No, Atreus‘s Mother Faye Was Not a God

As revealed in the powerful, emotional climax of 2018‘s God of War for PlayStation 4, Atreus‘s mother Faye was not actually a god, but rather a giant from the mythical realm of Jotunheim.

Unraveling the Mystery of Faye‘s Identity

Faye‘s true heritage as a legendary Jötunn warrior remained shrouded in secrecy during her lifetime. Atreus grew up believing both his parents were human based on what little information his father Kratos was willing to share about Faye. But when her axe finally passes to Atreus, its runic markings signal there is more to the story.

Kratos initially claims these runes tell the history of the dwarves who crafted the Leviathan Axe. However, the keen-eyed Boat Captain soon translates them as a jötunn blessing from Faye herself. The axe is a key, unlocking the revelation about Atreus‘s mother at last.

Analyzing the Runes

The arcane runes etched on the handle of Faye‘s signature axe tell a deeper tale, once translated:

Andvaranaut, most legendary blade, forged from Járnvidr‘s silver ore
Gifted to Faye beloved, whose etchings tell: giant‘s prayer weaver, war counsel weft – Laufey the Just

These inscriptions directly reference Faye‘s giant heritage and identity as Laufey. Plus, they hint at her exploits as a legendary warrior, dispensing wisdom and judgment from the front lines. Faye was no mere giant – she was royalty like her mythical namesake Laufey from Norse myth.

Further evidence comes from Faye‘s ferocious battle prowess and magical aptitude. While a courageous fighter like Kratos, she accomplishes feats only possible through mastery of ancient Jötunn magic. This includes weaving complex illusions and even concealing the entire realm of Jötunheim.

Kratos Confirms Her Identity

The definitive confirmation comes when Kratos finally reveals the truth to Atreus in Jötunheim: "Your mother was a giant". Through tears, Kratos exposes Faye‘s greatest secret – that she left her native realm behind long ago, choosing to live in Midgard under an alias.

This revelation allows Atreus to begin understanding his mother‘s past at last. It also grants deeper insight into Faye‘s scheme for her family – her vision that they would take her ashes to the highest peak of Jötunheim. As a master illusionist and prophetic witch, she orchestrated events from beyond the grave…all to achieve her mysterious ends.

Atreus‘s Emotional Journey of Self-Discovery

Learning the truth about his mother‘s identity initially devastates Atreus. With his entire life uprooted, he lashes out at Kratos for hiding such an immense secret.

Atreus especially resents the gods for murdering the peaceful giants during Odin‘s campaign against Jötunheim. This simmering rage boils over when Atreus arrogantly begins calling himself "Loki" and marking his kills.

But after recklessly falling deathly ill, the young demigod goes through a period of intense reflection. He understands hiding his pain and insecurity behind false bravado only makes matters worse. By coming to terms with his grief over losing Faye, Atreus is finally ready to understand who she truly was.

In their final journey to the summit of Jötunheim, Kratos comforts his son with more tales of Faye‘s youth among the giants. Atreus sees firsthand evidence of his mother‘s history etched into the walls of her ruined homeland.

While the initial shock has worn off, Atreus still has much to learn about the other half of his family tree. But he and Kratos now walk the path of understanding together – united by Faye‘s love rather than divided by her secrets. Atreus embraces the legendary blood in his veins, channeling these newfound powers for good.

Behind Faye‘s Mask: A Complex Character

While she cared deeply for her son, Faye clearly felt secrecy was necessary. This leaves her morality debatably grey rather than clearly black or white. She chose to conceal the truth from her family to protect them, prevent interference from Odin, and further her mysterious schemes.

Some fans argue Faye demonstrates toxic behavior by hiding the reality about Kratos and Atreus‘ godly heritage from them both. Especially given Kratos openly regretted blindly following Ares without deeper wisdom, denying him insight into his son‘s true nature seems manipulative.

However, Faye knew revealing to Kratos that his son was Loki would undoubtedly taint their relationship. Since Kratos hated the gods so intensely, exposing Atreus‘s fate may have irreparably turned Kratos against him. Her secrecy protected their bond.

In the end, fans must draw their own conclusions about the depth of Faye‘s deception and what her grand vision ultimately means for the series‘ future. But all can agree she was a fighter, a leader, a mother and a giant ahead of her time – forever shaping her son‘s destiny.

The Lore Behind Giants in God of War

Finally, analyzing Faye‘s identity reveals deeper insight into the mythical giants of God of War‘s Norse era.

The Jötnar play a crucial role in the game‘s lore as well as real Norse mythology:

Mythic RoleThe Jötnar shaped the cosmos. Some believe they grow trees that connect the realms.
Tragic HistoryOdin ruthlessly hunted them trying to avert the apocalyptic prophecy of Ragnarök.
Notable TraitsMasters of nature magic and prophecy due to their deep connection to the natural world. Towering in size compared to humans and gods.
Notable GiantsFaye: Atreus‘s mother, Laufey the Just. Legendary witch and warrior. Loki: Atreus‘s secret birth name. Trickster god. Ymir: Primordial giant birthed from venom and ice. His flesh formed Midgard itself.

Jötnar literally translate from ancient Norse as "devourers" – representing chaos incarnate. Some scholars argue the very "dragon" Loki sires to kill Odin manifests this raced destruction in myth, though God of War portrays events differently thus far.

Understanding that Faye belongs to this ancient, complex race adds more context about her secrecy and great power. Their tragic history under Odin‘s blood-stained rule further explains her desire to defy fate and save her kind. As the franchise continues, their mythical significance will likely only grow.


Faye‘s true identity as Laufey the Just remains one of God of War‘s most startling revelations. As Atreus‘s mother yet so much more – her deceit and occult magic set the entire plot in motion. While her full motivations remain enshrouded in mystery, unlocking the secret of her race reshapes the series forevermore.

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