Web Scraping With VBA: The Ultimate Guide

Web scraping is an incredibly powerful technique that allows you to automate the extraction of data from websites. By writing code to systematically retrieve, parse, and store information from web pages, you can quickly gather large amounts of data for analysis, research, or building new applications.

While there are many programming languages and tools available for web scraping, one convenient option is to use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to perform web scraping tasks directly within Microsoft Excel. With VBA, you can write custom macros and functions to interact with websites, retrieve HTML data, and output the extracted information into spreadsheet cells for further analysis using Excel‘s built-in features.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through everything you need to know to get started with web scraping using VBA in Excel. You‘ll learn:

  • What VBA is and why it‘s well-suited for web scraping
  • Step-by-step instructions for setting up your VBA web scraping environment
  • How to write VBA code to automate browsing, HTML parsing, and data extraction
  • Tips for optimizing and troubleshooting your web scraping scripts
  • Approaches for dealing with challenges like anti-bot measures

Whether you‘re an Excel power user looking to take your spreadsheet skills to the next level or a web scraping enthusiast interested in leveraging VBA, this guide has you covered. Let‘s dive in!

What is VBA?

VBA, which stands for Visual Basic for Applications, is an event-driven programming language developed by Microsoft. It is used to write macros to automate tasks and extend the functionality of Microsoft Office applications like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Access.

In Excel, VBA allows you to write custom formulas and functions, automate repetitive operations, manipulate spreadsheet data, interact with other applications, and even build user forms and controls. VBA is based on the Visual Basic 6 programming language and uses a similar integrated development environment (IDE).

One key capability of VBA is the ability to instantiate and control external libraries using references. This allows VBA to interact with the web browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox via the Selenium framework. By writing VBA code to automate web browsing sessions, you can systematically navigate to web pages, interact with page elements, extract HTML data, and retrieve text, links, images and more.

The fact that VBA script can be written and executed directly within Excel makes it a convenient choice for web scraping when your end goal is to load the extracted data into a spreadsheet for analysis. The tight integration between VBA macros and Excel worksheets means you can seamlessly retrieve web page data and output it into cells with just a few lines of code.

Setting Up Your VBA Web Scraping Environment

Before you can start writing VBA code to scrape websites, you‘ll need to configure Excel and install a few prerequisites. Follow these steps to get your environment set up:

Enable the Developer Tab

The Developer tab in Excel, which provides access to VBA tools, is hidden by default. To enable it:

  1. Open Excel and go to File > Options
  2. In the Excel Options dialog box, select Customize Ribbon
  3. Under Main Tabs, check the box next to Developer
  4. Click OK to activate the Developer tab

Install SeleniumBasic

SeleniumBasic is an open-source library that enables VBA to interact with the Selenium web automation framework. To install it:

  1. Download the latest release of SeleniumBasic from the GitHub repository
  2. Run the installer executable and follow the prompts to install the library
  3. Take note of the installation location, typically C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\SeleniumBasic

Update Browser Web Drivers

SeleniumBasic comes pre-packaged with browser automation drivers, but these can become outdated. To ensure compatibility with the latest browsers, download the current releases of web drivers for your target browsers:

Place the updated web driver executables in the SeleniumBasic directory, overwriting the existing files.

Add Selenium Library Reference

To access the Selenium API in your VBA code, you‘ll need to add a reference to the SeleniumBasic library:

  1. In the Excel Developer tab, click Visual Basic to open the VBA editor
  2. Go to Tools > References
  3. Scroll down and check the box next to Selenium Type Library
  4. Click OK to add the reference

With these setup steps completed, you‘re ready to begin coding your VBA web scraper!

Scraping Websites With VBA Code

Now that your environment is configured, let‘s walk through an example of using VBA to scrape data from a website. We‘ll retrieve a list of country names, capitals, populations, and areas from the Scrape This Site sandbox page.

Initialize Selenium WebDriver

First, declare and instantiate the Selenium WebDriver object that will orchestrate your browser automation:

Dim driver as New WebDriver
driver.Start "Chrome"

This creates a new WebDriver instance and specifies that we want to automate Google Chrome. You can use "Firefox", "Edge", "IE", or other supported browser names here.

Navigate to Web Page

Direct the automated browser to navigate to the desired URL:

driver.Get "http://example.python-scraping.com/places/default/index"

The browser will load the page and execute any dynamic content, JavaScript, and Ajax requests.

Locate Elements to Scrape

Use the browser developer tools to inspect the page source and identify the HTML elements containing the data you want to extract.

In this case, each country is represented by a <div> element with a CSS class of "country". We can select all these country <div>s using:

Set countryElements = driver.FindElementsByCss(".country")

To extract data from each country element, we‘ll grab the text of child elements:

name = countryElement.FindElementByCss(".country-name").Text
capital = countryElement.FindElementByCss(".country-capital").Text
population = countryElement.FindElementByCss(".country-population").Text
area = countryElement.FindElementByCss(".country-area").Text

Write Extracted Data to Excel

With the scraped data in hand, we can easily output it into cells in our active Excel worksheet:

Cells(row, 1).Value = name
Cells(row, 2).Value = capital
Cells(row, 3).Value = population
Cells(row, 4).Value = area

row = row + 1

By keeping track of the current row, we can increment the output position for each country, resulting in a nicely formatted table of country data.

