Walmart Paycheck Stubs 2023: Your Full Guide

As one of the largest private sector employers in the world, with over 1.5 million employees in the U.S. alone, Walmart has made access to pay information a top priority for its workforce. Employees can now easily access their pay stubs digitally through the Walmart One website and mobile app.

Here is a comprehensive guide to Walmart pay stubs, including details on what information is included, how to access your stubs, and key resources to utilize.

What‘s Included on a Walmart Pay Stub

Walmart pay stubs provide a detailed look at an employee‘s earnings and deductions for each two-week pay period. Here are some of the key elements included:


  • Regular wage payments
  • Overtime pay
  • Holiday or vacation pay
  • Bonuses
  • Reimbursements


  • Federal income tax
  • Social Security
  • Medicare
  • State income tax
  • Local taxes
  • 401(k) contributions
  • Health insurance premiums
  • Stock purchase plans
  • Garnishments


  • Pay period dates
  • Check date
  • Total hours worked
  • Leaves remaining

Here‘s a comparison of the contents typically found on a Walmart pay stub versus another major retailer like Target:

Pay Stub ItemWalmartTarget
Regular Earnings????????????
Overtime Earnings????????????
401(k) Contributions????????????
Net Pay????????????

Walmart Pay Periods

Walmart issues pay checks on a biweekly basis, with pay periods starting on Sundays and ending on Saturdays every two weeks. Employees can access their digital pay stub through the Walmart One website by the Friday following the end of the pay period.

For example, if the pay period runs from Sunday 1/1 through Saturday 1/14, the related paycheck stub would be available online by Friday 1/20.

How to Access Your Walmart Pay Stub

Walmart provides several options for employees to securely access their pay stubs digitally:

Walmart One Website

  1. Navigate to
  2. Enter your Walmart ID and password
  3. Select "Money"
  4. Choose "Paystub" to see your most recent statement
  5. Click "View All Paystubs" to see history

Walmart One Paystub Page Screenshot

Walmart One Mobile App

  1. Download app on your iOS or Android device
  2. Login with Walmart ID
  3. Tap "Money"
  4. Select "Paystub"
  5. View pay stub for most recent pay period

In Store

If you need to view your pay stub at work, ask your manager or personnel coordinator for computer access to log into Walmart One.

After Leaving Walmart

Make sure to save final pay stub records by printing or downloading PDFs. Former employees can contact their store‘s personnel department for copies of previous stubs.

Financial experts recommend keeping pay stubs for tax purposes and employment records.

Photo of printed pay stubs for record keeping

Retaining pay stub copies can help with tax prep and having employment records.

Help Resources

If you have issues accessing your pay stub on Walmart One, try the following resources:


With its digitized systems, Walmart has made it simple for its 1.5 million+ US workforce to get the detailed pay information they need through its online tools. Be sure to save copies of your pay stubs and reach out for assistance if you ever have trouble accessing this important information.

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