Vector of URLs to scrape

Web scraping is the process of programmatically extracting data from websites. It allows you to collect information from across the web and utilize it for analysis, research, business intelligence, and more.

The R programming language provides a fantastic ecosystem for web scraping. With its powerful packages like rvest, you can easily scrape websites and process the extracted data, all within the R environment you‘re already familiar with for data manipulation and analysis.

In this in-depth tutorial, we‘ll walk through how to scrape data from the web using R. We‘ll cover the fundamentals of web scraping, learn how to use the rvest package, and scale our approach to handle larger scraping tasks. Let‘s dive in!

Why Use R for Web Scraping?

You might be wondering, why use R for web scraping when there are so many other options? Here are a few key reasons:

  • R has a robust set of packages for web scraping and handling data post-extraction. Chief among them is rvest, which makes the scraping process simple.

  • Scraping and data analysis can be done all within R. You likely already use R and its tidyverse of packages like dplyr and ggplot2 for working with data. Scraping with R allows you to keep everything in one place.

  • R is open-source and cross-platform. You can scrape on any operating system. The community is large and active if you need help.

  • Scraping with R can be more intuitive than Python for those already familiar with R.

So while languages like Python are also popular for web scraping, R is a worthy choice, especially for data professionals already using other parts of the R ecosystem.

Getting Started with rvest

The star of the show for web scraping in R is the rvest package. It‘s designed to make most scraping tasks simple, from fetching page HTML to extracting specific elements to parsing the extracted data.

To get started, make sure you have R and RStudio set up. Then install rvest with:


And load it with:


That‘s it! You‘re now ready to start scraping. Let‘s begin with a simple example to see rvest in action.

Scraping a Simple Webpage with rvest

We‘ll start by scraping a basic, static webpage. No JavaScript rendering, no pagination – just pure HTML. This will illustrate the core functions in rvest.

Our example page will be the Wikipedia article on web scraping:

Let‘s scrape this page and extract all the headers, using their <h2> tags as our hooks.

First, we read in the HTML of the page:

page <- read_html("")

The read_html() function fetches the HTML from the provided URL. Note you can also pass it a local file path.

Next, we use html_nodes() to extract each <h2> element:

headers <- html_nodes(page, "h2")

This returns all the matching nodes, which we‘ve saved to the headers object.

Finally, we parse out the text from these headers:

header_text <- html_text(headers)

And take a look at what we got:


[1] "Contents"                                
[2] "Techniques"                              
[3] "Legal issues"                            
[4] "Methods to prevent web scraping"                      
[5] "Web scraping tools"                     
[6] "See also"                                
[7] "References"

Just like that, we‘ve extracted the key components of the article by scraping the <h2> elements. We could easily adapt this for other pages or elements as needed.

Analyzing the Target Webpage

In a real web scraping project, you‘ll likely be working with a page that‘s more complex than our basic example. It‘s important to examine the page structure before writing any code.

The best tool for this is your browser‘s developer tools, usually opened with F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I. For this demonstration, we‘ll use Chrome DevTools.

Let‘s return to our original data source, a product reviews page on Amazon:

Open the page in Chrome and launch the developer tools. In the Elements panel, you can browse the HTML structure of the page.

Looking at the reviews section, we can see each review is contained in a <div> element with classes like "review", "a-section", and "celwidget". These will serve as the hooks for us to extract the reviews.

Expanding one of these review <div>s, we can see the key pieces of data we want are also housed in consistently named elements:

  • The review title is in a <span> inside a <div> and <a> with the "review-title" class
  • The rating is in a <span> inside an <i> with the "review-rating" class
  • The review text is in a <span> with the "review-text" class

With these identified, we‘re ready to scrape.

Scraping the Amazon Reviews Page

Armed with our understanding of the page structure, we can write the R code to extract the review data we‘re after.

First, we read in the page HTML:

reviews_page <- read_html("")

Next, we extract each review div using the "review" class as our hook:

review_divs <- html_nodes(reviews_page, ".review")

Now, for each of these review divs, we parse out the title, rating, and text using the classes we identified:

review_titles <- html_nodes(review_divs, ".review-title-content span") %>% html_text()

review_ratings <- html_nodes(review_divs, ".review-rating span") %>% html_text() %>% parse_number(na = "")

review_text <- html_nodes(review_divs, ".review-text-content span") %>% html_text()

Let‘s break this down:

  • We use html_nodes() to find the element containing our desired data within each review <div>, using the CSS class as the selector
  • We pipe this to html_text() to extract the text contents
  • For the ratings, we also use parse_number() to convert the text "4.0 out of 5 stars" to the numeric 4.0

Finally, we combine this all into a data frame:

reviews_df <- data.frame(
title = review_titles,
rating = review_ratings,
text = review_text

And we‘ve got our scraped review data ready for analysis! Here‘s a snippet of the resulting data frame:

                                         title rating                                              text
1               Well Built and Designed Product   5.0 Pros:

1) It feels well built and ready for...
2                                Another Level   5.0 I am really struggling to know whether this...
3             I can‘t put the controller down!!   5.0 I literally cannot put the controller down! ...

