What To Do If Your Walmart Order Never Arrives In 2024 (Making a Claim + More)

Walmart ships over 300 million packages per year, making it one of the largest ecommerce retailers globally. But with such massive order volumes flowing through multiple carriers, delays and exceptions are bound to happen. If your Walmart delivery fails to show up, here is a comprehensive guide on exactly what to do.

Understand Why Walmart Orders Get Lost

According to Walmart data, over 99% of their orders ship on time without any issues. Still, roughly 3 million packages per year run into problems in transit and may never get delivered. The main reasons include:

  • Incorrect shipping addresses provided
  • Package theft from doorsteps
  • Carrier sorting facility errors
  • Improper package hand-offs between carriers
  • Extreme weather events

Understanding common points of failure helps narrow down root causes when trying to track missing orders.

Confirm Your Delivery Details

Carefully validating delivery information is the first step Walmart recommends. Log into your Walmart.com account and confirm your:

  • Name
  • Full street address
  • Apartment/unit/lot number
  • City, state, ZIP code

Catching an address error early allows quick corrections before delivery day.

Compare Transit Times By Carrier

Walmart utilizes 3 major carriers – FedEx, UPS, and USPS. Delivery times vary by shipping speed and location. Reference this table as a delivery expectation guideline:

CarrierGround2-DayNext Day
FedEx1-5 days2 daysNext day
UPS1-5 days2 daysNext day
USPS1-8 days2-3 days1-2 days

If your order is significantly late compared to these averages, start investigating.

Check Tracking Frequently

Stay on top of your delivery status by checking tracking details every 1-2 days via your Walmart account. Watch for notifications like:

  • Order processed
  • Label created
  • In transit
  • Out for delivery
  • Delivered

If tracking fails to update within expected timeframes, it signals a potential delivery hitch.

Inspect Where Packages Are Left

Walmart offers unattended delivery, where drivers will leave orders at your door. Walk around the outside of your home, carport, garage and other sheltered areas packages may have been placed, including with neighbors. Porch pirates nab nearly 260 million packages per year, so theft is a real possibility.

File Claims Quickly

Contact Walmart Customer Care as soon as you suspect a missing delivery – don‘t wait. Call 1-800-925-6278 or visit Walmart.com and click "Help" then "Contact Us" to start the claims process. Provide as many order details and tracking specifics as possible. The sooner Walmart investigates, the higher chance of locating your purchase or arranging a refund or resend. Consider filing mail search requests with USPS, FedEx or UPS as well.

Dispute Only After Thorough Search

If all tracing efforts and Walmart claims fail to recover your order within 10 days of expected delivery, dispute the charges through your bank or credit card issuer according to their standard time limits. This should be a last option after fully exhausting search options via Walmart and the shipping carriers first.

Stay fully engaged throughout your order tracking and delivery. With proactive monitoring combined seeking quick help as soon as problems arise, you have the very best possibility of receiving your Walmart purchases or successfully resolving the matter if packages ultimately go missing.

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