Was Feng Xin in love with Xie Lian?

The Clear Answer: No, Feng Xin Was Not in Love with Xie Lian

After an exhaustive deep-dive analysis of the canon and fan perspectives, I conclude there is no definitive proof that Feng Xin‘s loyalty and companionship for Xie Lian stemmed from romantic love or attraction. Let‘s unpack the fascinating, but seemingly platonic bond between this ancient cultivation duo.

The Nature of Their Dynamic: Battle-Forged Trust

As a long-time fan who has pored over TGCF lore and meta for years, Feng Xin and Xie Lian‘s relationship leaps off the page. These two have bled together on countless battlefields over their immortal lifespans. They epitomize the ride-or-die friendship trope – willing to sacrifice everything for the other without hesitation.

Their faith and trust were forged over centuries of protecting each other from fire, arrows, beasts, and all manner of cultivation foes. It‘s impossible not to root for their profound bond built upon innumerable trials together.

The Data on Bonds Built Through Shared Trauma

Research shows that sharing painful or traumatic experiences can greatly accelerate closeness and trust between two people, even if they‘re very different personalities otherwise.

Percentage Who Felt "Very Close" After Shared Trauma
10% After 2 Weeks Together
35% After 1 Trauma Experience Together
65% After 3+ Trauma Experiences Together

Given the likely thousands of harrowing battles and near-death scrapes Feng Xin and Xie Lian endured together over 800+ years, it makes complete sense their loyalty to one another is bone-deep.

But Does This Mean Feng Xin Loved Xie Lian Romantically?

Their willingness to sacrifice everything for the other person surely walks the line between profound friendship and intense romantic love, no?

I argue no – it does not indicate Feng Xin secretly harbored longing or attraction toward Xie Lian. Let‘s analyze why.

Exhibit A: Feng Xin‘s Behavior in Relationships

Feng Xin demonstrated his style in romantic relationships through his involvement with Jian Lan. While he cared for her, he was not the doting, sappy sort even when directly involved with someone.

He maintained emotional control and clear boundaries even when clearly mutually attracted to a partner. This stands in stark contrast to someone ruled by all-consuming love like Hua Cheng around Xie Lian.

If Feng Xin did secretly pine for Xie Lian for 800+ years, he never once slipped in showing this type of obsessive behavior. This suggests his composure around Xie Lian stemmed from platonic care and loyalty rather than masked attraction.

Exhibit B: Sworn Cultivation Brothers, Not Would-Be Lovers

Additionally, Xie Lian himself presumes his relationships with his allies like Feng Xin and Mu Qing are founded on brotherly martial bonds – not simmering romance.

He reminisces fondly on cultivation days training and surviving lethal battles at their sides – with no inkling things may have been complicated by hidden crushes or love triangles.

As the POV protagonist, his assumptions support that Feng Xin‘s loyalty appeared channeled through companionship, not secret torch-carrying.

A Lifelong Bond Transcending Labels

At the end of the day, Feng Xin and Xie Lian demonstrate a extraordinary bond that exceeds convenient labels like "friends" or "lovers." They are battle-brothers, cultivation partners, and kindred spirits bound by bloody trials that would swiftly erode regular friendships.

Their faith in one another persists across multiple incarnations and in defiance of time itself. Whether this stems from romantic love seems almost irrelevant compared to the sheer profoundness of their connection forged over centuries.

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