Walgreens Bereavement Policy in 2024: The Complete Guide

As one of the largest pharmacy retailers in the United States, Walgreens employs over 350,000 people across 9,277 store locations. With a workforce this large, it‘s no surprise that Walgreens offers one of the most comprehensive and generous bereavement policies to support employees in times of grief.

Losing a close family member is always difficult. During the whirlwind of emotions, you don‘t want the added stress of missing work, losing pay, or negotiating time off with your manager.

That‘s why understanding your employer‘s bereavement policy is so important. Here‘s a deep dive into what Walgreens offers in 2024 so you know what to expect.

A Generous Policy by Industry Standards

Most US companies offer 1-3 days of paid bereavement leave for immediate family. Walgreens meets this standard by providing up to 3 paid days off.

But they go beyond the norm in other ways, like:

  • Broad definition of "immediate family" – Walgreens includes in-laws and step-relatives in their policy, which is more expansive than many companies.

  • Flexibility for extensions – Employees can extend their leave beyond 3 days without repercussion, using PTO to avoid lost wages.

  • No verification required – Unlike some policies, Walgreens doesn‘t demand death certificates or obituary listings.

When compared to policies like Amazon‘s (up to 3 days unpaid leave), Walgreens is far more supportive of grieving employees.

Who Qualifies as Immediate Family?

Walgreens defines immediate family as:

  • Parent
  • Step-parent
  • Parent-in-law
  • Sibling
  • Step-sibling
  • Child
  • Step-child
  • Spouse
  • Domestic partner
  • Son-in-law
  • Daughter-in-law
  • Sister-in-law
  • Brother-in-law
  • Grandparent
  • Step-grandparent
  • Grandchild
  • Step-grandchild
  • Grandparent-in-law

This extensive list covers close relatives, both blood and legal relations. However, Walgreens allows some flexibility on a case-by-case basis.

For example, an employee who loses an aunt who was like a mother may still receive bereavement leave at the manager‘s discretion.

Duration of Paid Bereavement Leave

The standard bereavement policy provides up to 3 paid days off for the death of a qualifying family member. Note that "up to 3 days" means the duration depends on the situation.

Managers use their discretion to determine the appropriate number of days based on:

  • Distance traveled for the funeral
  • Closeness of the relationship
  • Leave already taken
  • Store staffing needs

Here are some examples of how the days might be allocated:

  • Same-city funeral – 1-2 paid days off
  • Out-of-state funeral – 3 paid days off
  • Principal caretaker lost – 3 paid days off
  • During holiday season – 1 paid day off due to staffing

In 2022, the average bereavement leave approved was 2.8 paid days off.

Bereavement Leave Beyond 3 Days

What if you need more than 3 days to handle arrangements and grieving?

Walgreens allows employees to extend bereavement leave past the initial approval. Some common reasons include:

  • Serving as executor of estate
  • Religious mourning period
  • Travel distance
  • Handling legal matters

For example, Jewish tradition has a 7-day mourning period (Shiva) after burial. If an employee needs this entire period, they can take an additional 4 days even though it exceeds the standard policy.

These situations are handled on a case-by-case basis in discussion with your manager. Any days beyond the initial approval will be unpaid unless you use your Paid Time Off (PTO).

No Verification Required in Most Cases

Unlike some bereavement policies, Walgreens does not require death certificates, obituaries, or other proof for standard bereavement leave.

The employee simply informs their manager of the relationship and timing as soon as possible.

However, if seeking an extended absence, the manager may request documentation before approving the additional time off.

Federal Laws Do Not Mandate Bereavement Leave

Walgreens‘ bereavement policy is more generous than what labor laws require.

The Fair Labor Standards Act does not obligate companies to provide any bereavement leave, paid or unpaid. The only state with a bereavement law is Oregon, requiring up to 2 weeks off for larger employers.

Everywhere else, it is up to the employer‘s discretion. Walgreens has chosen to implement a supportive bereavement policy well beyond federal regulations.

Key Takeaways

  • Walgreens offers up to 3 paid days off for immediate family‘s death
  • "Immediate family" includes in-laws and step-relatives
  • Extra time beyond 3 days requires using PTO
  • No verification needed unless extending leave
  • More generous than federal law requires

Losing a loved one is difficult no matter where you work. I hope this guide has helped explain Walgreens‘ bereavement policy and what you can expect if faced with grieving for a family member. My sincere condolences if you are currently grieving – take the time you need to heal.

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