Walmart 90 Day Probation In 2024: How It Works + FAQs

Walmart, America‘s largest private employer with over 2.2 million associates globally, uses a 90 day probation period to confirm new hires are a fit before making them permanent. Here‘s an in-depth guide on what to expect during this crucial timeframe.

Key Probation Terms

Before we dig into how Walmart‘s probation works, let‘s define some key terms:

Probation Period: A pre-determined length of time where a new employee receives added training and performance monitoring. Walmart‘s is 90 days.

At-Will Status: Probationary staff can be terminated for any non-discriminatory reason without progressive discipline steps.

Policy Specifics By Role

While nearly all positions have a 90 day evaluation timeline, specifics vary slightly.

Hourly Roles (Cashiers, Stockers, etc)

  • Orientation + Computer Based Learning training
  • Shadowing shifts with supervisor or mentor
  • Weekly check-ins with direct manager
  • Performance and attendance tracked closely

Salaried Management

  • Extensive 3+ week manager training
  • Temporary direct leader provides feedback
  • 30/60/90 day sit-downs to recap development

Corporate Support

  • Targeted functional training
  • 30/60 day reviews on skills growth
  • Survey sent to manager on employee success

So while timeframes are consistent – the activities during probation align with different needs.

What % Successfully Pass Probation?

Industry studies show roughly 15% of retail employees fail their probation periods.

The reasons new hires don‘t pass include:

  • Excessive absences/tardiness
  • Struggling to learn protocols
  • Poor customer service

For Walmart specifically, their probation pass rate is estimated to be over 85%. The sheer volume of employees makes this a necessity.

Compare To Other Retailers

How does Walmart‘s probation compare to key competitors? Here‘s a breakdown:

RetailerProbation Length
Walmart90 days
Target90 days
AmazonNo set duration
Costco24 months *

* Costco has an exceptionally long period before employees gain some benefits.

As you can see, Walmart follows prevailing retail industry standards.

Milestones To Watch For

What should you be tracking and preparing for during your 90 days?

Here are key dates and achievements at Walmart:

Day 1Attend orientation & training
Day 30Performance check-in
Day 60Second progress evaluation
Day 75-90Final manager approved conversion
Day 91Begin PTO accrual, discount eligible

Completing required learning, demonstrating reliable attendance, and getting positive feedback during your evaluations will set you up for success coming out of probation.

What Happens During Manager Check-Ins?

Your direct supervisor will meet with you periodically through the 90 days to assess your skill development and engagement.

These conversations help you:

  • Clarify expectations
  • Pinpoint areas needing growth
  • Discuss what training would help
  • Build rapport with leadership

Bring questions and be receptive to coaching. These talks allow managers to gather data that will directly impact your conversion decision.

Tips To Pass from Walmart Employees

I consulted several current Walmart employees on their tips for smoothly navigating the probation period.

Here is their consensus advice:

  • Focus on accuracy – Double check your work, ensure orders/inventory are right
  • Ask questions – Clarify anything you‘re unsure rather than guessing
  • Manage time wisely – Don‘t get distracted from tasks, prioritize appropriately
  • Track attendance diligently – Note your schedule, arrive 5+ minutes early
  • Learn Walmart culture – Study core company principles like servant leadership

Following these suggestions demonstrates dedication and discipline.

Impacts of Changing Probation Policy

What happens if Walmart shortens or extends probation durations?

  • Shortened – Would reduce evaluation time and likely increase conversion rates. However, could also let poor fits stay on board.
  • Lengthened – Provides longer to assess and train employees. But may result in higher attrition if expectations feel unreasonable.

There are pros and cons to both approaches. Walmart seems to feel 90 days strikes the right balance for now.

Have Unions Tried To Change It?

Some labor unions have advocated for employers to count probation days towards tenure when calculating benefits eligibility. They argue it creates a multi-tiered system.

However, Walmart staff are not unionized and the company has actively resisted organizing efforts. So its probation policy has not faced pressure.

How Has Probation Changed Over Time?

Walmart‘s probationary period has been 90 days for over 20+ years. It has been a constant despite massive firm growth.

Compared to the early 2000‘s, Walmart has narrowed metrics to focus more on attendance, customer service and productivity metrics vs detailed task checklists.

The length remains unchanged because analysis shows 90 days filters our poor fits while retaining good talent.


Hopefully this guide has boosted your confidence about exactly what to expect from Walmart‘s probation. Bring your A-game, connect with your manager, and demonstrate hunger.

Before you know it, you‘ll be a permanent member of one of America‘s most powerful companies!

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