The Ultimate Guide to Web Scraping with Playwright

Web scraping is an essential skill for gathering structured data from websites at scale. While there are many tools and libraries available for web scraping, Playwright has emerged as a powerful and user-friendly option, especially for scraping modern websites with lots of JavaScript.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll take a deep dive into web scraping with Playwright. You‘ll learn what makes Playwright a great choice, how to set it up, and the core techniques for locating, interacting with, and extracting data from web page elements. We‘ll also cover some more advanced topics like handling pagination, using proxies, and running Playwright at scale.

By the end, you‘ll be equipped with the knowledge and best practices to scrape even the most challenging websites using Playwright. Let‘s get started!

What is Playwright?

Playwright is an open-source Node.js library developed by Microsoft for automating web browsers. While it‘s mainly intended for web testing and automation, Playwright‘s robust features make it an excellent tool for web scraping as well.

Some key strengths of Playwright for scraping include:

  • Supports all modern rendering engines (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit)
  • Has a simple but powerful API for interacting with pages and elements
  • Offers multiple methods for locating elements (CSS selectors, XPath, accessible labels)
  • Automatically waits for elements and pages to load before interactions
  • Provides helpful utilities like page screenshots and PDFs
  • Capable of handling cookies, authentication, and sessions
  • Can be configured to use proxies to avoid blocking

So while you have other options for web scraping libraries, Playwright really stands out for its ease of use and ability to handle the modern web.

Setting Up Playwright

Before we start scraping, let‘s go through the process of installing and setting up a new Playwright project.

The first step is to make sure you have Node.js installed. Playwright requires Node v14 or higher. You can check your Node version with:

node -v

With Node ready to go, create a new directory for your scraping project:

mkdir playwright-scraper
cd playwright-scraper 

Initialize a new Node project:

npm init -y

And install Playwright as a dependency:

npm install playwright

This will install the Playwright library and download the necessary browser binaries. It may take a couple minutes to complete.

Finally, create a new file for your scraper script:

touch scraper.js

And open it up in your code editor. We‘re ready to start writing our Playwright scraper!

Locating Elements with Playwright

The core of web scraping is finding the elements on the page that contain the data you want to extract. Playwright offers multiple convenient methods for locating elements.

The primary way is using standard CSS selectors, just like you would in JavaScript or jQuery. For example, to locate an element by ID:

await page.locator(‘#my-id‘);

By class name:

await page.locator(‘.my-class‘);

Or by tag name:

await page.locator(‘div‘);

You can combine selectors as well:

await page.locator(‘‘);

Playwright also supports XPath for locating elements:

await page.locator(‘//button[text()="Submit"]‘);

In addition to CSS and XPath, some other useful methods Playwright provides for locating elements include:

  • getByRole(role) – locate by ARIA role
  • getByLabel(text) – locate a form control by associated label
  • getByPlaceholder(text) – locate by input placeholder text
  • getByAltText(text) – locate image by alt attribute
  • getByTitle(text) – locate by title attribute

So as you can see, Playwright gives you lots of flexibility in how you find elements. You‘ll generally want to use whichever selectors are the most specific and least brittle for the pages you are scraping.

Interacting with Elements

Once you‘ve located an element (or set of elements) with Playwright selectors, the next step is interacting with them to simulate real user actions.

Common interactions include:

  • click() – click on the element
  • type(text) – enter text into an input
  • check() / uncheck() – check or uncheck a checkbox
  • selectOption(value) – select an option from a dropdown

For example, here‘s how you might automate logging into a website:

// Enter username
await page.locator(‘#username‘).type(‘my_username‘);

// Enter password 
await page.locator(‘#password‘).type(‘my_password‘);

// Check "remember me"
await page.locator(‘#remember‘).check();

// Click submit
await page.locator(‘button[type=submit]‘).click();

Playwright will automatically wait for elements to be visible and enabled before interacting with them, so you don‘t have to manually add waits most of the time.

Extracting Data from Elements

After locating and interacting with elements, the final key piece is extracting the actual data you‘re interested in from those elements.

The main methods for extracting data with Playwright are:

  • innerText() – get the visible text of an element
  • innerHTML() – get the HTML contents of an element
  • getAttribute(name) – get the value of an element‘s attribute
  • textContent() – get all text of an element and its children

You can use these in combination with the location methods to extract various data from matched elements. For example:

// Get the text of the first h1 on the page
const title = await page.locator(‘h1‘).innerText();

// Get all the URLs from links on the page
const urls = await page.locator(‘a‘).evaluateAll(links => => link.href));

// Get the src URL of an image with alt text "Profile picture" 
const profilePicUrl = await page.getByAltText(‘Profile picture‘).getAttribute(‘src‘);

A single locator call can match multiple elements. To extract data from each matched element, you can use the evaluateAll method as shown above or loop through the matches:

const productsLocator = page.locator(‘.product‘);
const numProducts = await productsLocator.count();

for (let i = 0; i < numProducts; i++) {
  const product = productsLocator.nth(i);
  const title = await product.locator(‘h3‘).innerText();
  const price = await product.locator(‘.price‘).innerText();
  console.log({title, price});

As you scrape a page, you‘ll build up your data by locating the relevant elements and extracting their data into an object or array.

