The Rise of AI-Generated Content: How The Verge‘s ChatGPT-Written Post Outranked Human Writers


In recent years, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, and the world of content creation and search engine optimization (SEO) is no exception. One notable example of AI‘s impact on SEO is The Verge‘s blog post titled "Best printer 2023: just buy this Brother laser printer everyone has, it‘s fine", which was entirely written by ChatGPT, an AI language model. Surprisingly, this AI-generated post managed to outrank human-written content for the highly competitive keyword "best printer 2023".

This mini case study has sparked a discussion about the growing trend of AI-generated content in the SEO industry and its potential implications for website owners, content creators, and search engines alike. In this ultimate guide, we‘ll dive deep into the factors that contributed to the success of The Verge‘s AI-generated post, explore Google‘s perspective on AI content, and provide actionable strategies for adapting to this evolving landscape.

The Power of Domain Authority and Backlinks

One of the key factors that contributed to the ranking success of The Verge‘s AI-generated blog post is the website‘s high domain authority and strong backlink profile. Domain authority (DA) is a metric developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). It is calculated on a scale from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater ability to rank. The Verge, with a DA of 93, is considered a high-authority website in the eyes of search engines like Google (Source: Moz).

Backlinks, or inbound links, are links from other websites that point to a specific page on your website. The quantity and quality of backlinks are crucial factors in determining a website‘s authority and search engine rankings. According to a study by Backlinko, the number of domains linking to a page correlated with higher rankings more than any other factor (Source: Backlinko).

The Verge‘s strong backlink profile, with over 24 million external links from more than 95,000 unique domains (Source: Ahrefs), played a significant role in the AI-generated post‘s ranking success. Other high-authority websites, such as The New York Times (DA 95) and Wikipedia (DA 98), have also demonstrated the impact of domain authority on search rankings, consistently appearing at the top of SERPs for various keywords.

Google‘s Perspective on AI-Generated Content

Google has maintained that its focus is on the quality of content, rather than whether it is human or AI-generated. In a 2022 blog post, Google‘s Search Advocate John Mueller stated, "As far as I can tell, we don‘t differentiate between content produced by language models like GPT-3 and content written by humans. If the content is useful and meets our guidelines, it‘s welcome on Google Search" (Source: Google Search Central Blog).

However, Google also emphasizes the importance of E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) in its content quality evaluations. AI-generated content that lacks these qualities or fails to meet users‘ search intent may be subject to ranking penalties. In a 2023 update to its "Helpful Content System", Google reiterated its focus on rewarding content that provides a satisfying user experience, while devaluing content that seems to have been created primarily for search engine rankings (Source: Google Search Central Blog).

Publishing low-quality AI-generated content can have severe consequences for websites, including lower search rankings, reduced traffic, and damaged reputation. A case study by Sistrix revealed that a website that relied heavily on AI-generated content saw a 60% drop in organic traffic after a Google algorithm update (Source: Sistrix).

The Impact of AI-Generated Content on Website Performance

While AI-generated content may sometimes rank well in the short term, relying on it extensively can have detrimental effects on website performance in the long run. User engagement metrics, such as bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rates, are essential indicators of content quality and relevance. A high bounce rate, for example, suggests that users are quickly leaving a page because it fails to meet their expectations or answer their queries.

A study by the Nielsen Norman Group found that websites with high-quality, user-centric content had an average bounce rate of 35%, while those with poor content had a bounce rate of 60% or higher (Source: Nielsen Norman Group). AI-generated content that lacks depth, relevance, or coherence may contribute to higher bounce rates and lower user engagement.

To maintain website quality and performance, it‘s crucial to strike a balance between AI-generated and human-written content. AI tools can be used to streamline content creation processes, such as generating ideas, outlines, or rough drafts. However, human oversight and editing are essential to ensure that the final content meets quality standards and aligns with the website‘s goals and target audience.

AI-Generated Content Performance: Case Studies and Examples

Several case studies and experiments have explored the performance of AI-generated content in various industries and niches. In a 2021 experiment, Bankrate, a financial advice website, published an AI-generated article alongside a human-written article on the same topic. The AI-generated content achieved a similar level of engagement and organic traffic as the human-written content (Source: Bankrate).

