Top 40 ChatGPT Prompts for SEO Professionals (2024)

Are you an SEO professional looking to leverage the power of AI to supercharge your SEO efforts? Look no further than ChatGPT – the revolutionary language model that can help with everything from keyword research to content creation to technical SEO.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ve compiled the top 40 most effective ChatGPT prompts specifically designed for SEO pros. Whether you‘re a seasoned expert or just starting out, these prompts will help you work smarter, not harder, and achieve incredible results in the SERPs. Let‘s dive in!

What is a ChatGPT Prompt for SEO?

First, let‘s define what we mean by a "ChatGPT prompt" in the context of search engine optimization. Essentially, it‘s a carefully crafted input or instruction that you provide to ChatGPT in order to generate a specific SEO-related output.

For example, you could prompt ChatGPT to "Generate a list of 10 long-tail keywords related to [topic]" or "Write a compelling meta description for [page] that includes [keyword]". The clearer and more specific your prompt, the more relevant and useful ChatGPT‘s output will be.

The key is to view ChatGPT as an SEO assistant that can augment your own expertise and creativity. By providing it with the right prompts, you can streamline your SEO workflows, uncover new insights and opportunities, and ultimately drive more organic traffic and conversions.

Keyword Research & Selection Prompts

Effective keyword targeting forms the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. Here are some ChatGPT prompts to help you find the right keywords to focus on:

1. Generate related keywords

Prompt: "Generate a list of 10 related keywords for [seed keyword], including both short and long-tail variations."

2. Identify question-based keywords

Prompt: "What are 5 common questions people ask about [topic]? Provide the questions and the keywords they might use."

3. Find low-competition keywords

Prompt: "Identify 5 low-competition, long-tail keywords related to [topic] that have search volume but lower keyword difficulty."

4. Categorize keywords by intent

Prompt: "Categorize the following keywords by search intent (informational, commercial, transactional, or navigational): [list of keywords]"

5. Discover trending keywords

Prompt: "What are 3 emerging or trending keywords related to [industry/niche] that have seen increased search volume in the past 3 months?"

Content Ideation & Outlining Prompts

ChatGPT can be an invaluable brainstorming partner when it comes to generating SEO-friendly content ideas and outlines. Try these prompts:

6. Brainstorm blog post ideas

Prompt: "Brainstorm 5 engaging blog post ideas that target the keyword [keyword] and appeal to [target audience]."

7. Create a content brief

Prompt: "Create a content brief for a comprehensive guide on [topic] that covers [subtopic 1], [subtopic 2], and [subtopic 3]. Include title tag, meta description, target keywords, and outline."

8. Outline a blog post

Prompt: "Outline a well-structured blog post on [topic] with an introduction, main points, examples, and conclusion. Use descriptive H2 and H3 subheadings."

9. Generate a listicle outline

Prompt: "Generate an outline for a listicle titled ‘10 [Adjective] Ways to [Achieve Desired Result]‘. Provide a compelling title and intro, plus a brief description of each list item."

10. Write an engaging introduction

Prompt: "Write an attention-grabbing introduction for a blog post on [topic]. Use a surprising statistic, provocative question, or relatable story to hook the reader."

On-Page SEO Prompts

Don‘t forget about optimizing your page titles, meta descriptions, headers, and other on-page elements. ChatGPT can help with that too:

11. Craft an optimized page title

Prompt: "Create an SEO-friendly title tag for a page on [topic] that includes the primary keyword [keyword] and entices clicks in under 60 characters."

12. Generate a click-worthy meta description

Prompt: "Generate a compelling meta description for [page/post] that incorporates [keyword], summarizes the main benefit, and includes a call-to-action in 160 characters or less."

13. Optimize header tags

Prompt: "Optimize the header tags (H1, H2, H3) for [page/post] to include relevant keywords, summarize key points, and improve readability."

14. Identify opportunities for internal linking

Prompt: "Based on the context of [page/post], suggest 3 relevant internal pages to link to, with optimized anchor text that includes keywords."

15. Write better alt text

Prompt: "Write descriptive, keyword-rich alt text for the images in [page/post] to improve accessibility and SEO. Keep each under 125 characters."

