The Complete Guide to Walmart‘s New Hire Orientation in 2024

Starting a new job is always thrilling and nerve-wracking. And when you‘re joining one of the biggest retailers in the world – Walmart – that first day on the job can feel especially daunting.

But there‘s no need to stress! Walmart‘s orientation and on-boarding process is very well-designed to set you up for success. As a retail training expert, I‘m going to walk you through what to expect, so you can start your Walmart career with confidence.

Here‘s the Timeline You Can Expect

After accepting a job offer, the typical wait time to hear from a Walmart hiring manager is 5-10 business days. Once they contact you, you‘ll coordinate attending orientation.

Most locations run orientation groups for new hires every Monday and Tuesday. So if you accept an offer on Friday, expect to be at orientation 8-9 days later.

Orientation itself runs 8am to 5pm for two consecutive days. You‘ll receive your schedule and other info via email a week prior.

Here’s a high-level overview of what happens each day:

Day 1:

  • Company culture overview
  • Store tour
  • Safety procedures
  • Equipment/technology training
  • Shadow on-floor employee

Day 2:

  • Job role training
  • HR onboarding
  • More shadowing
  • Manager debrief

Next, let‘s get into the nitty-gritty of what to expect during this orientation marathon!

Day 1 Breakdown: Get Ready for Info Overload

Your Day 1 agenda is jam-packed with everything you need to know to work safely and successfully at Walmart.

Here’s a handy table overview:

8:00 – 9:00 amWelcome, introductions, company overview
9:00 – 10:00 amStore tour
10:00 am – 12:00 pmSafety training
12:00 – 1:00 pmLunch break
1:00 – 3:00 pmEquipment & technology training
3:00 – 5:00 pmShadow employee on floor

The Walmart Culture & Mission

The morning kicks off with learning about Walmart‘s history, mission and core values. This gives you insight into the retailer‘s culture and goals.

A few key facts:

  • Founded in 1962 in Arkansas
  • Employs over 2.2 million associates globally
  • Operates over 10,500 stores worldwide
  • Mission: Saving people money to live better

Walmart prides itself on a culture of opportunity, community service and inclusion. Understanding these cultural pillars right away helps you embody them in your work.

Tour Time! Familiarize Yourself

One of my top tips is to pay close attention during the store tour portion of Day 1.

Learning the store layout, where key items are located, exits, restrooms, breakroom, etc. will help you navigate smoothly on the job.

Make sure to ask questions about anything unclear regarding the store‘s layout and departments. It‘s crucial to get familiar on Day 1 when you have guides to help you learn.

Soak Up the Safety Knowledge

No matter your specific role, safety training is a huge element of orientation.

Be an active, engaged participant in these sections. Safety is critical when handling both merchandise and customers.

Ask clarifying questions if any policies or protocols are unclear. Use your notepad to write down key safety facts unique to your department.

Get Hands-On with Equipment

At this stage, you‘ll get critical hands-on practice using equipment like:

  • Cash registers
  • Pallet jacks
  • Box cutters
  • Forklifts
  • Balers
  • Intercoms
  • More

Treat this training seriously – mastering store technology is vital to being able to complete tasks efficiently.

Don‘t be shy about asking for extra guidance. It‘s better to clarify now than struggle later!

Wrap Up with Job Shadowing

My favorite part of Walmart orientation is when you get to shadow a current associate in your department.

This on-the-floor time gives you a preview of your day-to-day responsibilities. The associate can answer all your nitty-gritty questions.

Make the most of this mentorship opportunity!

Day 2: Role-Specific Training & Onboarding

While Day 1 covers company-wide basics, Day 2 dives into details for your specific position.

Here‘s a high-level Day 2 agenda:

  • Specific job training
  • HR/payroll onboarding
  • More job shadowing
  • Manager Q&A

Learn Your Role Inside Out

These sessions will teach you specialized skills for roles like:

  • Cashier
  • Stocker
  • Digital associate
  • Overnight associate
  • Department lead
  • Etc.

Have your notebook handy to document every detail. If you don‘t understand something, just ask!

HR/Onboarding Paperwork

Boring but critical! On Day 2, you‘ll complete all required HR forms and payroll/tax documents.

This wraps up your official hiring process. Be sure to ask about benefit options, 401k plans, employee perks and more.

Final Job Shadowing

You‘ll spend more hands-on time shadowing and asking questions of an associate.

Make the most of this mentorship opportunity. Learn their tips and tricks for success in your role!

Manager Q&A

Finally, you‘ll sit down with your direct manager to discuss:

  • Scheduling
  • Performance expectations
  • Best practices for your role
  • Ways to advance at Walmart

This is your chance to make a great first impression and share your excitement to contribute!

5 Tips to Maximize Your Walmart Orientation

As a retail training professional, I want to leave you with some best practices to get the most from your Walmart on-boarding:

1. Prepare questions ahead of time – Having thoughtful questions shows engagement.

2. Take thorough notes – Document everything about policies, procedures and job specifics.

3. Practice key equipment – Don‘t just listen, get hands-on!

4. Shadow intentionally – Ask mentors for specific advice about your role.

5. Make connections – Introduce yourself to as many co-workers as possible. Those connections will be invaluable in your first weeks.

Now Go Impress on Day 1!

Orientation is your critical first step in your Walmart career. Now that you know what to expect, you can walk in prepared and confident.

Soak up all the learning. Ask tons of questions. And most importantly, get excited about joining one of the world‘s most dynamic retailers!

You got this. Now go impress on orientation day!

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