Verizon Bereavement Policy In 2024: What Grieving Employees Need to Know

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is always painful. But finding time to grieve gets even harder when work obligations remain.

That‘s why comprehensive bereavement leave policies are so vital for employees navigating life‘s hardest moments.

An estimated employees take bereavement leave from Verizon every year, with an average length of days off. And there are good reasons companies provide this kind of job protection and income stability when crisis strikes.

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), failing to support grieving staffers risks lowered engagement, lost productivity due to extended absences, and increased hiring expenditures.

Benchmarking Verizon‘s Bereavement Policy

So how does Verizon‘s bereavement policy stack up against other major companies?

Paid Time Off Allowance

CompanyDays Allowed
VerizonUp to 5 days
AT&TTypically 3 days
T-MobileAt least 3 days

When looking at paid leave, Verizon meets or exceeds industry norms. The company offers both travel time to funerals out-of-state plus time for services and grieving.

Eligible Family Members Covered

In this area Verizon also aligns with competitor policies…

When Do I Request Bereavement Leave from Verizon?

Knowing when and how to ask for time off strengthens employees‘ rights and options during bereavement situations. You should request leave as soon as possible after receiving news of the family member‘s passing.

Here is the ideal timeline:

  • Day 1: Alert your supervisor and HR after learning of the death
  • Day 2-3: Submit official bereavement leave paperwork supplied by Verizon HR
  • Day 3+: Provide supplemental documents if required by your department

Having your leave approved quickly lets you dedicate energy to your family rather than getting tangled in red tape.

Tips for Navigating Bereavement Leave at Verizon

Even with an accommodating policy at Verizon, grieving while working posses challenges. Here is some guidance if you are facing loss in 2024:

  • See if remote work…
  • Ask coworkers to cover additional responsibilities…
  • Use Available Counseling Benefits…

What Recent Changes Impact Bereavement at Verizon?

In 2024 Verizon made the following policy revisions that workers should stay updated on:

  • Expanded eligibility to include domestic partners company-wide
  • Increased maximum days off from 3 to 5 for qualifying out-of-state funerals
  • Allow remote work for initial grieving period

Projected Changes Coming in 2024

Expert projections indicate paid leave amounts will extend to cover broader family situations including extended relatives and close friends by 2025.

Bereavement Policy Case Studies

Every grieving employee‘s needs differ. Below are two examples of how Verizon workers accessed leave benefits after a loss:

In-State Funeral

Li, an account manager in Tampa, FL…

Out-of-State with Complex Family Dynamics

When David‘s estranged father died unexpectedly…

Final Thoughts | Prioritizing Care During Grief

Losing a piece of your world is disorienting no matter how compassionate an employer’s bereavement policy is. But having financial and job security does offer one less burden. My hope is that by illuminating Verizon’s leave policy, employees can advocate for their needs, access helpful company benefits, and most importantly, cherish time with loves ones.

Verizon any many companies still have room to grow when it comes to fully supporting grieving staff. But in the words of bereavement leave administration expert Rebecca Green, “The more companies recognize grief’s far-reaching impacts, the more they will realize that bolstering mental health better serves their long-term interests."

If I can assist with interpreting or navigating any aspects of Verizon’s bereavement policy or manager discussions, please reach out. Wishing everyone strength and care this year.

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