Paginating and Interacting with Dynamic Pages

So far we‘ve focused on locating and extracting data from a single, static web page. However, many websites have pagination or dynamic loading that requires a scraper to load additional content to get all the data.

With Playwright, you can automate actions like clicking next page buttons or scrolling to the bottom to trigger infinite loading.

Here‘s an example of clicking through a simple paginated result set:

let currentPage = 1;
let maxPages = 10;

while (currentPage <= maxPages) {
  // Scrape data from current page
  // ...


  // Click the next page button
  await page.locator(‘.next-page‘).click();

  // Wait for the new page to load
  await page.waitForSelector(‘.result‘);

And here‘s how you might handle infinite scrolling pagination by scrolling to the bottom of the page until no more results load:

let previousHeight = 0;

while (true) {  
  // Scrape data from current page
  // ...

  // Scroll to bottom
  await page.evaluate(() => {
    window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);

  // Wait for page to load new content
  await page.waitForTimeout(2000);

  // Check if we‘ve reached the end  
  const currentHeight = await page.evaluate(‘document.body.scrollHeight‘);
  if (currentHeight === previousHeight) {

  previousHeight = currentHeight;

The specific selectors and interactions required will vary based on how each site implements pagination, but Playwright provides the necessary building blocks to handle a wide variety of scenarios.

Using Proxies with Playwright

When scraping a large number of pages from a website, it‘s important to be mindful of rate limits and the risk of getting your IP address blocked.

One way to mitigate this is to distribute your requests across a pool of proxies. Playwright has built-in support for making requests through an HTTP proxy.

Here‘s an example of configuring Playwright to use proxies from the popular provider Bright Data:

const { chromium } = require(‘playwright‘);

(async () => {
  const browser = await chromium.launch({
    proxy: {
      server: ‘‘,
      username: ‘lum-customer-hl_758e55cc-zone-residental‘,
      password: ‘your_password‘

  const page = await browser.newPage();

  await page.goto(‘‘);

  await browser.close();

By launching the browser with the proxy option set, all requests made through that browser instance will be routed through the specified proxy.

You can further improve this by creating a pool of proxies and rotating through them for each request:

const proxyPool = [

let proxyIndex = 0;

// Get the next proxy from the pool in a circular way
function getNextProxy() {
  const proxy = proxyPool[proxyIndex];
  proxyIndex = (proxyIndex + 1) % proxyPool.length;
  return proxy;

// Launch a new browser with a new proxy for each page
const pages = await Promise.all( url => {
  const proxy = getNextProxy();
  const browser = await chromium.launch({ proxy: { server: proxy } });
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto(url);
  return page;

This distributes the scraping load across multiple IP addresses and helps avoid rate limiting or IP bans.

A service like Bright Data can make it easy to access a large, diverse pool of proxies without having to manage them yourself. They offer both datacenter and residential proxies suitable for web scraping with Playwright.

Scaling Playwright with Parallelization

Playwright is fast for a browser-based scraper, but for large scraping jobs, running Playwright in a single Node process can still be too slow. To maximize performance, you can parallelize your scraping by launching multiple browser instances at once.

The simplest way to do this is using Node‘s built-in cluster module:

const { chromium } = require(‘playwright‘);
const cluster = require(‘cluster‘);

const numClusters = 4;

if (cluster.isMaster) {
  // Fork worker processes
  for (let i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) {
} else {
  // Launch browser and do scraping in each worker
  (async () => {
    const browser = await chromium.launch();
    // Scraping code here

This will launch 4 separate Node processes, each running its own browser instance and scraping in parallel. You can adjust the number of worker processes based on your machine‘s capabilities.

For even greater scale, you can distribute Playwright across multiple machines using a task queue like RabbitMQ or Redis. Each scraper process pulls URLs to visit from the queue, does its work, then fetches the next job.

This architecture allows you to scale your scraping horizontally by adding more machines as your needs grow. You can learn more about this in Playwright‘s official guide on scaling and parallelization.

Playwright Scraping Best Practices

To wrap up, here are some best practices to keep in mind when scraping with Playwright:

  • Respect robots.txt: Before scraping a site, check its robots.txt file and respect any restrictions it specifies. Ignoring robots.txt risks getting your scrapers blocked.

  • Use realistic headers and user agents: Set your scraper to use headers and user agent strings that match a real web browser. This makes your traffic look less suspicious.

  • Limit concurrent requests: Too many simultaneous requests can overload a server and get you blocked. Limit concurrency to a reasonable level and add delays between requests if needed.

  • Handle errors gracefully: Web scraping is prone to various errors like network issues, element not found, etc. Make sure your scraper can handle common errors without crashing.

  • Cache pages locally: If you need to scrape the same pages repeatedly, consider saving the page HTML locally to avoid re-fetching it each time. Playwright‘s built-in caching can help with this.

  • Monitor for changes: Websites change frequently and can break your scraper. Monitoring your scrapers and having alerts for failures helps you act quickly when a fix is needed.

  • Use a headless browser: Playwright can run in headless mode, which is faster and consumes less memory than a visible browser window. Use headless mode unless you need to visually debug your scraper.

By following these practices and the techniques outlined in this guide, you‘ll be well on your way to scraping the web effectively with Playwright. Happy scraping!

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