with Bright Data, which offers a proxy network of over 72 million IP addresses, allowed Canopy to overcome these blocks and access the data they needed.

The Advantage-Bright Data Partnership

The partnership between Advantage and Bright Data goes beyond just providing IP addresses. As Lam notes, Bright Data‘s team of engineers works closely with Advantage to customize headers and solve any data collection issues that arise. This kind of hands-on, collaborative approach has been key to Canopy‘s success.

With Bright Data‘s technology, Canopy can collect data on an enormous scale – millions of page loads per day. This volume of data, refreshed in real-time, is what allows Canopy to offer its customers truly comprehensive, up-to-the-minute insights.

Customized Insights Set Advantage Apart

Aggregating data is just the first step. What really sets Canopy apart, according to Lam, is the way they use this data to generate unique, customized insights for each client. By deeply understanding each brand‘s specific needs and priorities, Canopy can surface the most relevant and actionable information.

This customized approach is the future of data-driven retail. As the e-commerce landscape becomes increasingly complex and fast-moving, one-size-fits-all analytics are no longer sufficient. Retailers need insights tailored to their unique circumstances.

Ethical Collection and Use of E-Commerce Data

As real-time e-commerce data becomes increasingly crucial, it‘s important to consider the privacy and ethical implications. Collecting data at scale, even from public websites, raises questions about consumer privacy and data ownership.

Retailers and their data partners have a responsibility to collect and use e-commerce data ethically and transparently. This means being clear about what data is being collected and how it will be used, anonymizing personal information, and complying with all relevant privacy regulations.

It also means using the insights gleaned from e-commerce data responsibly. Real-time data is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the customer experience, but it can also be misused for price gouging or other unethical practices. As the role of data in retail grows, so too must the commitment to using it ethically.

The Future of Data-Driven Retail

Looking ahead, the importance of real-time e-commerce data for retail success will only continue to grow. As more sales move online and competition intensifies, the ability to understand and adapt to the market in real-time will be a defining feature of leading retailers.

We can expect to see more retailers investing in comprehensive data collection and analytics capabilities, whether in-house or through partnerships with specialist providers. We may also see the rise of new data-driven retail business models and services.

At the same time, the regulatory landscape around data privacy is evolving, with new laws like the GDPR in Europe and the CCPA in California coming into effect. Retailers will need to navigate this changing environment, finding ways to leverage data while respecting consumer privacy.


In the fast-paced, hyper-competitive world of modern retail, real-time e-commerce data has become an essential tool. By providing up-to-the-minute insights on products, customers, and the market, this data enables retailers to make faster, better-informed decisions and deliver the seamless, personalized experiences that today‘s consumers expect.

As the story of Advantage Solutions shows, successfully leveraging real-time e-commerce data requires advanced technology and close partnership between retailers and their data providers. It also requires a commitment to using data ethically and responsibly.

Looking ahead, as e-commerce continues to evolve and grow, the role of real-time data will only become more critical. The retailers that thrive will be those that can effectively harness this data to drive continuous improvement and innovation. The cat‘s out of the bag – data is the future of retail.

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