Was 3rd sister a Jedi?

As an obsessed Star Wars gamer and expert on all things Jedi and Sith, I‘m here to provide a definitive guide to Reva Sevander, aka the dark side-wielding Third Sister Inquisitor from the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. Let‘s dive in!

From Jedi Youngling to Imperial Inquisitor

First, it‘s important to establish that no, Reva was not a fully realized Jedi Knight. As revealed in flashbacks, she was still a child padawan-in-training when Anakin Skywalker led the 501st Legion to slaughter the Jedi in Palpatine‘s Order 66.

Traumatized but determined to survive, Reva hid under dead bodies and masked her Force signature, later joining the Empire. This background means she did not complete the trials or formal training to become a Jedi.

By the Numbers: The Devastation of Order 66

According to StarWars.com, 10,000 Jedi were estimated to live before Order 66. After the purge? Records show less than 100 Jedi remained. As someone who‘s explored every corner of the galaxy in RPG games like Knights of the Old Republic, it‘s chilling to see that scale of destruction.

No doubt Reva‘s anger comes from losing her mentor Master Jurokk and all Jedi "siblings" as a child. She‘s fueled now by revenge instead of peace.

What Makes an Inquisitor Different from Jedi and Sith

As another gamer detail I‘m sure you’ve noticed, Reva‘s scary double-bladed lightsaber has a unique spinning hilt. This hints at key differences in the Inquisitorius training program compared to Jedi and Sith schools of thought:

Force PhilosophyJediSithInquisitors
Views on EmotionsDiscouraged; lead to the dark sideUsed to fuel powerWeaponized for intimidation tactics
Lightsaber Combat FormsTraditional 7 forms like Soresu (Obi-Wan)Aggressive forms like Djem So (Anakin)Non-standard tricks like helicopter sabers
Force Ability TeachersWise Jedi Council mastersSith Lineage from master to apprenticeTortured and indoctrinated by Vader and the Empire
Endgame GoalsKeep peace and balance in the ForceDominate the galaxy/wipe out JediHunt "traitors" from the fallen Republic

While Reva taps into the dark side as an Inquisitor, she hasn‘t taken the final steps to become a true Sith Lord apprentice. Her sole ambition is to kill Anakin Skywalker for revenge – no designs on galactic domination like Palpatine or Vader.

The Third Sister‘s Obsession with Obi-Wan Kenobi

As Obi-Wan Kenobi head writer Joby Harold explained in an interview, Reva‘s obsession with hunting down Kenobi is personal. She saw Anakin as her Jedi brother, and believes Obi-Wan betrayed him. From her twisted perspective, she wants "justice”…even if it means killing Jedi master Obi-Wan and young Luke Skywalker.

As someone who’s analyzed every scene featuring Reva’s lightsaber skills and cunning deception, she employs a terrifying mastery of dun möch combat – using her raging emotions to draw strength. But when pitted against the noble Soresu style of Obi-Wan in the climax, Reva loses to patience and defense.

The Third Sister‘s Fate and Legacy

In an unexpected act, Reva actually chooses to save Luke and Obi-Wan from Vader’s grasp, redeeming herself by tapping into the light. This proves she still had inner conflict instead of being fully consumed by revenge like Vader.

Her legacy lives on as a warning against unchecked emotion…but also a glimmer of hope that some Jedi ideals can transcend the pull towards the dark side. It’s a profound message that we Star Wars fans can apply in our own lives too.

While Reva never completed formal Jedi trials, she embodied the teachings of Master Yoda: “The greatest teacher, failure is.” As gamers who walk the line between light and dark with our playable characters, Reva has fascinating depth I can‘t wait to see explored more in future Star Wars stories.

So in closing, I‘m confident any Jedi historian would firmly state the Third Sister was no Jedi Knight. Yet she still represents a fallen knight seeking absolution – and that‘s a redemption arc I‘ll never get tired of experiencing. This is Mike K. signing off for now as I jump back into playing Jedi: Fallen Order!

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