The Ultimate Guide to Proxy Error Codes for Web Scraping

If you‘ve done any amount of web scraping, you‘ve likely encountered your fair share of proxy error codes. These pesky messages can grind your data collection to a halt and leave you scratching your head trying to debug the issue.

But fear not, intrepid web scrapers! In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll break down the most common proxy error codes you‘re likely to face, explain what they mean, and show you exactly how to resolve them. By the end, you‘ll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to tackle any proxy error that stands in your way.

Understanding Proxy Error Codes

First, let‘s define what we mean by "proxy error codes." These are HTTP status codes returned by a proxy server to indicate that something went wrong with the request. The codes are grouped into a few major categories:

  • 3xx codes indicate a redirection, meaning the requested resource has moved to a different URL
  • 4xx codes signify a client-side error, such as an invalid request or lack of authentication
  • 5xx codes mean something went wrong on the server side that prevented it from fulfilling the request

As a web scraper, you‘re likely using proxies to mask your IP address and avoid getting blocked by your target websites. So when you receive one of these error codes, it typically means there‘s an issue with your proxy configuration or the proxy server itself that‘s preventing your scraper from reaching its destination.

With that overview in mind, let‘s dive into the specifics of the most common proxy error codes and how to resolve them.

3xx Redirection Codes

3xx status codes tell you that the resource you requested has moved to a new location. Here are a few of the most common ones:

301 Moved Permanently

A 301 status means the URL you‘re trying to access has been permanently redirected to a new location. This usually happens when a website restructures its content or migrates to a new domain.

To handle a 301 redirect in your scraper, you need to extract the new URL from the Location header in the response and update your request accordingly. Here‘s how you can do that in Python using the requests library:

import requests

resp = requests.get(‘‘) 
if resp.status_code == 301:
    new_url = resp.headers[‘Location‘]
    resp = requests.get(new_url)

302 Found

A 302 status is similar to a 301, but it indicates a temporary rather than permanent redirect. The resource is currently located at a different URL, but that could change in the future.

Most HTTP client libraries, including Python‘s requests, will automatically follow 302 redirects by default. However, if you need more control over the process, you can disable auto-redirects and handle them manually like we did for 301s above.

304 Not Modified

A 304 status means the resource you requested hasn‘t been modified since the last time you accessed it. This is the server‘s way of telling you that your locally cached version is still valid, so there‘s no need to retransmit the data.

To take advantage of 304 statuses and avoid downloading duplicate content, make sure to set the appropriate caching headers on your requests, like If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match. Here‘s an example:

import requests

headers = {‘If-Modified-Since‘: ‘Wed, 21 Oct 2020 07:28:00 GMT‘}
resp = requests.get(‘‘, headers=headers) 
if resp.status_code == 304:
    print(‘Cached content is still valid‘)
    print(‘Fetching updated content‘)

4xx Client Error Codes

4xx status codes indicate that there was something wrong with the client‘s request that prevented the server from processing it. Here are some of the most frequent 4xx errors and how to troubleshoot them.

400 Bad Request

A 400 status means the server couldn‘t understand your request due to invalid syntax, such as a malformed URL or request body.

This usually happens when you‘re not formatting your requests correctly to match the server‘s expectations. For example, if you‘re sending JSON data, make sure you set the appropriate Content-Type header and serialize the data properly.

To avoid 400 errors, carefully study the API documentation for the sites you‘re scraping to understand exactly how requests should be structured. Use tools like your browser‘s dev console or Postman to inspect successful requests and replicate their format in your scraper.

401 Unauthorized

A 401 status indicates that you lack valid authentication credentials to access the requested resource. This often occurs when scraping sites that require login or use token-based authentication.

To resolve a 401, you‘ll need to programmatically log into the site or include the necessary auth headers with your scraping requests. The specifics will depend on the particular site‘s authentication scheme, but here‘s a general example of submitting authentication in Python:

import requests

creds = {‘username‘: ‘johndoe‘, ‘password‘: ‘secret123‘}
session = requests.Session()‘‘, data=creds)

# subsequent requests using session will be authenticated
resp = session.get(‘‘)

403 Forbidden

A 403 status means you‘re authenticated but don‘t have permission to access the requested resource. In web scraping, this often happens when you try to access a page that‘s restricted based on IP address or user agent.

To work around 403s, try rotating your IP addresses using a pool of proxies and setting a realistic user agent string in your request headers. If the site uses CAPTCHAs or other anti-bot measures, you may need a more sophisticated solution like a headless browser that can closely mimic human behavior.

404 Not Found

A 404 status is the server‘s way of saying "I don‘t have anything for you at that URL." This can happen if the page has been deleted or you‘re using an outdated URL that has since changed.

