The Ultimate Guide to Using cURL with Python for Web Scraping and More

If you‘ve ever needed to automate HTTP requests, download data from websites, or test out APIs, chances are you‘ve turned to cURL – the versatile command-line tool for transferring data using various network protocols. cURL‘s extensive feature set makes it capable of handling just about any kind of request imaginable.

But while cURL is undoubtedly powerful on its own, combining it with a programming language like Python opens up a whole new world of automation possibilities. Interested in supercharging your cURL skills? In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore exactly how to leverage Python to take your cURL requests to the next level.

Why Use cURL with Python?

At its core, cURL is designed to let you transfer data from or to a server, using one of many supported protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, and more. It supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication, and more.

This makes cURL incredibly versatile for things like:

  • Downloading the contents/source code of web pages
  • Posting forms and sending data to APIs
  • Automating FTP/SFTP file transfers
  • Resuming paused downloads
  • Authenticating with servers via cookies/credentials

However, cURL alone can‘t handle more advanced use cases that require conditional logic, looping, saving/parsing responses, etc. That‘s where Python comes in. By writing Python scripts that execute cURL commands and process the responses, you can automate complex workflows like:

1. Web Scraping

Need to extract large amounts of data from websites? With Python and cURL, you can programmatically navigate through sites, submit forms, handle cookies, parse HTML/XML responses, and save the relevant bits. Python‘s Beautiful Soup and LXML libraries make it easy to extract data from scraped pages.

Combining cURL with Python for web scraping offers benefits like:

  • Simulating real user behavior with cURL‘s cookie handling, referrer spoofing, user-agent rotation, etc. This helps avoid bot detection.
  • Using proxies and adding random pauses between requests to throttle scraping and stay under rate limits
  • Scaling up scraping by running multiple cURL processes in parallel
  • Handling authentication (logging in), JavaScript rendering, and other challenges

2. API Testing and Debugging

Trying to pinpoint issues with your web application or API? Automated cURL requests through Python scripts let you test various endpoints with different parameters, headers, request bodies, etc.

This approach is helpful for:

  • Positive testing – verifying API endpoints return expected success responses
  • Negative testing – checking API error handling by purposely sending bad/malformed requests
  • Load testing – bombarding an API with requests to analyze performance
  • Fuzz testing – sending randomized request parameters to hunt for edge case bugs
  • Troubleshooting – replicating bug reports or customer issues by simulating the exact cURL request conditions

Rather than manually constructing cURL requests, automating the process with Python reduces errors and lets you sweep through many test cases much faster. And with Python handling the test execution and logging, it‘s painless to integrate your cURL tests into CI/CD pipelines.

3. Workflow Automation

Many daily tasks and business workflows revolve around moving data to and from web services. For example, maybe your marketing team needs to periodically export leads from your CRM via its API and then upload that data to your email service provider for a new campaign.

With Python and cURL, you could create a script to handle that entire ETL pipeline – fetching the data, transforming it to the necessary format, and loading it into the other service. Python‘s deep ecosystem of libraries helps immensely – you can use Pandas for easy data manipulation or boto3 to upload files straight to S3.

The other big opportunity for workflow automation is connecting disparate systems that don‘t natively integrate with each other. Using scheduled Python scripts that shuttle data between these tools via cURL requests, you can build your own automation to make your team more efficient.

How to Use cURL with Python

Now that you understand some of the core use cases, let‘s dive into the technical details of actually combining cURL with Python. We‘ll look at a couple different approaches.

Using Python‘s Subprocess Module

The simplest way to execute cURL from Python is by using the built-in subprocess module to run cURL commands in a subprocess. This is effectively the same as running the cURL command directly in your terminal, just wrapped inside a Python script.

Here‘s a quick example:

import subprocess

# Run cURL command to GET a URL 
returned_output = subprocess.check_output("curl", shell=True)

# Print the response body

Breaking this down:

  1. We import the subprocess module
  2. The check_output() function runs the provided command string in a subprocess
  3. We decode the bytes object returned by check_output() into a string using UTF-8
  4. Finally we print out the response body

You can swap out the cURL command for any valid cURL request, including POST/PUT requests with data, setting custom headers, using cookies, etc.

