The Ultimate Guide to Web Scraping with Go

Web scraping, the process of programmatically extracting data from websites, has become an increasingly important tool for businesses and developers alike. It enables gathering large amounts of data quickly and cost-effectively for use cases such as:

  • Price monitoring and competitor analysis
  • Lead generation and market research
  • Sentiment analysis and brand monitoring
  • SEO and content strategy insights
  • Training machine learning models

According to a 2021 survey by Bright Data, 39% of organizations scrape web data at least a few times a day, and the global web scraping services market is projected to reach $5.48 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 18.2%.

While there are many programming languages and frameworks used for web scraping, Go (Golang) has emerged as a top choice for its simplicity, performance, and built-in concurrency features. In this guide, we‘ll dive deep into why Go is great for web scraping and walk through building a production-ready scraper step-by-step.

Why Use Go for Web Scraping?

Go, created by Google and first released in 2012, is a statically-typed, compiled language known for its clean syntax, robust standard library, and first-class support for concurrency. It has quickly gained popularity for systems programming, web development, and data-intensive applications.

Several key features make Go an excellent fit for web scraping:

  1. Concurrency and parallelism
    Go‘s lightweight goroutines and channels provide an elegant, efficient model for parallel processing, making it easy to scrape many pages concurrently. You can dramatically speed up large scraping jobs by spreading requests over multiple goroutines.

  2. Rich standard library
    Go‘s robust "net/http" package provides everything needed for making HTTP requests and handling responses, while the "encoding/json" and "encoding/xml" packages support parsing JSON and XML data. The "regexp" package offers powerful regular expressions for extracting data from unstructured text.

  3. Strong typing and compile-time checks
    Go‘s static typing system helps catch errors early in development. Specifying data types for extracted fields lets the compiler validate your scraping logic and avoid runtime issues like attempting to parse a price as an integer. Scrapers written in Go are more predictable and maintainable.

  4. Single, statically-linked binaries
    Go compiles to standalone executables that bundle all dependencies. This makes it easy to deploy Go scrapers on any platform without worrying about library versions or language runtimes. Shipping a scraper as a single binary simplifies devops and reduces moving parts.

  5. Growing ecosystem of scraping libraries
    While Go‘s standard library provides a solid foundation, the community has developed several higher-level web scraping frameworks. Libraries like Colly and GoQuery offer a more expressive, jQuery-like syntax for traversing the DOM and extracting data.

To illustrate Go‘s scraping capabilities, let‘s compare it to Python, another popular language for web scraping:

Concurrency modelGoroutines and channels (built-in)AsyncIO or multiprocessing (separate modules)
Static typingYesNo
Compiled or interpretedCompiledInterpreted
Scraping ecosystemGrowing (Colly, GoQuery)Mature (Scrapy, BeautifulSoup)
Learning curveModerateEasy

While Python has a larger ecosystem and simpler syntax, Go‘s performance, maintainability, and concurrency support make it a compelling choice for large-scale production scraping.

Popular Go Web Scraping Libraries

To speed up development and handle common scraping tasks, most Go developers rely on higher-level libraries built on top of the standard library. The most popular ones are:

  1. Colly
    Colly is a comprehensive scraping and crawling framework that makes it easy to extract structured data from websites. It provides a fluent, chainable API for making requests, handling responses, and traversing the DOM using CSS selectors or XPath expressions.

Some key features of Colly include:

  • Automatic cookie and session handling
  • Parallel scraping with rate limiting
  • Caching responses to avoid duplicate requests
  • Extensibility via plugins and middlewares
  1. GoQuery
    GoQuery brings jQuery-style DOM manipulation to Go, with syntax heavily inspired by jQuery. It provides a convenient, expressive way to find elements, extract data, and transform the DOM.

Some key features of GoQuery include:

  • Supports selection by CSS selector or XPath
  • Method chaining for iterating and filtering elements
  • Ability to add, remove, and manipulate DOM elements
  • Comparable performance to jQuery
  1. Chromedp
    For scraping sites that heavily rely on JavaScript and client-side rendering, a headless browser solution is often necessary. Chromedp provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium in headless mode directly from Go.

