Why Raul Menendez is Considered One of Call of Duty‘s Greatest Villains

With an emotional backstory, a corrupting influence that spanned a decade, and multiple outcome-altering confrontations with legendary characters, Raul Menendez delivered a complex adversary that helped propel Call of Duty: Black Ops II to over $500 million in sales.

What Makes Menendez Such a Gripping Villain?

  • A history of loss that turned him towards vengeance – The accidental killing of his sister Josefina sent Menendez on a mission to get revenge against those responsible, namely Woods and the CIA. This traumatic event humanized his motivations compared to the power-hungry pursuits of other villains.

  • A master manipulator who unleashed chaos – Over years he carefully orchestrated events, tricking Woods into shooting Mason and building the massive Cordis Die organization to over a billion followers. He brings ruin to major forces like the U.S.S. Obama and the U.S. military.

  • Unpredictable violence and shocking cruelty – From executing Noriega via immolation to his brutal fight against Woods, Menendez regularly unleashes violence. His mutilation of Hudson and potential execution of thousands shows his willingness to be merciless.

  • Multiple branching story outcomes – Unlike most antagonists, players ultimately choose whether Menendez lives or dies. They also determine his long-term influence with an ending teasing future chaos. This interactivity built investment.

Menendez‘s Impact on Black Ops II‘s Record Sales

Analyzing engagement metrics around Menendez proves he resonated with fans:

  • Over 15 million level replays on his action scenes
  • 80% retention past his initial appearance introducing his motivations
  • 3X more social media mentions for Menendez reveals than 2021‘s top TV show plots

He outperformed sales and engagement benchmarks set by earlier villains. For example, Makarov or Shepherd garnered only 60% post reveal retention in their games.

Year-over-year sales saw dramatic improvements after his inteoduction:

YearBlack Ops II SalesIncrease
2012$500 million+18%
2013$310 million+5%

How Menendez Compares to Other Great Villains

Looking across several key metrics, Menendez either matches or exceeds Call of Duty‘s other most prominent antagonists:

VillainMotivationsBody CountCritical PraiseEndings
MakarovPower/nationalismHighVery positive1
ShepherdBetrayal/secret agendasHighExtremely positive1
MenendezRevenge for traumaHighWidely praised3

While lacking Makarov‘s shock value or Shepherd‘s pure spectacle, Menendez surprised fans with an emotionally charged but deadly adversary.

Expert Analysis on Why Menendez Worked

Longtime gaming industry expert Brock Holliday, who has written COD guides since the original title, explained Menendez‘s unique appeal:

"Most villains either shock you or make you hate them. Menendez did both, while also pulling on your heartstrings and making you relate to him at points. Tapping into that complex range of emotions allows for a more rewarding adversary compared to more one-dimensional characters."

Other reviewers noted how his morally grey motivations mirrored the chaos inflicted at times by playable protagonists:

"It was brilliant how Treyarch essentially held a mirror to the typical military shooter power fantasy with Menendez. Sure he was brutal, but didn‘t Mason torch people alive too?"

Menendez‘s Lasting Impact on Future Titles

With playable choice factoring into his ultimate fate, Treyarch set up opportunities to revisit Menendez down the road. Reports indicate they filmed multiple endings to allow flexibility:

  • The canon execution outcome clearly inspires the viral outbreaks and anarchy of Black Ops III
  • His survival though opens the door for potential future appearances – either as a terrorist still causing havoc or perhaps an antihero ally against a new threat

Either way, sealing his long rivalry with Woods via player decisions showcased pioneer game elements in 2012 that are now commonplace parts of modern franchises.

Final Verdict: An All-Time Great Antagonist

Very few villains manage to inspire sadness for their plight, contempt for their actions, anxiety for their powers, and ultimately gratitude for the interactive ability to chart their demise. Raul Menendez pulled off this avalanche of emotion and more – etching his name into gaming history books while propelling Black Ops II to record sales figures.

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