There‘s not much you can do about 404s except to remove the broken URLs from your scraping targets. However, you should be sure to handle them gracefully in your scraper to avoid unexpected crashes, like so:

import requests

resp = requests.get(‘‘)
if resp.status_code == 404:
    print(f‘Oops, {resp.url} is missing!‘)

429 Too Many Requests

A 429 status means you‘re sending requests too quickly and hitting the server‘s rate limits. This is a common problem for scrapers that try to fetch many pages in rapid succession.

To avoid 429 errors, add delays between your requests to stay within the site‘s acceptable access thresholds. If the site‘s documentation specifies a maximum requests per second, be sure to limit yourself accordingly.

For an extra layer of safety, use exponential backoff to progressively increase the delay after receiving a 429. Here‘s an example of how to implement rate limiting with backoff in Python:

import requests
import time

rate_limit = 3 # max requests per second
backoff = 1 # initial backoff time in seconds

while True:
    resp = requests.get(‘‘)

    if resp.status_code == 200:
        backoff = 1 # reset backoff on success

    elif resp.status_code == 429:
        print(f‘Too many requests! Backing off for {backoff} seconds‘)  
        backoff *= 2 # exponential backoff

        print(f‘Unexpected status: {resp.status_code}‘)

5xx Server Error Codes

5xx status codes signal that something went wrong on the server side, and it was unable to complete your request. Unlike 4xx errors, these usually aren‘t directly caused by anything you did as the client. However, there are still some things you can do to mitigate them.

500 Internal Server Error

500 is a generic status code that simply means "something messed up on our end, but we‘re not sure exactly what." This could be due to a bug in the server‘s code, a database outage, or some other infrastructural failure.

Since the cause of 500 errors is outside of your control, the only real solution is to retry the request after a brief delay and hope the problem resolves itself. Here‘s a Python example using the handy backoff library:

import backoff
import requests

@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, requests.exceptions.RequestException)
def get_with_retry(url):
    return requests.get(url)


502 Bad Gateway

A 502 status means the server you contacted is acting as a proxy or gateway for a backend server, and it received an invalid response from that backend.

Like 500s, 502s are usually transient issues that can be resolved by retrying the request. However, if you consistently get 502s for the same resource, there may be a deeper issue with the site‘s architecture that requires a different scraping approach, like using a headless browser instead of direct HTTP requests.

503 Service Unavailable

503 statuses indicate the server is currently unavailable, usually because it‘s overloaded or down for maintenance. The server expects to be available again soon, so it‘s worth retrying the request after a delay.

Many sites use 503s to block suspected bots and scrapers, so if you‘re seeing this status frequently, your traffic might be getting flagged as suspicious. Try adjusting your request patterns to more closely resemble a human user, such as adding random delays, cycling user agents and IP addresses, and limiting concurrent requests.

504 Gateway Timeout

A 504 is similar to a 502, but it means the gateway server didn‘t receive a response from the backend within the timeout period, rather than receiving an invalid response.

Just like 502s and 503s, 504s can often be handled by retrying the request after an appropriate backoff period. However, if you have control over the timeout settings for your proxy or scraping client, you may want to increase them to give the backend more leeway to respond.

Tips for Avoiding Proxy Errors

Now that we‘ve covered the major types of proxy errors and how to handle them, let‘s go over some general tips for preventing those errors from occurring in the first place.

  1. Use reputable proxy providers with high uptime and minimal network issues. Cheap or free proxies are more likely to be unstable and trigger errors.

  2. Carefully manage your concurrency and rate limits to avoid overloading servers. Use delays, throttling, and backoff algorithms to stay within acceptable access thresholds.

  3. Rotate your IP addresses and user agents regularly to avoid CAPTCHAs and other anti-bot measures. A large proxy pool will help you distribute your traffic and appear more like human visitors.

  4. Implement robust error handling and retry logic in your scrapers. Expect the unexpected and prepare your code to deal with common failures gracefully.

  5. Monitor your scrapers and proxies closely for issues. Set up alerts to notify you of outages or errors so you can take corrective action quickly.


Proxy errors are an unavoidable part of web scraping, but armed with the right knowledge and tools, they don‘t have to ruin your day. By understanding the different types of errors, their causes, and how to handle them strategically, you can keep your scrapers running smoothly and get the data you need with minimal interruptions.

Of course, even the best-laid plans can go awry when you‘re relying on fickle public proxy networks. That‘s why serious scrapers trust premium proxy solutions like Bright Data for unparalleled reliability, performance, and service. Our battle-tested infrastructure and 24/7 expert support keep you focused on your data instead of debugging proxy issues.

So what are you waiting for? Ditch the proxy headaches and see what Bright Data can do for your web scraping. Your data will thank you.

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