The main drawback of this approach is that parsing the cURL response isn‘t always straightforward, since cURL just returns the raw request body. For more advanced cases, you‘re better off using a dedicated Python package like PycURL.

Making Requests with PycURL

PycURL is a thin Python wrapper around the libcurl C library that powers the cURL command line tool. It provides a clean interface for generating cURL requests directly in Python, with built-in methods to set all the various cURL options.

Here‘s the same basic GET request from before, now using PycURL:

import pycurl
from io import BytesIO 

buffer = BytesIO()
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.URL, ‘‘)
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)

response_body = buffer.getvalue().decode(‘utf-8‘)

The core concepts are:

  1. Data is stored in a BytesIO object, which is an in-memory binary stream
  2. A Curl object is instantiated to make the request
  3. The Curl object is configured using the setopt() method
    • The URL option sets the URL to request
    • The WRITEDATA option specifies where the response body will be written to
  4. The configured request is executed with perform()
  5. The Curl object is closed out
  6. Finally we read the binary response data from the buffer, decode it, and print it out

While a bit more verbose than just running a cURL subprocess, using PycURL provides much finer-grained control over the request. You can easily set things like:

  • Request headers
  • Request body data and encoding
  • HTTP basic auth username/password
  • Proxy settings
  • SSL cert verification
  • Network timeouts
  • Follow redirects
  • And much more

For any non-trivial cURL automation, you‘ll likely want to use PycURL since it has hooks into just about every cURL feature available. It also has shortcuts for extracting just the response body or headers.

Here are a few other quick PycURL examples to give you a sense of its flexibility:

POST Request

c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(pycurl.URL, ‘‘)
post_data = {‘field‘: ‘value‘}
postfields = urlencode(post_data)
c.setopt(c.POSTFIELDS, postfields)

Setting Custom Request Headers

c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(pycurl.URL, ‘‘)
c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, [‘X-My-Header: 123‘])

Using a Proxy

c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(pycurl.URL, ‘‘)
c.setopt(pycurl.PROXY, ‘‘)
c.setopt(pycurl.PROXYPORT, 8080)
c.setopt(pycurl.PROXYTYPE, pycurl.PROXYTYPE_HTTP)

Downloading to a File

with open(‘out.html‘, ‘wb‘) as f:
    c = pycurl.Curl()
    c.setopt(c.URL, ‘‘)
    c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, f)

Parsing Response HTML with BeautifulSoup

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

buffer = BytesIO()
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.URL, ‘‘)
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)

response_body = buffer.getvalue().decode(‘utf-8‘)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response_body, ‘html.parser‘)

title = soup.find(‘title‘).get_text()

As you can see, PycURL makes it straightforward to assemble cURL requests piece-by-piece. Using Python‘s control flow, you can programmatically set cURL options based on conditionals, loops, fuzzy matching, etc. And you can easily combine PycURL with other Python libraries for more advanced automation.


While cURL alone is a Swiss Army knife for making one-off requests and debugging, combining it with Python takes things to a whole other level. By writing Python scripts that execute cURL commands, you open up the ability to automate repetitive tasks, scrape websites, test out APIs, and much more.

To get started, you‘ll want to first get comfortable constructing cURL requests manually on the command line. Translating them to Python code using the subprocess module or PycURL package will then be much more intuitive. Focus first on simple GET/POST requests before graduating to more advanced operations like handling cookies, spoofing headers, posting multipart form data, etc.

As your cURL skills grow, you can then dive into higher-level automation. Maybe that means a Python script to scrape real estate listings and dump them into a spreadsheet. Or a fuzzer to blast your new API with randomized data and catch any unhandled exceptions. Or an ETL pipeline to shuttle CRM data into your marketing automation tools.

Whichever route you take, just remember that cURL with Python is an incredibly powerful tool for any developer or technical marketer. While there‘s certainly a learning curve, it‘s well worth the effort to have such a flexible automation engine at your fingertips.

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