Some key features of Chromedp include:

  • Supports interacting with pages, filling forms, clicking buttons, etc.
  • Enables waiting for elements to appear or change
  • Can take screenshots and generate PDFs
  • Allows executing arbitrary JavaScript

The choice of library depends on the complexity of the target site and the scraping requirements. Colly is a great general-purpose framework, GoQuery is ideal for simple sites or when you‘re already familiar with jQuery, and Chromedp is best for dynamic sites that require a real browser.

Scraping Example: News Site

To demonstrate web scraping with Go in practice, let‘s walk through building a scraper for a news website. Our goal is to extract articles, including their titles, summaries, authors, and publication dates.

We‘ll use the Colly library, as it provides a nice balance of simplicity and features. Here‘s the step-by-step process:

1. Set up the project

First, create a new directory for the project and initialize a Go module:

mkdir news-scraper
cd news-scraper
go mod init news-scraper

Next, install Colly:

go get -u

2. Define data models

Create a new file, main.go, and define the data structures for the scraped articles:

package main

import (

type Article struct {
    Title     string    `json:"title"`
    URL       string    `json:"url"` 
    Summary   string    `json:"summary"`
    Author    string    `json:"author"`
    Published time.Time `json:"published"`

We define an Article struct with fields for the title, URL, summary, author, and publication date. The json tags specify how the fields should be named when marshaling to JSON.

3. Initialize the scraper

Next, we initialize a Colly collector with some common settings:

func main() {
    // Initialize a Colly collector 
    c := colly.NewCollector(

    // Limit the maximum parallelism to 5
        Parallelism: 5,
        RandomDelay: 1 * time.Second,

    // Set a custom user agent
    c.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36"

We create a new collector with colly.NewCollector, specifying the allowed domain and a directory to cache responses. We then set a limit rule to allow at most 5 concurrent requests with a random delay of 1 second between them. Finally, we set a custom User-Agent header to mimic a real browser.

4. Define scraping rules

Now we can define the actual scraping logic using Colly‘s OnHTML callbacks:

// Articles slice to hold the extracted data
var articles []*Article

// Extract article data from each "article" element 
c.OnHTML("article", func(e *colly.HTMLElement) {
    article := &Article{
        Title:   e.ChildText("h2"),
        URL:     e.Request.AbsoluteURL(e.ChildAttr("a", "href")),
        Summary: e.ChildText("p"),
        Author:  e.ChildText(".byline"),

    // Parse the publication date
    publishedStr := e.ChildText(".published")
    article.Published, _ = time.Parse("2006-01-02", publishedStr)

    articles = append(articles, article)

We define an articles slice to hold the extracted Article structs. We then register a callback for the article CSS selector using c.OnHTML. For each matched article element, we extract the relevant data using Colly‘s DOM traversal methods like ChildText and ChildAttr. We parse the publication date using Go‘s time.Parse function and finally append the Article to the articles slice.

5. Start the scraper

Finally, we start the scraper by calling c.Visit with the URL of the news site‘s homepage:

// Start scraping from the homepage

// Print the scraped articles as JSON
json, err := json.MarshalIndent(articles, "", "  ")
if err != nil {


After the scraper finishes, we convert the articles slice to pretty-printed JSON using json.MarshalIndent and print it to the console.

And that‘s it! In less than 50 lines of code, we‘ve built a fully-functional news article scraper using Go and Colly.

Web Scraping Best Practices and Tips

While web scraping is a powerful technique, it‘s important to scrape ethically and effectively. Here are some best practices and tips to keep in mind:

  1. Respect robots.txt
    Always check the target site‘s robots.txt file and honor any directives that prohibit scraping. Ignoring robots.txt can get your IP blocked and is generally considered poor etiquette.

  2. Set a reasonable request rate
    Sending too many requests too quickly can overwhelm the target server and get you blocked. Use rate limiting to introduce a delay between requests and limit concurrency. A good rule of thumb is to wait at least 1 second between requests.

