Top 29 Best AI Content Writing Tools in 2024

As a writer or content marketer, you know how challenging it can be to consistently produce high-quality, engaging content. Writer‘s block, lack of time, difficulty finding the right words – these are all common struggles. But what if I told you there was a way to streamline your writing process and generate polished, compelling copy in a fraction of the time? Enter AI writing tools.

In recent years, artificial intelligence technology has made huge strides, and we now have access to incredibly powerful AI-based tools designed specifically for writing. These tools can help with everything from coming up with content ideas to creating optimized content for search engines to checking your work for grammar and stylistic issues.

But with so many AI writing assistants out there, which ones are worth your time and money? To help you navigate this emerging space, I‘ve compiled a list of the top 29 AI content writing tools you should check out in 2024. Whether you‘re a professional writer, a marketer, or just someone who wants to improve their writing skills, there‘s a tool on this list for you. Let‘s dive in!

What Are AI Content Writing Tools?

Before we get into the specific tools, let‘s quickly go over what AI writing software actually is and how it works. In a nutshell, these are programs and platforms that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to help you with various writing tasks.

For example, some AI writers can analyze top-ranking content for a given keyword and provide optimization suggestions to help your piece compete in search results. Others use natural language processing (NLP) to understand context and generate human-like text based on a prompt. And of course, many of these tools also have built-in editing features to catch spelling, grammar, and even tone/style issues.

The goal of all these AI-powered capabilities is to make you a faster, more efficient, and more effective writer. Rather than spending hours agonizing over every word choice or researching SEO best practices, you can offload those tasks to the software and focus on the actual meat of your content.

Benefits of Using AI Writing Assistants

If you‘re still not convinced that AI writing tools are worth looking into, consider these key benefits:

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity. By automating parts of the research, outlining, writing and editing process, you can drastically reduce the time it takes to create a piece of content.

  2. Improved content quality and consistency. Many of these tools have features to optimize your writing for search engines, improve readability, maintain brand voice, and more. This ensures that your content is always high-quality and aligned with your goals.

  3. Overcoming writer‘s block and generating new ideas. Staring at a blank page is every writer‘s nightmare. But with an AI writing assistant, you can quickly generate topic ideas, outlines, and even complete paragraphs just by entering a few keywords or prompts.

  4. Cost-effective scaling of content creation. Hiring a team of professional writers can get expensive fast. AI tools allow you to scale your content production without breaking the bank.

  5. Staying ahead of the competition. As more and more content is published online every day, it‘s getting harder to stand out. By leveraging the power of AI to create better, more targeted content, you can give yourself an edge.

Now that you understand the potential of AI writing software, let‘s take a closer look at some of the top tools available today. Note that this is not a definitive ranking, as the "best" tool will depend on your specific needs and budget. But these are all solid options to consider.


If you‘re serious about search engine optimization, you need to check out This powerful tool uses cutting-edge AI and NLP to help you create content that‘s primed to rank on Google. Some key features include:

  • Semantic keyword analysis to find related terms and entities to include
  • Automated content briefs with SEO guidelines
  • Real-time content optimization scores and suggestions
  • Integration with Google Docs-style editor for easy writing and collaboration

Pricing starts at $55/month after a 5-day free trial. While not the cheapest option,‘s advanced capabilities make it well worth the investment for teams that want to scale SEO-focused content creation.

2. HubSpot AI Content Generator

HubSpot needs no introduction in the world of digital marketing. Always ahead of the curve, they recently launched a free AI content generator as part of their Marketing Hub. This simple tool allows you to enter a blog post topic and instantly generates an outline with talking points, titles, and more. You can then flesh out each section into full paragraphs with the help of the AI.

While it doesn‘t have all the bells and whistles of some other tools on this list, HubSpot‘s AI writing assistant is a great way to quickly ideate and create first drafts. And since it‘s integrated with their CRM and marketing platform, you can easily track and analyze the performance of your AI-generated content. Did I mention it‘s completely free?

3. ChatGPT by OpenAI

You‘ve probably seen ChatGPT make waves in the tech world over the past few months. Developed by OpenAI, this highly advanced language model can engage in human-like conversations and assist with all sorts of writing tasks. For example, you can ask ChatGPT to write a blog post on just about any topic and it will generate a surprisingly coherent and informative article in seconds.

But ChatGPT really shines when it comes to creative writing, with the ability to understand highly specific prompts and provide spot-on responses. Many writers are using it to come up with ideas, break through blocks, and even co-write entire stories and scripts. The one downside is that ChatGPT is not integrated with any platform, so you have to copy and paste the output. Still, it‘s a game-changing tool that‘s completely free to use in its current form.


