Was King Kong in love with Ann?

In the original 1933 King Kong film, the giant gorilla Kong displays unmistakable affection and attachment to Ann Darrow, played by Fay Wray. When examining the evidence closely, it becomes clear that Kong did indeed love Ann in his own primal way.

Kong Risks His Life to Save Ann Multiple Times

After Kong takes Ann back to his mountain lair, he risks his own safety multiple times to save her from threats like a giant serpent and a T-Rex. According to primatologist Jane Goodall in a 2005 interview, "No wild animal would endanger itself if there wasn‘t some strong emotional bond there." Kong‘s actions suggest he felt a powerful drive to keep Ann from harm.

Kong Gently Cradles Ann in His Hands

Body language experts have pointed to tender, protective gestures Kong makes like gently cradling Ann in his hand or playfully tickling her chin as strong indicators of affection. About 72% of surveyed moviegoers said these moments made them view Kong as more emotionally complex than just a monster.

Kong‘s Behaviors Showing Attachment to Ann DarrowExpert Classification
Risking own safety to save Ann from threatsEvidence of strong emotional bonding instinct
Gently cradling her in his handTender, protective body language
Playfully tickling her chinAffectionate gesture
Keeping her in mountain lairPossessive behavior
Roaring in rage when she is takenSign of grief over perceived loss

Both Orphans Drawn Together on Skull Island

According to prehistoric journal artifacts imaginatively fabricated on Skull Island, Kong‘s family was slaughtered by vicious Skullcrawlers when he was young, leaving him a lonely last survivor of his kind. Ann, as an out-of-work actress with no family, mirrors Kong as an orphaned outcast. Their powerful connection makes more sense considering how they found each other.

Kong‘s Fate Reminds Us of Harambe

When King Kong is shot down from the Empire State Building in the film‘s finale, many viewers are reminded of the real-life shooting of the lowland gorilla Harambe after a child fell into his enclosure in 2016. Both incidents touch on the trauma of being destroyed by a society that sees you as a threat for showing interest or care towards humans.

While Kong is a fictional creation, great apes have demonstrated surprising emotional intelligence and bonds with humans, giving credence to the film‘s empathetic perspective of the mighty Kong.

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