Content Quality Prompts

In addition to optimization, ChatGPT can help you improve the overall quality, depth, and readability of your content:

16. Simplify complex content

Prompt: "Rewrite this section in simpler terms so it‘s easy for a [persona] to understand: [paste complex paragraph]"

17. Elaborate on a topic

Prompt: "Expand on this point to add more depth and detail for an expert audience: [paste brief sentence or paragraph]"

18. Make tone more conversational

Prompt: "Rewrite this paragraph in a more casual, conversational tone as if explaining to a friend: [paste formal paragraph]"

19. Support claims with examples

Prompt: "Provide 2-3 real examples that illustrate this point: [paste a claim or advice]"

20. Summarize key takeaways

Prompt: "Summarize the 3 main takeaways from this section in concise bullet points: [paste lengthy paragraph or section]"

FAQ Prompts

A well-crafted FAQ section can boost your page‘s relevance and search visibility for question-based queries. Use these prompts to generate FAQs:

21. Generate FAQs from a page

Prompt: "Generate a list of 5 frequently asked questions based on the content of [page/post], with brief, direct answers to each."

22. Create FAQ schema

Prompt: "Create properly formatted FAQ Page schema markup for the following questions and answers: [list of questions and answers]"

23. Answer a specific question

Prompt: "Provide a detailed, expert answer to this common question about [topic]: [question]?"

24. Simplify a complex answer

Prompt: "Simplify this jargon-heavy answer to be understandable for a general audience: [paste complex answer]"

25. Optimize an answer for featured snippets

Prompt: "Rewrite this answer to be more concise and optimized for featured snippets, keeping it under 50 words: [paste lengthy answer]"

Technical SEO Prompts

Yes, ChatGPT can even assist with some technical SEO tasks like generating redirects, schema markup, and sitemaps:

26. Generate a robots.txt file

Prompt: "Generate a robots.txt file that allows all user agents, specifies a sitemap, and disallows access to the /admin/ directory."

27. Create a 301 redirect

Prompt: "Write the code for a 301 redirect from [old URL] to [new URL] using [Apache/Nginx]."

28. Implement hreflang tags

Prompt: "Show how to implement hreflang tags for [page] that has versions in English (US), English (UK), Spanish (Spain), and Spanish (Mexico)."

29. Generate an XML sitemap

Prompt: "Generate a valid XML sitemap for a website with the following pages: [list URLs]"

30. Add schema markup

Prompt: "Create the JSON-LD schema markup for a [type of schema e.g. local business, product, article] with the following properties: [list key properties]"

Link Building Prompts

Struggling with link building outreach? ChatGPT can help you break the ice and start more productive conversations:

31. Brainstorm link building targets

Prompt: "Brainstorm a list of 10 websites or publications that might be interested in linking to our content on [topic], based on relevance and authority."

32. Find a contact‘s email

Prompt: "Draft a polite email to send to [company] to request the best contact email for [name], their [job title]."

33. Write a link request email

Prompt: "Write a friendly, personalized email to [name] asking them to consider linking to our page on [topic] in their recent article on [related topic]. Aim for under 150 words."

34. Suggest a content collaboration

Prompt: "Come up with 3 creative content collaboration ideas to pitch to [site] that would be mutually beneficial and likely earn us a link. For each idea, include a brief rationale."

35. Craft a subject line

Prompt: "Generate 3 compelling, curiosity-provoking subject lines for a link request email, keeping each to 10 words or less."

Tips for Prompt Engineering Success

To get the most value from ChatGPT for SEO, keep these prompt engineering tips in mind:

  1. Be specific. The more context and details you provide, the better tailored ChatGPT‘s outputs will be.

  2. Use examples. Showing is often better than telling. Share examples of what you‘re looking for when possible.

  3. Iterate and refine. If ChatGPT‘s first response doesn‘t quite hit the mark, give feedback and try again with a tweaked prompt.

  4. Provide quality assurance. Always review ChatGPT‘s writing for factual accuracy, logical flow, and adherence to your brand voice before publishing.

  5. Enhance, don‘t replace. ChatGPT is a powerful assistant, but it‘s not a substitute for human creativity, expertise, and critical thinking. Use it to augment your own skills.

Go Forth & Optimize

Now that you‘re armed with 35 powerful ChatGPT prompts for every stage of the SEO process, it‘s time to put them into action. Whether you‘re a one-person operation or part of a larger team, ChatGPT can help you work more efficiently and effectively to drive organic success.

Keep in mind that these are just a starting point – feel free to adapt, combine, and build upon these prompts to suit your unique needs and niche. And as you experiment, don‘t forget to track your results and refine your approach over time.

The future of SEO is here, and it‘s powered by AI. By embracing tools like ChatGPT, you can stay ahead of the curve, scale your efforts, and unlock new levels of search performance. So what are you waiting for? Go forth and optimize!

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