However, not all AI-generated content performs equally well. A 2022 study by Orbit Media Studios analyzed the performance of 500 blog posts, half of which were AI-generated and half human-written. The study found that, on average, the human-written content outperformed the AI-generated content in terms of organic traffic, backlinks, and social shares (Source: Orbit Media Studios).

The success of AI-generated content depends on various factors, such as the quality of the AI tool used, the level of human oversight and editing, and the relevance of the content to the target audience. Websites that strategically leverage AI tools to enhance their content creation process while prioritizing user experience and engagement are more likely to see positive results.

Adapting to the AI Content Landscape: Strategies for SEO Success

To navigate the evolving landscape of AI-generated content and maintain SEO success, website owners and content creators should adopt the following strategies:

  1. Use AI tools as a starting point, not an endpoint: AI-powered tools like ChatGPT,, or can help generate content ideas, outlines, and drafts quickly. However, always have human writers review, edit, and enhance the content to ensure quality, coherence, and alignment with your brand voice and goals.

  2. Prioritize user experience and engagement: Focus on creating content that meets users‘ search intent, answers their questions, and provides genuine value. Use data and analytics to understand your audience‘s preferences and pain points, and tailor your content accordingly.

  3. Invest in building domain authority and high-quality backlinks: Develop a strong link-building strategy to acquire high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative websites in your niche. This can involve creating link-worthy content, guest posting, or engaging in broken link building.

  4. Stay informed about AI and SEO developments: Keep up with the latest trends, research, and best practices in AI content creation and SEO. Attend industry conferences, webinars, or workshops, and follow thought leaders and publications to stay ahead of the curve.

  5. Implement a robust content quality assurance process: Establish guidelines and checklists for content quality, including factors like readability, accuracy, originality, and alignment with E-E-A-T principles. Have multiple team members review and provide feedback on content before publishing.

By adopting these strategies, website owners and content creators can effectively integrate AI tools into their content creation process while maintaining high standards of quality and user-centricity.

The Future of AI in Content Creation and SEO

As AI technology continues to advance, its impact on the content creation and SEO industry is likely to grow exponentially. Natural language processing (NLP) models like GPT-4, which can generate human-like text with increased coherence and contextual understanding, are already in development (Source: OpenAI). These advancements may make it increasingly challenging to distinguish between AI-generated and human-written content.

The SEO industry will need to adapt to these changes by focusing on creating high-quality, user-centric content that meets search intent and provides unique value. SEO professionals will need to develop skills in AI tool selection, integration, and quality control, as well as stay updated on Google‘s evolving guidelines and ranking factors.

Some potential future developments in AI content creation and SEO include:

  1. Personalized content generation: AI tools that can analyze user data and preferences to generate highly personalized content experiences.

  2. Voice search optimization: As voice assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant become more prevalent, optimizing content for voice search queries will become increasingly important.

  3. Multimodal content creation: AI systems that can generate content across multiple formats, such as text, images, videos, and audio, to provide a more immersive and engaging user experience.

  4. Predictive content optimization: AI algorithms that can predict content performance based on historical data, competitor analysis, and user behavior, allowing for more data-driven content strategies.

To stay competitive in this evolving landscape, SEO professionals will need to embrace a continuous learning mindset, experiment with new tools and strategies, and prioritize user experience above all else. By doing so, they can harness the power of AI to create content that not only ranks well but also provides genuine value to users and drives long-term business success.


The rise of AI-generated content, as exemplified by The Verge‘s ChatGPT-written blog post, presents both challenges and opportunities for the SEO industry. While high domain authority and backlinks can help AI-generated content rank well in the short term, the long-term success of websites depends on creating high-quality, user-centric content that meets search intent and provides unique value.

By adopting strategies like human oversight, user experience prioritization, and continuous learning, website owners and content creators can effectively integrate AI tools into their content creation process while maintaining high standards of quality and engagement. As AI technology continues to advance, the SEO industry must adapt and evolve to stay ahead of the curve and deliver the best possible content experiences to users.

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