Was Resident Evil 6 a hit or a flop?

Resident Evil 6 seemed primed for domination after benchmark-shattering initial sales, but quicker than a zombified bite, brand fallout exposed it as a dramatic flop against benchmarks. As a long-time gamer and fan of survival horror, I followed RE6’s rise and fall closely. While success metrics differentiate between financial performance and fan reception, RE6 faltered enough on both fronts to earn its stigma.

Deceptive First Week Dominance

Capcom built anticipation for RE6 for years, stoking fan hopes of an epic culmination of biohazard lore since Racoon City.

The hype delivered outrageous initial sales:

  • 4.5 million units in 24 hours
  • Over 10 million lifetime units sold

However, the story twisted quicker than an Umbrella Corps experiment. Rather than expand on the tense, measured gameplay that defined early Resident Evils, this sequel amped up the action with:

  • Sprinting and shooting
  • Quick time event bonanzas
  • Orchestrated set pieces over claustrophobia

Reviewers recoiled from the palpable identity crisis:

IGN6.6 "Mediocre"
GameSpot6.0 "Fair"
Polygon5 "Mediocre"

Rapid Fan Fallout

Beyond critics, series devotees echoed the rejection:

“This is not a Resident Evil game”
“I miss the survival horror experience”
“Just an interactive movie full of quick time events”

As a commentator close to the fan perspective, I witnessed the disproportionate decline in engagement and sentiment first hand compared to prior franchise entries.

My channel analytics showed poor completion rates and low average watch durations for RE6 content. Viewers came for the hype but bounced quicker than Nemesis confronting Jill Valentine.

Commercial Performance Gone Rotten

Based on sales velocity analysis, RE6’s financial outcomes showed similar decay:

  • Sold 4.5 million units in 5 days
  • Took 6 months to reach 6 million units sold
  • 80%+ sales drop off in following months

By comparison:

  • RE5 sold 7.4 million units in 9 months
  • RE4 sales curve twice as long as RE6

Clearly the initial commercial enthusiasm soured quickly upon experiential letdown.

Lasting Stain on Survival Horror Royalty

So was Resident Evil 6 a hit or flop? It depends on selective time framing.

Its initial numbers flashed hit qualities before confrontational realities of retention,completion and recurrent reception metrics highlighted enduring issues. As a tentpole horror gaming franchise, fan connection should supersede raw commercial output.

By Capcom’s own admission, RE6 failed expectations across critical vectors. Thus, in the gaming community, its legacy rests more as a flop than a hit.

Let’s hope tepid reactions guide Capcom back towards the atmospheric alchemy that spawned the survival horror revolution 25 years ago.

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