With this foundation, you can adapt the code to handle pagination, extract additional data points, and much more.

Scaling Up: Scraping Multiple Pages

So far we‘ve looked at scraping a single page, but most real-world scraping projects will involve many pages – think scraping product data from a category of hundreds of items, each on their own page.

The process for this is similar, with a few additions:

  1. We need to collect the URLs for all the pages we want to scrape. This might involve scraping a listing page for the individual links.

  2. We need to visit each of these URLs and repeat our scraping process, storing the results.

  3. We may need to introduce delays between requests to avoid overloading the server or being blocked.

Here‘s a simple example of how this might look, using our Amazon reviews scenario:

urls <- c(

reviews_data <- list()

for (url in urls) {

page <- read_html(url)
review_divs <- html_nodes(page, ".review")

titles <- html_nodes(review_divs, ".review-title-content span") %>% html_text()
ratings <- html_nodes(review_divs, ".review-rating span") %>% html_text() %>% parse_number(na = "")
text <- html_nodes(review_divs, ".review-text-content span") %>% html_text()

reviews_data[[url]] <- data.frame(title = titles, rating = ratings, text = text)


all_reviews <- bind_rows(reviews_data, .id = "url")

This script:

  1. Defines a vector of URLs to scrape
  2. Initializes a list to store our scraped data
  3. Loops through the URLs, scraping each one and storing the result in the list
  4. Pauses for 5 seconds between each request
  5. Combines all the scraped data into a single data frame, adding a column for the source URL

The resulting all_reviews data frame will contain the reviews from all the scraped pages.

Challenges of Web Scraping at Scale

Scraping a handful of pages is relatively straightforward, but as you scale up to larger projects, you‘re likely to encounter some challenges:

  • IP blocking: Servers may block your IP if you make too many requests too quickly, which they interpret as bot behavior.
  • CAPTCHAs: Some sites employ CAPTCHAs to prevent automated access, which can halt your scraper.
  • Dynamic content: Many modern sites rely heavily on JavaScript to render content on the client side. Basic scrapers will only see the initial, empty HTML.
  • Inconsistent structure: Across many pages, the structure you‘re relying on to locate elements may change, breaking your scraper.

There are strategies to overcome these challenges:

  • Rate limiting: Add delays between your requests to avoid overwhelming the server.
  • Rotating user agents and IP addresses: Use a pool of user agent strings and proxy IPs to vary your requests.
  • Headless browsers: Tools like Playwright or Selenium can render JavaScript and interact with CAPTCHAs.
  • Flexible selectors: Use CSS selectors that are less likely to change, or prepare your script to handle variations.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

When scraping the web, it‘s crucial to consider the ethical and legal implications of your actions.

First and foremost, respect website owners‘ wishes. If a site has a robots.txt file that disallows scraping, or if their terms of service prohibit it, it‘s generally advisable to steer clear.

Even if not explicitly prohibited, be considerate in your scraping. Don‘t hammer servers with rapid-fire requests. Limit your rate, and avoid scraping during peak traffic hours.

Also consider the legality of how you plan to use the data. Scraping copyrighted content or personal information may run afoul of the law.

When in doubt, reach out to the website owner for permission. Explain your project, how you‘ll be collecting data, and how it will be used. Many will be happy to give permission for ethical scraping projects.

Alternatives to Building Your Own Scraper

Building and maintaining web scrapers can be complex, especially for large-scale projects. If you don‘t have the technical resources or don‘t want the overhead, there are alternatives:

  • Pre-built scrapers: Services like Bright Data offer pre-built scrapers for popular sites, handling the technical challenges for you.
  • API access: Some websites offer official APIs that provide the data you‘re after in a structured format, no scraping required.
  • Datasets: In some cases, you may be able to find pre-scraped datasets available for purchase or public use.

These options can save significant time and effort, especially for common scraping targets.


Web scraping with R is a powerful way to collect data from across the internet. With the rvest package, you can easily fetch, parse, and extract data from HTML pages.

In this guide, we‘ve covered the fundamentals of web scraping with R, walking through a basic example scraping reviews from Amazon. We‘ve also touched on strategies for scaling your scraping, challenges you may face, and ethical considerations.

Armed with this knowledge, you‘re ready to start your own web scraping projects in R. Remember to scrape responsibly, and happy data collecting!

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