The Ultimate Guide to Scraping Walmart Product Data

Walmart is an absolute behemoth in both traditional retail and e-commerce. As the world‘s largest company by revenue, is one of the top online destinations for shoppers looking for good deals on a massive selection of products.

For businesses, marketers, and researchers, all of this activity generates an enormous amount of valuable data. Monitoring Walmart‘s prices, selection, stock levels, reviews, and more can provide game-changing insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and competitive intelligence.

The problem is, collecting all of this data manually would be virtually impossible. No human could hope to keep up with the hundreds of thousands of products and constant changes across That‘s where web scraping comes in.

Web scraping refers to using automation to retrieve large amounts of data from websites. A web scraping tool can systematically navigate through, find the specific data points you‘re interested in, and compile them into a structured format like a spreadsheet or database for convenient analysis.

However, while web scraping is extremely powerful, Walmart doesn‘t exactly make it easy. Like many large sites, they employ various anti-bot measures to detect and block suspected scrapers. Simply hitting their servers with a barrage of automated requests is likely to get you banned very quickly.

In this guide, we‘ll walk through two different approaches to scraping while avoiding their countermeasures. First, we‘ll build our own DIY web scraper using the popular Python programming language and Selenium testing framework. Then we‘ll see how to achieve the same results much more easily using Bright Data‘s turn-key Web Scraper IDE.

Scraping Walmart with Python and Selenium

If you have some basic coding skills, it‘s possible to create your own web scraper using open-source tools. Python has become the go-to language for this purpose thanks to its simplicity and extensive collection of useful libraries.

We‘ll also be using Selenium, a framework primarily designed for automating web browsers to test websites. It‘s useful for web scraping because it can convincingly simulate human behavior better than just making raw requests.

Step 1: Installation and Setup

First, make sure you have Python and Selenium installed, along with a WebDriver for the browser of your choice (we‘ll use Chrome). You can find detailed installation instructions in the Selenium documentation.

With that ready, open up a Python editor and import the required Selenium components:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys  
from import By
from import Service

Next, we need to initialize the WebDriver and browser:

driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=s)

Step 2: Navigating to and Searching for Products

With the browser open, the first step is to load the Walmart homepage:


Next, we want our scraper to enter a search term and retrieve the results page, just like a human user would. Using your browser‘s developer tools, inspect the search bar to find the name of the input element. In this case it‘s "q".

We can target that element and simulate entering a search term like this:

search = driver.find_element("name", "q")
search.send_keys("Gaming Laptops")

To actually perform the search, we simulate pressing Enter:


After a brief delay, you should see the first page of search results load for "Gaming Laptops" (or whatever search term you used).

Step 3: Scraping Product Details

Now we can select an individual product and navigate to its details page to retrieve more information. Sticking with the gaming laptop example, here‘s how to load a specific product URL:

url = ""

We can scrape various data points from this page by finding the appropriate elements. For example, to get the product title, ratings, and number of reviews:

title = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "h1")

rating = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME,"rating-number")

number_of_reviews = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘[itemprop="ratingCount"]‘) print(number_of_reviews.text)

Similarly, we could retrieve the description, price, availability, images, and any other details present on the page. The trick is inspecting each element to determine the best way to target it, whether by ID, class, tag name, or CSS selector.

Challenges with Scraping Walmart Using Python and Selenium

While this approach works, it‘s not without issues. Scraping large sites like Walmart is a constant cat-and-mouse game. Their anti-bot systems are sophisticated and they don‘t hesitate to block any traffic they suspect of being a scraper.

Because a scraper necessarily has to make requests much faster than a human would, it quickly stands out. Walmart may start throwing CAPTCHAs, serving blank pages, or outright blocking the IP address.

Coding your own solutions to these problems is difficult. You‘d need to incorporate proxies, add random delays and mouse movements, and handle a variety of edge cases.

For large scale scraping, the computational overhead of automating a full browser for each request is also significant. It gobbles up memory and processing power, severely limiting how many concurrent threads you can run.

There‘s also the constant maintenance required as Walmart changes its site. A single tweak to the frontend can completely break your carefully crafted scraper.

A Smarter Way to Scrape Walmart

Fortunately, there‘s now an easier way. Bright Data‘s Web Unlocker is a full-featured scraper designed to make it easy to retrieve data from Walmart and other major sites, at scale, without constantly fighting anti-bot countermeasures.

The Web Unlocker is implemented as a point-and-click browser extension or API, so no coding is required. Instead of building a web scraper from scratch, simply use Bright Data‘s intuitive interface to specify the URLs and data fields you want to collect.

Behind the scenes, the Web Unlocker handles all the technical challenges that make DIY web scraping such a pain. It manages a vast pool of proxies to avoid IP blocking, dynamically adjusts request patterns to avoid bot detection, and renders JavaScript to access data that would be hidden from a simple HTTP request.

Step 1: Installing the Web Unlocker

To get started, sign up for a free Bright Data account and install the Web Unlocker browser extension. With the extension active, go to a Walmart product page and click the Bright Data logo to open the Web Unlocker interface.

Step 2: Defining the Data to Collect

The Web Unlocker uses a point-and-click interface to select the elements you want to scrape. Just hover over a product title, image, price, or any other data point and click to add it to your dataset. You can also specify URL patterns to crawl for products across the entire site.

For example, to collect the title, price, rating, and number of reviews of our example gaming laptop, we just need four clicks:

- $(‘h1‘).text()
- $(‘span.price-characteristic‘).text()
- $(‘span.stars-reviews-count-node‘).text() 
- $(‘span.stars-reviews-rating-node‘).text()

Step 3: Retrieving Your Data

With your data selected, just click "Start" and the Web Unlocker will start collecting it in the background. You can monitor the progress and retrieve your structured data at any time from the Bright Data dashboard.

The Web Unlocker outputs to Excel, CSV, or a database so you can easily analyze your scraped Walmart data using the tool of your choice. You can also schedule your collection to run automatically to keep your data fresh.

For high-volume scraping, Bright Data offers a powerful API to retrieve data programmatically and the option to run collections on their cloud infrastructure, saving you from having to provision servers. Their support team is also available 24/7 to help with any scraping challenges.

Alternate Option: Pre-Scraped Walmart Datasets

For some common use cases, you may not even need to do your own scraping. Bright Data also offers a number of pre-built datasets, including one with comprehensive Walmart product data.

This dataset contains structured information like titles, categories, prices, brands, models, and more for over 5 million Walmart products. It‘s actively maintained and updated, so you can be confident you‘re getting fresh data.

Accessing the data is as simple as selecting the fields you need in the intuitive interface and exporting to your preferred format. It‘s a great option for users who want Walmart product data for analysis, without having to deal with scraping at all.

Conclusion is a treasure trove of valuable data, but collecting that data at scale is a serious technical challenge. You can build your own web scraper using Python and Selenium, but you‘ll spend a huge amount of time fighting anti-bot countermeasures and updating your code to handle any changes Walmart makes to their site.

Bright Data‘s Web Unlocker product offers an easier alternative. Instead of coding, simply point and click to specify the data you want to collect. The Web Unlocker handles all the dirty work of circumventing anti-bot measures, allowing you to reliably scrape data, at scale, from Walmart and other major e-commerce sites.

For less technical users, pre-scraped datasets of Walmart products mean you can access the data you need for analysis without touching a web scraper at all.

If your business or research requires fresh, comprehensive data from, a professional tool like Bright Data is the way to go. Put down the Python and let their enterprise-grade web scraping solutions collect the data you need, quickly and painlessly.

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