Agent 47 in Hitman 3: A Closer Look at the Iconic Assassin‘s Age

As an avid Hitman fan, I couldn‘t wait to step back into the shoes of the legendary Agent 47 in Hitman 3. This globe-trotting assassin has captivated gamers for over 20 years – but even hardcore fans may be wondering: what age is Agent 47 in Hitman 3?

A Genetically-Enhanced Clone, But Not Immortal

Before jumping to 47‘s current age, it‘s helpful to understand his origins. As detailed in the Hitman wikia, Agent 47 is a clones engineered as the perfect assassin specimen.

Created in secret labs by Dr. Otto Wolfgang Ort-Meyer, 47 exhibits peak physical fitness, rapid healing, and high intelligence thanks to various genetic enhancements. This [scientific paper in the Hitman universe]( Kovacs%27_report_on_Agent_47) analyzes his many augmented capabilities.

However, even 47‘s modified genetics only slow his aging rather than stop it fully.

"Despite his enhancements, 47 is still a human being and does continue to age as a normal man does." ^1

So while 47‘s body remains incredibly resilient even into his later years, he is not immortal – his skills will degrade over time. Keeping this in mind, let‘s examine Agent 47‘s current age at the time of Hitman 3.

Agent 47 is 57 Years Old During Hitman 3

In the latest addition to the Hitman trilogy, Agent 47 is 57 years old. Specifically, 47‘s biography lists his birthdate as September 5, 1964. Hitman 3 picks up with 47‘s story in early 2021. A simple calculation confirms that 47 is chronologically 57 when players guide him once more.

To summarize:

Year BornCurrent Year (Hitman 3)47‘s Age in Hitman 3

So at almost 60 years old, Agent 47 has quite a few kills already notched on his belt, even if he doesn‘t always look the part of a world-weary assassin. Let‘s discuss why 47 still appears so physically capable despite his actual age.

Enhanced Genetics Provide 47 the Fitness of a 30 Year Old

Upon first glance, most gamers likely peg 47 as appearing far younger than his 57 years suggest. And they wouldn‘t exactly be wrong.

As mentioned earlier, 47‘s various genetic engineering provides him with strength, stamina, and healing abilities superior to normal humans. So while 47 has lived for over half a century, his body operates as if he were still only in his late 20s or early 30s.

A 2012 medical examination from the in-game Hitman universe notes:

"The subject‘s physical conditioning, metabolism, immune system and healing rate indicate a man 30 years younger."

So even though 57 years have passed since 47‘s creation, he is still able to perform incredible athletic and combat feats thanks to Dr. Ort-Meyer‘s clandestine experiments. From a purely physical perspective, 47 is nearly as capable as he was 30 years prior.

This helps explain why 47 still blends in seamlessly on crowded streets and dispatches targets with deadly efficiency despite pushing 60. His experience combined with genetically-gifted abilities ensure 47 remains the apex assassin late into his life.

What Does the Future Hold for an Aging Agent 47?

Hitman 3 certainly won‘t mark the end of 47‘s murder-filled misadventures. This cold-blooded killer has headlined over half a dozen Hitman games since 2000 with more surely in the works.

But as the iconic barcode-adorned clone continues globetrotting in future installments, what might players expect from a 47 advancing into his 60s and beyond?

Will players guide an aging assassin, his deadly skills waning as his enhanced genetics finally betray him? Or will 47 terminate targets just as smoothly at 69 as he does at 59?

These questions will have fans speculating excitedly about the coming years. Personally, I suspect we‘ll see a 60-something 47 slowed but still quite lethally precise for another game or two. But eventually his age will catch up with him – and developers could craft an emotionally resonant conclusion befitting 47‘s storied tenure.

For now though, an undeniably experienced but very lively 57-year old Agent 47 takes center stage in Hitman 3. Even pushing 60, his augmented skills ensure no target will escape his appointment with death‘s red-tied envoy. But a day of retirement could await in 47‘s future…although he just might prefer dying with his hard-soled shoes on instead.

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