Hell Naw – Diablo 3 was NOT an MMO Bros!

Let‘s kick this analysis off with a clear answer – Diablo 3 was definitely NOT a true blue MMO. I know some casuals try to lump it in there because Blizz slapped on a 4-player co-op system. But any gaming nerd worth their salt knows this dungeon crawler didn‘t have the virtual real estate or server capacity to hang with the big dogs like World of Warcraft!

See, when we gamers think MMOs, we think EPIC – huge persistent worlds with thousands of heroes questin‘ and raidin‘ together 24/7. Diablo has never focused on that massive scale or dedicating servers to maintain a never-ending virtual universe.

These are the pillars that define an MMO my friends:

✔️ Massive Number of Players – We talking big boy servers that can handle 500, 1000+ simultaneous user logins per world server cluster. None of this small party nonsense!

✔️ Persistent Online World – This virtual space exists permanently on the cloud servers, evolving 24 hours a day even when you log off.

✔️ RPG Progression System – Gotta have the classic RPG pillars – leveling up, loot hunts, skill builds. It‘s what keeps hordes coming back!

Let‘s see how some real MMOs stack up to these criteria:

MMOPeak Concurrent PlayersServer SizePersistent WorldRPG Systems
World of Warcraft12 millionFull servers have 5000+ character capacity per world setYesClasses, Levels to 70, Endgame Gear Grinds
Final Fantasy XIV47 million registered accountsWorld sizes and caps vary based on locale – thousands per serverYesJobs, Levels to 90, Hundreds of Quest Chains
Elder Scrolls Online15 millionMegaserver capped at 1000 players per Alliance zone instanceYesClasses, Levels to 50, Veteran Ranks

Now let‘s check out the deets on Diablo 3:

GamePeak PlayersGame Server SizePersistent WorldsRPG Systems
Diablo 34.7 million concurrent after launch month per Blizzard4 players per co-op groupNo – instanced zones and dungeonsClasses, Levels to 70, Loot grind

You can easily peep the difference here guys. Diablo 3 had some healthy player counts when it dropped, but nothing close to MMO standards. And when it comes to server capacity – 4 loners at a time? I‘ve partied larger than that raiding Orgrimmar bruh!

Diablo 3‘s Multiplayer Ain‘t Up to Snuff

The sales numbers show a lot of nephalem hit up Sanctuary – but they just aren‘t experiencing that world together like an MMO thrives on. Instead of persistent realms and cities, you get temporary dungeon instances and arena matches.

Ѽ You pick a quest, queue up, smash some mobs with your squad, collect phat lootz, then peace out back to your own personal camp to sort that sweet spoil.

Ѽ No guild housing, no accumulating world buffs, no collecting materials for mass crafting sprees…just quick session, temporary ally-ships disbanding fast as your momma‘s Tinder dates!

Ѽ Blizz themselves focus Diablo‘s design around "jump in and out with small parties" – not maintaining a virtual society of thousands blending together 24/7.

This transient nature shows why the series never became a full MMO – the mission structure doesn‘t need persistent worlds to thrive. Honestly I‘m cool just rapidly rolling and upgrading seasonal characters at my own pace too!

But it definitely keeps D3 firmly out of MMO territory when you analyze how people interface with the game world online.

What Datamines Say About Diablo 4

Another reason I argue Diablo ain‘t never been an MMO is Blizz could easily pivot it into one after decades of live service experience running WoW.

Yet according to all the interviews and datamines circling about the web, seems the definitive focus stays on bite-sized co-op sessions.

Sure, the maps look more open world than previous entries:

Ѽ More MMO-like mechanics too – public events, mounts, social spaces like camps and towns.

But insiders predict server caps still target the 4-player party model. And devs emphasize that signature action combat staying the star of the show.

So all signs point to Diablo 4 rocking some light MMO flirts, but avoiding any drastic genre-bend into becoming Sanctuary Online. The series knows what butters its bread!

In my expert gamer opinion, this franchise playing to its strengths rather than overextending into unfamiliar territory is the smart play. Provide engaging online progression features, but keep the tight dungeon crawler core intact.

Final Hot Take

At the end of the day dear readers, the answer remains clear…Diablo 3 was NOT a real MMO. And likely never intends to become one either!

It dipped its demonic toes in the online multiplayer waters starting back in 2012, sure. But maintained the mission-based structure, capped server sizes, and transient gameplay loops that define the iconic series.

While players can now group up and battle cooperatively, the world of Sanctuary does not offer persistent realms housing thousands of strangers socializing, questing, and living another virtual life like MMOs have nailed.

And honestly? That‘s A-OK in ol‘ Gamer Gary‘s book! This action RPG OG knows what makes it fun – the visceral combat, open-ended builds, and endless item hunts. Forcing it into an unfamiliar MMO mold risks breaking what ain‘t broken!

So in summary, if you ever spot someone in trade chat claiming Diablo goes toe-to-toe with the big hitters like WoW, FF14, or ESO – kindly correct them! This legendary franchise stays in its own beast-slaying lane.

Let me know what YOU think – should Diablo expand the online elements moving forward or keep slaying solo? I‘m always down for a heated gaming debate during raid breaks!

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