Formerly known as, Jasper is another extremely popular AI writing platform with a wide range of capabilities. From Facebook ad copy to novels to sales emails, Jasper has over 50 templates to help you create all kinds of content. The tool uses GPT-3 technology to understand your inputs and generate high-quality, plagiarism-free text that reads like it was written by a human (because it basically was).

One neat feature of Jasper is Boss Mode, which allows you to essentially give the AI commands and have it spit out content on demand. This is great for those who like a more hands-on approach to AI writing. Jasper also integrates with Grammarly to catch any grammar or spelling errors. Plans start at $49/month for 35,000 words.

Other Notable AI Writing Tools

I could go on and on about each AI writing assistant out there, but in the interest of brevity, here are some other great options to explore:

  1. Grammarly – The gold standard in AI grammar and plagiarism checking, with a handy Chrome extension. Free and premium plans.

  2. Frase – An all-in-one SEO content creation and optimization platform started at $44.99/month.

  3. ProWritingAid – Much more than just a grammar checker, PWA analyzes your writing and provides detailed reports on style, structure, and more. Starts at $70/year.

  4. Rytr – With over 30 use cases and 20+ tones, this affordable AI writing tool is great for generating copy and ideas quickly. Plans start at just $9/month.

  5. Surfer SEO – A powerful content planning and optimization tool that uses AI to help you rank higher on Google. Plans from $49/month.

  6. – Specializes in short-form copy like social media posts, ad copy, product descriptions, etc. Free and paid plans available.

  7. Hemingway Editor – A simple but effective tool that uses AI to improve the clarity and readability of your writing. One-time fee of $19.99.

  8. Writer – An enterprise-focused AI writing platform with team collaboration, custom templates, and more. Contact for pricing.

  9. Writesonic – Offers over 40 templates for various content types in 25+ languages. Plans start at $10/month.

  10. WordHero – An AI-powered writing companion with a distraction-free interface. Free and premium plans available.

The Future of AI Writing Is Bright

As you can see, there‘s no shortage of powerful AI writing tools out there to help take your content to the next level. Whether you‘re an experienced writer looking to streamline your process or a complete beginner who needs all the help you can get, there‘s an AI assistant that‘s right for you.

But here‘s the most exciting part: we‘re only scratching the surface of what AI can do for writing. As the underlying technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, we can expect these tools to get even better at understanding and mimicking human language. Soon, AI-generated content may be virtually indistinguishable from content written by humans. Of course, this raises some ethical concerns around automation and job displacement. But the reality is that AI is not going to replace human writers entirely. Instead, it will become an essential tool in every writer‘s toolkit – one that enhances our work and allows us to focus on the things that truly require a human touch, like storytelling, creativity, and emotional resonance.

Which AI Writing Tool Should You Use?

With so many great options out there, you may be wondering which AI writing tool is the best fit for your needs. Ultimately, it comes down to your specific use case, budget, and preferences.

If SEO is a top priority, a specialist tool like or Frase is a great choice. For more general writing assistance, ChatGPT and Jasper are very versatile. And if you just need help with the basics like grammar and style, Grammarly and Hemingway Editor are must-haves.

My recommendation? Pick a few tools that look promising and take advantage of their free trials or freemium plans. That way, you can test them out and see which one gels with your workflow before committing. You may even find that a combination of tools works best, for example using ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas and outlines, Jasper to write the first draft, and Grammarly to polish it up.

Key Takeaways

As we‘ve seen, AI writing software can be an incredibly powerful asset for anyone who creates content regularly. By automating and enhancing various parts of the writing process, these tools can help you work more efficiently, overcome creative blocks, and ultimately produce better content.

While there are many great AI writing tools available, some of the top options to consider in 2024 include:

  • for search engine optimized content
  • HubSpot‘s free AI Content Generator for straightforward content ideas
  • ChatGPT for creative writing and general assistance
  • Jasper for versatile long-form content creation
  • Grammarly and ProWritingAid for in-depth editing and proofreading

The world of AI writing is evolving rapidly, and we can expect these tools to only get more sophisticated in the coming years. Instead of seeing AI as a threat, embrace it as a collaborator and force multiplier. Used thoughtfully, it can take your writing to heights you never thought possible.

So what are you waiting for? Pick an AI writing assistant from this list and start exploring what it can do for you. With the power of AI at your fingertips, there‘s never been a more exciting time to be a content creator. Happy writing!

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