  3. Use caching and persistence
    Avoid scraping the same pages repeatedly by caching responses locally. This reduces load on the target server and speeds up your scraper. Consider persisting data to a database or file so you can resume interrupted scraping jobs.

  4. Handle errors and edge cases
    Web scraping can be unpredictable, as site structures change frequently. Make sure to handle errors gracefully and log any issues for debugging. Test your scraper on a variety of pages and scenarios to catch edge cases.

  5. Use a headless browser when necessary
    Some sites render content dynamically using JavaScript, which can‘t be scraped using a simple HTTP client. For these cases, use a headless browser solution like Chromedp to fully render the page before extracting data.

  6. Rotate user agents and IP addresses
    Many sites use browser fingerprinting and IP tracking to detect and block scrapers. To avoid this, rotate your user agent and IP address periodically. Consider using a proxy service like Bright Data to access a large pool of IP addresses.

  7. Avoid honeypot traps
    Some sites include hidden links or elements designed to trap scrapers. These "honeypots" are invisible to normal users but detectable to scrapers. Avoid following links with suspicious rel attributes like nofollow or hidden CSS classes.

  8. Consider alternatives to scraping
    While scraping can be effective, it‘s not always the best solution. Many sites offer APIs or downloadable datasets that are more reliable and efficient than scraping. For example, you could use the Twitter API to access tweets instead of scraping

When to Use Web Scraping vs. Pre-Built Datasets or APIs

Web scraping is a powerful tool, but it‘s not always the most efficient or cost-effective solution. In many cases, it‘s better to use pre-built datasets or APIs instead of scraping data yourself.

Consider using a pre-built dataset or API when:

  • The data is available through an official API or bulk download
  • The data is updated infrequently and doesn‘t change much over time
  • You need data from multiple sources and don‘t want to maintain separate scrapers
  • You don‘t have the technical resources to build and maintain a scraper

On the other hand, web scraping can be a good choice when:

  • The data you need isn‘t available through an API or dataset
  • You need real-time or frequently updated data
  • The data is only accessible through a web interface
  • You have specific data requirements that pre-built solutions don‘t meet

If you‘re not sure whether to build a scraper or use a pre-built solution, consider the trade-offs in terms of cost, time, and maintenance. Scraping can be a significant investment, especially for large or complex sites.

That‘s where web data providers like Bright Data come in. They offer a range of datasets and APIs for common use cases like search engine results, e-commerce pricing, and social media monitoring. With Bright Data, you get access to:

  • Petabytes of structured web data from over 100 million sources
  • Regularly updated datasets for industries like travel, finance, and jobs
  • Customizable data collection for niche requirements
  • Dedicated support and infrastructure for reliable data delivery

By leveraging pre-built datasets and APIs, you can focus on deriving insights from data instead of worrying about the complexities of web scraping.


Web scraping is an increasingly important technique for gathering data from websites at scale. Whether you‘re a data scientist, marketer, or developer, being able to extract and analyze web data can give you a competitive edge.

Go is an excellent language for web scraping, thanks to its simplicity, performance, and built-in concurrency features. With libraries like Colly and GoQuery, you can build production-ready scrapers in just a few lines of code.

However, web scraping also comes with challenges like rate limiting, anti-bot countermeasures, and constantly changing website structures. By following best practices like respecting robots.txt, using caching and proxies, and handling errors gracefully, you can overcome these challenges and build robust, efficient scrapers.

At the same time, it‘s important to consider alternatives to web scraping, especially for common use cases where pre-built datasets or APIs are available. By leveraging solutions like Bright Data, you can focus on working with data instead of maintaining scrapers.

Whether you choose to build your own scrapers or use pre-built datasets, Go provides a powerful toolkit for data extraction and analysis. With the techniques and best practices covered in this guide, you‘re well-equipped to tackle any web scraping project.

So what are you waiting for? Go forth and scrape! The web is your oyster.

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