Close Selenium Browser

After scraping is complete, it‘s a good practice to close the automated browser and clean up resources:


This will programmatically close the browser window(s) opened by Selenium.

Putting It All Together

Here‘s the complete example VBA subroutine that scrapes the list of countries and outputs the results to the active Excel worksheet:

Sub ScrapeCountries()

Dim driver As New WebDriver
driver.Start "Chrome"

driver.Get "http://example.python-scraping.com/places/default/index"

Dim countryElements As WebElements
Set countryElements = driver.FindElementsByCss(".country")

Dim row As Integer
row = 1

Dim countryElement As WebElement
For Each countryElement In countryElements

name = countryElement.FindElementByCss(".country-name").Text
capital = countryElement.FindElementByCss(".country-capital").Text
population = countryElement.FindElementByCss(".country-population").Text
area = countryElement.FindElementByCss(".country-area").Text

Cells(row, 1).Value = name
Cells(row, 2).Value = capital
Cells(row, 3).Value = population
Cells(row, 4).Value = area

row = row + 1

Next countryElement


End Sub

To execute this web scraping macro, simply open your Excel workbook, navigate to the Developer tab, click Macros, select ScrapeCountries, and click Run.

The code will launch an automated Chrome browser session, navigate to the target page, scrape the country data, output it into the active worksheet starting at cell A1, and then close the browser when finished.

With just a few dozen lines of VBA, you‘ve harnessed the power of Selenium to retrieve a data set from a live website directly into Excel. You can easily modify this code template to scrape data from other pages by adapting the target URL and CSS selectors.

Taking Your VBA Scraping to the Next Level

Building on the basic example above, there are many ways to enhance and optimize your VBA web scraping scripts:

Scrape Multiple Pages

Websites often spread data across many separate pages. To scrape these, you can use VBA loops and Selenium navigation functions like FindElementByCss and Click to programmatically click through pagination links.

Handle Authentication

Some pages require user login to access. You can automate authentication by locating login form fields with FindElementByCss, entering credentials with SendKeys, and submitting the form with Submit.

Download Files and Images

In addition to extracting text, you can retrieve files and images from scraped pages using Selenium element methods, the Excel Workbooks.Open command, and VBA Lib functions for saving binary data.

Output to Other Formats

While the example outputs scraped data directly to an Excel worksheet, you can adapt the code to save data in TXT, CSV, or other formats using VBA file output statements.

Schedule Recurring Scraping

To run your scraper unattended on a schedule, save your VBA-enabled Excel workbook and use Task Scheduler (Windows) or cron (Mac/Linux) to launch the workbook and trigger your macro at defined intervals.

Dealing With Anti-Bot Measures

Many websites employ techniques to block web scraping and ban suspicious traffic. Some common anti-bot measures you may encounter include:

  • User-agent checking
  • IP address rate limiting and blocking
  • Cookie tracking
  • JavaScript challenges and human verification
  • Dynamic page rendering with browser fingerprinting

To work around these, consider the following tips:

  • Rotate user-agent strings to diversify your traffic
  • Insert delays and limit concurrent connections to avoid aggressive crawling
  • Save and reuse session cookies to mimic human browsing
  • Investigate browser extensions to automate solving JS challenges
  • Use a headless browser or spoofed environment to avoid fingerprinting

The Selenium WebDriver API provides features for modifying headers, adding delays, and saving cookies to help manage these issues. However, always respect website terms of service and robots.txt restrictions.

Legacy Internet Explorer Approach

Historically, VBA web scraping was performed using the InternetExplorer object, which allowed direct automation of the legacy Internet Explorer browser. However, as IE has been deprecated and removed from Windows, this approach no longer works on modern systems.

If you‘re using an older environment with IE installed, you can adapt the VBA example to use InternetExplorer instead of Selenium:

Dim ie as Object
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

However, Selenium with Chrome or Firefox is recommended going forward to ensure compatibility and functionality.


Web scraping with VBA is a powerful technique for automating data extraction from websites directly into Excel. By leveraging the Selenium framework to control web browsers programmatically, you can navigate to pages, parse HTML, interact with elements, and retrieve text, links, images and more.

To get started with VBA web scraping, configure your environment by enabling the Developer ribbon in Excel, installing the SeleniumBasic library, and adding a reference to the Selenium API. From there, you can adapt the example code to specify your target URL and CSS selectors to extract the desired data from any web page.

As you scale your VBA scraping, be sure to add error handling, randomize user agents and delays, handle cookies, and respect robots.txt policies. With a bit of practice, you‘ll be able to build robust VBA scrapers to gather data on demand.

I hope this guide has been helpful in demonstrating the capabilities and use cases for web scraping using VBA and Excel. You now have the knowledge and code examples to begin extracting web data for your own projects and analyses. Happy scraping!

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